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ASV_Strong : James 4


1. Whence[G4159] come wars[G4171] and[G2532] whence come fightings[G3163] among[G1722] you[G5213]? come they not[G3756] hence[G1782], even of[G1537] your[G5216] pleasures[G2237] that war[G4754] in[G1722] your[G5216] members[G3196]?

2. Ye lust[G1937], and[G2532] have[G2192] not[G3756]: ye kill[G5407], and[G2532] covet[G2206], and[G2532] cannot[G1410, 3756] obtain[G2013]: ye fight[G3164] and[G2532] war[G4170]; [G1161] ye have[G2192] not[G3756], because[G1223] ye[G5209] ask[G154] not[G3756].

3. Ye ask[G154], and[G2532] receive[G2983] not[G3756], because[G1360] ye ask[G154] amiss[G2560], that[G2443] ye may spend[G1159] it in[G1722] your[G5216] pleasures[G2237].

4. Ye[G3432, 2532] adulteresses[G3428], know ye[G1492] not[G3756] that[G3754] the friendship[G5373] of the world[G2889] is[G2076] enmity[G2189] with God[G2316]? Whosoever[G3739, Leviticus2] therefore[G3767] would[G1014] be[G1511] a friend[G5384] of the world[G2889] maketh[G2525] himself an enemy[G2190] of God[G2316].

5. Or think[G1380] ye that[G3754] the scripture[G1124] speaketh[G3004] in vain[G2761]? Doth the spirit[G4151] which[G2730] he made to[G4314] dwell[G2730] in[G1722] us[G2254] long[G1971] unto[G4314] envying[G5355]?

6. But[G1161] he giveth[G1325] more[G3173] grace[G5485]. Wherefore[G1352] the scripture saith[G3004], God[G2316] resisteth[G498] the proud[G5244], but[G1161] giveth[G1325] grace[G5485] to the humble[G5011].

7. Be subject[G5293] therefore[G3767] unto God[G2316]; but resist[G436] the devil[G1228], and[G2532] he will flee[G5343] from[G575] you[G5216].

8. Draw nigh[G1448] to God[G2316], and[G2532] he will draw nigh[G1448] to you[G5213]. Cleanse[G2511] your hands[G5495], ye sinners[G268]; and[G2532] purify[G48] your hearts[G2588], ye doubleminded[G1374].

9. Be afflicted[G5003], and[G2532] mourn[G3996], and[G2532] weep[G2799]: let[G3344] your[G5216] laughter[G1071] be turned[G3344] to[G1519] mourning[G3997], and[G2532] your joy[G5479] to[G1519] heaviness[G2726].

10. Humble yourselves[G5013] in the sight of[G1799] the Lord[G2962], and[G2532] he shall exalt[G5312, 5312] you[G5209].

11. Speak[G2635] not[G3361] one against[G2635] another[G240], brethren[G80]. He that[G3588] speaketh against[G2635] a brother[G80], or[G2532] judgeth[G2919] his[G846] brother[G80], speaketh against[G2635] the law[G3551], and[G2532] judgeth[G2919] the law[G3551]: but[G1161] if[G1487] thou judgest[G2919] the law[G3551], thou art[G1488] not[G3756] a doer[G4163] of the law[G3551], but[G235] a judge[G2923].

12. One[G1520] only is[G2076] the lawgiver[G3550] and judge[G3588], even he who is able[G1410] to save[G4982] and[G2532] to destroy[G622]: but who[G5101] art[G1488] thou[G4771] that[G3739] judgest[G2919] thy neighbor[G2087]?

13. Come[G71] now[G3568], ye[G3588] that say[G3004], To-day[G4594] or[G2532] to-morrow[G839] we will go[G4198] into[G1519] this[G3592] city[G4172], and[G2532] spend[G4160] a[G1520] year[G1763] there[G1563], and[G2532] trade[G1710], and[G2532] get gain[G2770]:

14. whereas[G3748] ye know[G1987] not[G3756] what[G3588] shall be on the morrow[G839]. [G1063] What[G4169] is your[G5216] life[G2222]? For ye are[G2076] a[G1063] vapor[G822], that appeareth[G5316] for[G4314] a little time[G3641], and[G1161] then[G1899] vanisheth away[G853].

15. For that[G473] ye[G5209] ought to say[G3004], If[G1437] the Lord[G2962] will[G2532], we shall both live[G2198], and[G2532] do[G4160] this[G5124] or[G2228] that[G1565].

16. But[G1161] now[G3568] ye glory[G2744] in[G1722] your[G5216] vauntings[G212]: all[G3956] such[G5108] glorying[G2746] is[G2076] evil[G4190].

17. To him therefore[G3767] that knoweth[G1492] to do[G4160] good[G2570], and[G2532] doeth[G4160] it not[G3361], to him[G846] it is[G2076] sin[G266].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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