Basic English Version : Read the Bible in 1 Year

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1 year reading plan for the old and new testaments of the Basic English Bible

Old Testament / New Testament Bible Reading Plan. We read 1-2 chapters of the Old Testament and 1-2 chapters of the New Testament. Psalms and Proverbs are included with the New Testament. The full reading plan is below. By reading 3 to 5 chapters a day (depending on the chapter length) and with about 15 minutes of reading, you can go through the Bible in 6 months.

Statistics show that most people who profess faith in Jesus have never fully read their Bibles. Many people start reading the Bible but are then overwhelmed by the number of chapters (1,189) and verses (31,102) it contains. What we don’t realize is that we can read the Bible in 6 months by reading an average of 7 chapters a day. This reading plan is also available in Podcast format which makes it easy to listen to the Bible every day while traveling by car or public transport. The text is simpler than the KJV version and is consequently easy to read and listen to. As such it is often used as a means to learn the English language. In the audio format each episode lasts roughly 15 minutes.

By dividing the Bible into 365 daily readings, your goal of reading the Bible in 1 year can easily be achieved.