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ASV_Strong : Joshua 17


1. And this was the lot[H1486] for the tribe[H4294] of Manasseh[H4519]; for he was the first-born[H1060] of Joseph[H3130]. As for Machir[H4353] the first-born[H1060] of Manasseh[H4519], the father[H1] of Gilead[H1568], because he was a man[H376] of war[H4421], therefore he had Gilead[H1568] and Bashan[H1316].

2. So the lot was for the rest[H3498] of the children[H1121] of Manasseh[H4519] according to their families[H4940]: for the children[H1121] of Abiezer[H44], and for the children[H1121] of Helek[H2507], and for the children[H1121] of Asriel[H844], and for the children[H1121] of Shechem[H7928], and for the children[H1121] of Hepher[H2660], and for the children[H1121] of Shemida[H8061]: these were the male[H2145] children[H1121] of Manasseh[H4519] the son[H1121] of Joseph[H3130] according to their families[H4940].

3. But Zelophehad[H6765], the son[H1121] of Hepher[H2660], the son[H1121] of Gilead[H1568], the son[H1121] of Machir[H4353], the son[H1121] of Manasseh[H4519], had no sons[H1121], but daughters[H1323]: and these are the names[H8034] of his daughters[H1323]: Mahlah[H4244], and Noah[H5270], Hoglah[H2295], Milcah[H4435], and Tirzah[H8656].

4. And they came near[H7126] before[H6440] Eleazar[H499] the priest[H3548], and before[H6440] Joshua[H3091] the son[H1121] of Nun[H5126], and before[H6440] the princes[H5387], saying[H559], Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H6680] Moses[H4872] to give[H5414] us an inheritance[H5159] among[H8432] our brethren[H251]: therefore according to the commandment[H6310] of Jehovah[H3068] he gave[H5414] them an inheritance[H5159] among[H8432] the brethren[H251] of their father[H1].

5. And there fell[H5307] ten[H6235] parts[H2256] to Manasseh[H4519], besides the land[H776] of Gilead[H1568] and Bashan[H1316], which is beyond[H5676] the Jordan[H3383];

6. because the daughters[H1323] of Manasseh[H4519] had[H5157] an inheritance[H5159] among[H8432] his sons[H1121]. And the land[H776] of Gilead[H1568] belonged unto the rest[H3498] of the sons[H1121] of Manasseh[H4519].

7. And the border[H1366] of Manasseh[H4519] was from Asher[H836] to Michmethath[H4366], which is before[H6440] Shechem[H7927]; and the border[H1366] went along[H1980] to the right hand[H3225], unto the inhabitants[H3427] of En-tappuah[H5887].

8. The land[H776] of Tappuah[H8599] belonged to Manasseh[H4519]; but Tappuah[H8599] on the border[H1366] of Manasseh[H4519] belonged to the children[H1121] of Ephraim[H669].

9. And the border[H1366] went down[H3381] unto the brook[H5158] of Kanah[H7071], southward[H5045] of the brook[H5158]: these cities[H5892] belonged to Ephraim[H669] among[H8432] the cities[H5892] of Manasseh[H4519]: and the border[H1366] of Manasseh[H4519] was on the north side[H6828] of the brook[H5158], and the goings[H8444] out thereof were at the sea[H3220]:

10. southward[H5045] it was Ephraim[H669]'s, and northward[H6828] it was Manasseh[H4519]'s, and the sea[H3220] was his border[H1366]; and they reached[H6293] to Asher[H836] on the north[H6828], and to Issachar[H3485] on the east[H4217].

11. And Manasseh[H4519] had in Issachar[H3485] and in Asher[H836] Beth-shean[H1052] and its towns[H1323], and Ibleam[H2991] and its towns[H1323], and the inhabitants[H3427] of Dor[H1756] and its towns[H1323], and the inhabitants[H3427] of En-dor[H5874] and its towns[H1323], and the inhabitants[H3427] of Taanach[H8590] and its towns[H1323], and the inhabitants[H3427] of Megiddo[H4023] and its towns[H1323], even the three[H7969] heights[H5316].

12. Yet the children[H1121] of Manasseh[H4519] could[H3201] not drive out[H3423] the inhabitants of those cities[H5892]; but the Canaanites[H3669] would[H2974] dwell[H3427] in that land[H776].

13. And it came to pass[H1121], when the children of Israel[H3478] were waxed strong[H2388], that they put[H5414] the Canaanites[H3669] to taskwork[H4522], and did not utterly[H3423] drive them out[H3423].

14. And the children[H1121] of Joseph[H3130] spake[H1696] unto Joshua[H3091], saying[H559], Why hast thou given[H5414] me but one[H259] lot[H1486] and one[H259] part[H2256] for an inheritance[H5159], seeing I am a great[H7227] people[H5971], forasmuch as[H5704] hitherto[H3541] Jehovah[H3068] hath blessed me[H1288]?

15. And Joshua[H3091] said[H559] unto them[H7227], If thou be a great people[H5971], get thee up[H5927] to the forest[H3293], and cut down[H1254] for thyself there in the land[H776] of the Perizzites[H6522] and of the Rephaim[H7497]; since the hill-country[H2022] of Ephraim[H669] is too narrow for thee[H213].

16. And the children[H1121] of Joseph[H3130] said[H559], The hill-country[H2022] is not enough[H4672] for us[H3669]: and all the Canaanites that dwell[H3427] in the land[H776] of the valley[H6010] have chariots[H7393] of iron[H1270], both they who are in Beth-shean[H1052] and its towns[H1323], and they who are in the valley[H6010] of Jezreel[H3157].

17. And Joshua[H3091] spake[H559] unto the house[H1004] of Joseph[H3130], even to Ephraim[H669] and to Manasseh[H4519], saying[H559], Thou art a great[H7227] people[H5971], and hast great[H1419] power[H3581]; thou shalt not have one[H259] lot only[H1486]:

18. but the hill-country[H2022] shall be thine[H3293]; for though it is a forest, thou shalt cut it down[H1254], and the goings[H8444] out thereof shall be thine[H3423]; for thou shalt drive out the Canaanites[H3669], though they have chariots[H7393] of iron[H1270], and though they are strong[H2389].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

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