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ASV_Strong : 1 Thessalonians 2


1. For[G1063] yourselves[G846], brethren[G80], know[G1492] our[G2257] entering in[G1529] unto[G4314] you[G5209], that[G3754] it hath[G1096] not[G3756] been found vain[G2756]:

2. but[G235, 2532] having suffered before[G4310] and[G2532] been shamefully treated[G5195], as[G2531] ye know[G1492], at[G1722] Philippi[G5375], we waxed bold[G3955] in[G1722] our[G2257] God[G2316] to speak[G2980] unto[G4314] you[G5209] the gospel[G2098] of God[G2316] in[G1722] much[G4183] conflict[G73].

3. For[G1063] our[G2257] exhortation[G3874] is not[G3756] of[G1537] error[G4106], nor[G3761] of[G1537] uncleanness[G167], nor[G3777] in[G1722] guile[G1388]:

4. but[G235] even as[G2531] we have been approved[G1381] of[G5259] God[G2316] to be intrusted with[G4100] the gospel[G2098], so[G3779] we speak[G2980]; not[G3756] as[G5613] pleasing[G700] men[G444], but[G235] God[G2316] who[G3588] proveth[G1381] our[G2257] hearts[G2588].

5. For[G1063] neither[G3777] at any time[G4218] were we[G1096] found using words[G3056] of flattery[G2850], as[G2531] ye know[G1492], nor[G3777] a cloak[G4392] of covetousness[G4124], God[G2316] is witness[G3144];

6. nor[G3777] seeking glory[G1391] of[G1537] men[G444], neither[G3777] from[G575] you[G5216] nor[G3777] from[G575] others[G243], when we might[G1410] have[G1511] claimed[G1722] authority[G922] as[G5613] apostles[G652] of Christ[G5547].

7. But[G235] we were[G1096] gentle[G2261] in the midst[G1722] of you[G5216], [G302] as[G5613] when a nurse[G5162] cherisheth[G2282] her[G1438] own children[G5043]:

8. even so[G3779], being affectionately desirous[G2442] of you[G5216], we were well pleased[G2106] to impart[G3330] unto you[G5213], not[G3756] the gospel[G2098] of God[G2316] only[G3440], but[G235] also[G2532] our own[G1438] souls[G5590], because[G1360] ye were[G1096] become very dear[G27] to us[G2254].

9. For[G1063] ye remember[G3421], brethren[G80], our[G2257] labor[G2873] and[G2532] travail[G3449]: [G1063] working[G2038] night[G3571] and[G2532] day[G2250], that[G4314] we might[G1912] not[G3361] burden[G1912] any[G5100] of you[G5216], we preached[G2784] unto[G1912] you[G5209] the gospel[G2098] of God[G2316].

10. Ye[G5210] are witnesses[G3144], and[G2532] God[G2316] also[G5613], how holily[G3743] and[G2532] righteously[G1346] and[G2532] unblameably[G274] we behaved ourselves[G1096] toward you[G5213] that[G3588] believe[G4100]:

11. as[G2509] ye know[G1492] how[G5613] we dealt with each[G1538] one[G1520] of you[G5216], as[G5613] a father[G3962] with his[G1438] own children[G5043], exhorting[G3870] you[G2532], and encouraging[G3888] you[G2532], and testifying[G3140],

12. to the end that[G1519] ye[G5209] should walk[G4043] worthily[G516] of God[G2316], who[G3588] calleth[G2564] you[G5209] into[G1519] his[G1438] own kingdom[G932] and[G2532] glory[G1391].

13. And for[G1223] this[G5124] cause[G1223] we[G2249] also[G2532] thank[G2168] God[G2316] without ceasing[G89], that[G3754], when ye received[G3880] from[G3844] us[G2257] the word[G3056] of the message[G3056], even the word of God[G2316], ye accepted[G1209] it not[G3756] as the word[G3056] of men[G444], but[G235], as[G2531] it is[G2076] in truth[G230], the word[G3056] of God[G2316], which[G3739] also[G2532] worketh[G1754] in[G1722] you[G5213] that[G3588] believe[G4100].

14. For[G1063] ye[G5210], brethren[G80], became[G1096] imitators[G3402] of the churches[G1577] of God[G2316] which[G3588] are[G5607] in[G1722] Judaea[G2449] in[G1722] Christ[G5547] Jesus[G2424]: for[G3754] ye[G5210] also[G2532] suffered[G3958] the same things[G5024] of[G5259] your own[G2398] countrymen[G4853], even[G2532] as[G2531] they[G846] did of[G5259] the Jews[G2453];

15. who[G3588] both[G2532] killed[G615] the Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424] and[G2532] the[G2398] prophets[G4396], and[G2532] drove[G1559] out us[G2248], and[G2532] pleased[G700] not[G3361] God[G2316], and[G2532] are contrary[G1727] to all[G3956] men[G444];

16. forbidding[G2967] us[G2248] to speak[G2980] to the Gentiles[G1484] that[G2443] they may be saved[G4982]; to[G1519] fill up[G378] their[G846] sins[G266] always[G3842]: but[G1161] the wrath[G3709] is come[G5348] upon[G1909] them[G846] to[G1519] the uttermost[G5056].

17. But[G1161] we[G2249], brethren[G80], being bereaved[G642] of[G575] you[G5216] for[G4314] a short[G5610] season[G2540], in presence[G4383] not[G3756] in heart[G2588], endeavored[G4704] the more exceedingly[G4056] to see[G1492] your[G5216] face[G4383] with[G1722] great[G4183] desire[G4314]:

18. because[G1352] we would fain have[G2309] come[G2064] unto[G4314] you[G5209], I[G1473] Paul[G3972] once[G530] and[G2532] again[G1364]; and[G2532] Satan[G4567] hindered[G1465] us[G2532].

19. For[G1063] what[G5101] is our[G2257] hope[G1680], or[G2228] joy[G5479], or[G2228] crown[G4735] of glorying[G2746]? Are not[G3780] even[G2532] ye[G5210], before[G1715] our[G2257] Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424, 5547] at[G1722] his[G846] coming[G3952]?

20. For[G1063] ye[G5210] are[G2075] our[G2257] glory[G1391] and[G2532] our joy[G5479].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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