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ASV_Strong : Joshua 6


1. Now Jericho[H3405] was straitly[H5462] shut up[H5462] because[H6440] of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478]: none went out[H3318], and none came in[H935].

2. And Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto Joshua[H3091], See[H7200], I have given[H5414] into thy hand[H3027] Jericho[H3405], and the king[H4428] thereof[H1368], and the mighty men of valor[H2428].

3. And ye shall compass[H5437] the city[H5892], all the men[H582] of war[H4421], going about[H5362] the city[H5892] once[H6471]. Thus shalt thou do[H6213] six[H8337] days[H3117].

4. And seven[H7651] priests[H3548] shall bear[H5375] seven[H7651] trumpets[H7782] of rams[H3104]' horns before[H6440] the ark[H727]: and the seventh[H7637] day[H3117] ye shall compass[H5437] the city[H5892] seven[H7651] times[H6471], and the priests[H3548] shall blow[H8628] the trumpets[H7782].

5. And it shall be[H4900], that, when they make a long blast with the ram[H3104]'s horn[H7161], and when ye hear[H8085] the sound[H6963] of the trumpet[H7782], all the people[H5971] shall shout[H7321] with a great[H1419] shout[H7321]; and the wall[H2346] of the city[H5892] shall fall down[H5307] flat[H8478], and the people[H5971] shall go up[H5927] every man straight before him[H376].

6. And Joshua[H3091] the son[H1121] of Nun[H5126] called[H7121] the priests[H3548], and said[H559] unto them[H5375], Take up the ark[H727] of the covenant[H1285], and let seven[H7651] priests[H3548] bear[H5375] seven[H7651] trumpets[H7782] of rams[H3104]' horns before[H6440] the ark[H727] of Jehovah[H3068].

7. And they said[H559] unto the people[H5971], Pass on[H5674], and compass[H5437] the city[H5892], and let the armed[H2502] men pass on[H5674] before[H6440] the ark[H727] of Jehovah[H3068].

8. And it was so[H3091], that, when Joshua had spoken[H559] unto the people[H5971], the seven[H7651] priests[H3548] bearing[H5375] the seven[H7651] trumpets[H7782] of rams[H3104]' horns before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] passed on[H5674], and blew[H8628] the trumpets[H7782]: and the ark[H727] of the covenant[H1285] of Jehovah[H3068] followed[H1980] them[H310].

9. And the armed[H2502] men went[H1980] before[H6440] the priests[H3548] that blew[H8628] the trumpets[H7782], and the rearward[H622] went[H1980] after[H310] the ark[H727], the priests blowing[H8628] the trumpets[H7782] as they went[H1980].

10. And Joshua[H3091] commanded[H6680] the people[H5971], saying[H559], Ye shall not shout[H7321], nor let your voice[H6963] be heard[H8085], neither shall any word[H1697] proceed[H3318] out of your mouth[H6310], until the day[H3117] I bid[H559] you shout[H7321]; then shall ye shout[H7321].

11. So he caused the ark[H727] of Jehovah[H3068] to compass[H5437] the city[H5892], going about[H5362] it once[H6471]: and they came[H935] into the camp[H4264], and lodged[H3885] in the camp[H4264].

12. And Joshua[H3091] rose early[H7925] in the morning[H1242], and the priests[H3548] took up[H5375] the ark[H727] of Jehovah[H3068].

13. And the seven[H7651] priests[H3548] bearing[H5375] the seven[H7651] trumpets[H7782] of rams[H3104]' horns before[H6440] the ark[H727] of Jehovah[H3068] went on[H1980] continually[H1980], and blew[H8628] the trumpets[H7782]: and the armed men[H2502] went[H1980] before[H6440] them[H622]; and the rearward came[H1980] after[H310] the ark[H727] of Jehovah[H3068], the priests blowing[H8628] the trumpets[H7782] as they went[H1980].

14. And the second[H8145] day[H3117] they compassed[H5437] the city[H5892] once[H6471], and returned[H7725] into the camp[H4264]: so they did[H6213] six[H8337] days[H3117].

15. And it came to pass on the seventh[H7637] day[H3117], that they rose early[H7925] at the dawning[H5927] of the day[H7837], and compassed[H5437] the city[H5892] after the same manner[H4941] seven[H7651] times[H6471]: only on that day[H3117] they compassed[H5437] the city[H5892] seven[H7651] times[H6471].

16. And it came to pass at the seventh[H7637] time[H6471], when the priests[H3548] blew[H8628] the trumpets[H7782], Joshua[H3091] said[H559] unto the people[H5971], Shout[H7321]; for Jehovah[H3068] hath given[H5414] you the city[H5892].

17. And the city[H5892] shall be devoted[H2764], even it and all that is therein[H3068], to Jehovah: only Rahab[H7343] the harlot[H2181] shall live[H2421], she and all that are with her in the house[H1004], because she hid[H2244] the messengers[H4397] that we sent[H7971].

18. But as for you[H7535], only keep[H8104] yourselves from the devoted thing[H2764], lest when ye have devoted[H2763] it[H3947], ye take of the devoted thing[H2764]; so would ye make[H7760] the camp[H4264] of Israel[H3478] accursed[H2764], and trouble it[H5916].

19. But all the silver[H3701], and gold[H2091], and vessels[H3627] of brass[H5178] and iron[H1270], are holy[H6944] unto Jehovah[H3068]: they shall come[H935] into the treasury[H214] of Jehovah[H3068].

20. So the people[H5971] shouted[H7321], and the priests blew[H8628] the trumpets[H7782]; and it came to pass[H5971], when the people heard[H8085] the sound[H6963] of the trumpet[H7782], that the people[H5971] shouted[H7321] with a great[H1419] shout[H8643], and the wall[H2346] fell down flat[H5307], so that the people[H5971] went up[H5927] into the city[H5892], every man[H376] straight before him[H3920], and they took the city[H5892].

21. And they utterly destroyed[H2763] all that was in the city[H5892], both man[H376] and woman[H802], both young[H5288] and old[H2205], and ox[H7794], and sheep[H7716], and ass[H2543], with the edge[H6310] of the sword[H2719].

22. And Joshua[H3091] said[H559] unto the two[H8147] men[H582] that had spied out[H7270] the land[H776], Go[H935] into the harlot[H2181]'s house[H1004], and bring out[H3318] thence the woman[H802], and all that she hath[H7650], as ye sware unto her.

23. And the young men[H5288] the spies[H7270] went in[H935], and brought out[H3318] Rahab[H7343], and her father[H1], and her mother[H517], and her brethren[H251], and all that she had[H4940]; all her kindred also they brought out[H3318]; and they set[H3240] them without[H2351] the camp[H4264] of Israel[H3478].

24. And they burnt[H8313] the city[H5892] with fire[H784], and all that was therein[H3701]; only the silver, and the gold[H2091], and the vessels[H3627] of brass[H5178] and of iron[H1270], they put[H5414] into the treasury[H214] of the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068].

25. But Rahab[H7343] the harlot[H2181], and her father[H1]'s household[H1004], and all that she had[H3091], did Joshua save[H2421] alive[H2421]; and she dwelt[H3427] in[H7130] the midst of Israel[H3478] unto this day[H3117], because she hid[H2244] the messengers[H4397], whom Joshua[H3091] sent[H7971] to spy out[H7270] Jericho[H3405].

26. And Joshua[H3091] charged[H7650] them with an oath at that time[H6256], saying[H559], Cursed[H779] be the man[H376] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068], that riseth up[H6965] and buildeth[H1129] this city[H5892] Jericho[H3405]: with the loss of his first-born[H1060] shall he lay the foundation[H3245] thereof[H6810], and with the loss of his youngest son shall he set up[H5324] the gates of it[H1817].

27. So Jehovah[H3068] was with Joshua[H3091]; and his fame[H8089] was in all the land[H776].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

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