BBE Image Bible : Scripture in Images Psalms 32:10
10. The sinner will be full of trouble; but mercy will be round the man who has faith in the Lord.
Read the verse in its context BBE Psalms 32:10

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BBE summary for : Psalms 32
Summary: Psalm 32 is a reflection on the joy of God's forgiveness and the importance of confession. The psalm begins with a declaration of blessedness for those whose transgressions are forgiven and sins covered, emphasizing the relief and freedom that come from being reconciled with God. The psalmist recounts the anguish of unconfessed sin, describing how it weighed heavily upon him and affected his physical and emotional state. As he confesses his sins to the Lord, he experiences a profound release, underscoring the theme that God is faithful to forgive when we come to Him in repentance. The latter part of the psalm shifts to a note of instruction, where the psalmist encourages others to seek God while He may be found and to trust in His guidance. Overall, Psalm 32 highlights the transformative power of confession and forgiveness, illustrating a path from guilt to joy and the importance of maintaining a close relationship with God.
Read the Bible Verse Psalms 32:10 in other verses of the Bible. See => multilingual verses Psalms 32:10
Podcast : Listen to the Psalms and Proverbs Podcast on Spotify
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