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ASV_Strong : Joshua 5


1. And it came to pass[H4428], when all the kings of the Amorites[H567], that were beyond[H5676] the Jordan[H3383] westward[H3220], and all the kings[H4428] of the Canaanites[H3669], that were by the sea[H3220], heard[H8085] how that Jehovah[H3068] had dried up[H3001] the waters[H4325] of the Jordan[H3383] from before[H6440] the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], until we were passed over[H5674], that their heart[H3824] melted[H4549], neither was there spirit[H7307] in them any more[H6440], because of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478].

2. At that time[H6256] Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto Joshua[H3091], Make[H6213] thee knives[H2719] of flint[H6697], and circumcise[H4135] again[H7725] the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] the second time[H8145].

3. And Joshua[H3091] made[H6213] him knives[H2719] of flint[H6697], and circumcised[H4135] the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] at the hill[H1389] of the foreskins[H6190].

4. And this is the cause[H1697] why Joshua[H3091] did circumcise[H4135]: all the people[H5971] that came forth out[H3318] of Egypt[H4714], that were males[H2145], even all the men[H582] of war[H4421], died[H4191] in the wilderness[H4057] by the way[H1870], after they came forth out[H3318] of Egypt[H4714].

5. For[H3588] all the people[H5971] that came out[H3318] were circumcised[H4135]; but all the people[H5971] that were born[H3209] in the wilderness[H4057] by the way[H1870] as they came forth[H3318] out of Egypt[H4714], they had not circumcised[H4135].

6. For the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] walked[H1980] forty[H705] years[H8141] in the wilderness[H4057], till all the nation[H1471], even the men[H582] of war[H4421] that came forth out[H3318] of Egypt[H4714], were consumed[H8552], because they hearkened[H8085] not unto the voice[H6963] of Jehovah[H3068]: unto whom Jehovah[H3068] sware[H7650] that he would not let them see[H7200] the land[H776] which Jehovah[H3068] sware[H7650] unto their fathers[H1] that he would give[H5414] us[H776], a land flowing[H2100] with milk[H2461] and honey[H1706].

7. And their children[H1121], whom he raised up[H6965] in their stead[H3091], them did Joshua circumcise[H4135]: for they were uncircumcised[H6189], because they had not circumcised[H4135] them by the way[H1870].

8. And it came to pass[H8552], when they had done circumcising[H4135] all the nation[H1471], that they abode[H3427] in their places in the camp[H4264], till they were whole[H2421].

9. And Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto Joshua[H3091], This day[H3117] have I rolled away[H1556] the reproach[H2781] of Egypt[H4714] from off you[H8034]. Wherefore the name of that place[H4725] was called[H7121] Gilgal[H1537], unto this day[H3117].

10. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] encamped[H2583] in Gilgal[H1537]; and they kept[H6213] the passover[H6453] on the fourteenth[H702] day[H3117] of the month[H2320] at even[H6153] in the plains[H6160] of Jericho[H3405].

11. And they did eat[H398] of the produce[H5669] of the land[H776] on the morrow[H4283] after the passover[H6453], unleavened cakes[H4682] and parched[H7033] grain[H6106], in the selfsame day[H3117].

12. And the manna[H4478] ceased[H7673] on the morrow[H4283], after they had eaten[H398] of the produce[H5669] of the land[H776]; neither had the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] manna[H4478] any more[H398]; but they did eat of the fruit[H8393] of the land[H776] of Canaan[H3667] that year[H8141].

13. And it came to pass[H3091], when Joshua was by Jericho[H3405], that he lifted up[H5375] his eyes[H5869] and looked[H7200], and[H5975], behold, there stood a man[H376] over against him with his sword[H2719] drawn[H8025] in his hand[H3027]: and Joshua[H3091] went[H3212] unto him[H559], and said unto him[H6862], Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?

14. And he said[H559], Nay[H8269]; but as prince of the host[H6635] of Jehovah[H3068] am I now come[H935]. And Joshua[H3091] fell[H5307] on his face[H6440] to the earth[H776], and did worship[H7812], and said[H559] unto him[H559], What saith my lord[H113] unto his servant[H5650]?

15. And the prince[H8269] of Jehovah[H3068]'s host[H6635] said[H559] unto Joshua[H3091], Put off[H5394] thy shoe[H5275] from off thy foot[H7272]; for the place[H4725] whereon thou standest[H5975] is holy[H6944]. And Joshua[H3091] did so[H6213].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

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