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ASV_Strong : Deuteronomy 4


1. And now[H3478], O Israel, hearken[H8085] unto the statutes[H2706] and unto the ordinances[H4941], which I teach[H3925] you[H6213], to do them[H2421]; that ye may live, and go in[H935] and possess[H3423] the land[H776] which Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of your fathers[H1], giveth you[H5414].

2. Ye shall not add[H3254] unto the word[H1697] which I command[H6680] you[H1639], neither shall ye diminish from it[H8104], that ye may keep the commandments[H4687] of Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430] which I command you[H6680].

3. Your eyes[H5869] have seen[H7200] what Jehovah[H3068] did[H6213] because of Baal-peor[H1187]; for all the men[H376] that followed[H310] Baal-peor[H1187], Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] hath destroyed[H8045] them from the midst of thee[H7130].

4. But ye that did cleave[H1695] unto Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430] are alive[H2416] every one of you this day[H3117].

5. Behold[H7200], I have taught[H3925] you statutes[H2706] and ordinances[H4941], even as[H834] Jehovah[H3068] my God[H430] commanded[H6680] me[H6213], that ye should do so in[H7130] the midst of the land[H776] whither ye go[H935] in to possess it[H3423].

6. Keep[H8104] therefore and do[H6213] them[H2451]; for this is your wisdom and your understanding[H998] in the sight[H5869] of the peoples[H5971], that shall hear[H8085] all these statutes[H2706], and say[H559], Surely this great[H1419] nation[H1471] is a wise[H2450] and understanding[H995] people[H5971].

7. For what great[H1419] nation[H1471] is there[H430], that hath a god so nigh[H7138] unto them[H3068], as Jehovah our God[H430] is whensoever we call upon him[H7121]?

8. And what great[H1419] nation[H1471] is there[H2706], that hath statutes and ordinances[H4941] so righteous[H6662] as all this law[H8451], which I set[H5414] before[H6440] you this day[H3117]?

9. Only take heed[H8104] to thyself[H8104], and keep thy soul[H5315] diligently[H3966], lest thou forget[H7911] the things[H1697] which thine eyes[H5869] saw[H7200], and lest they depart[H5493] from thy heart[H3824] all the days[H3117] of thy life[H2416]; but make them known[H3045] unto thy children[H1121] and thy children[H1121]'s children[H1121];

10. the day[H3117] that thou stoodest[H5975] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] in Horeb[H2722], when Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto me[H6950], Assemble me[H6950] the people[H5971], and I will make them hear[H8085] my words[H1697], that they may learn[H3925] to fear[H3372] me all the days[H3117] that they live[H2416] upon the earth[H127], and that they may teach[H3925] their children[H1121].

11. And ye came near[H7126] and stood[H5975] under the mountain[H2022]; and the mountain[H2022] burned[H1197] with fire[H784] unto the heart[H3820] of heaven[H8064], with darkness[H6205], cloud[H2822], and thick darkness.

12. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto you out of the midst[H8432] of the fire[H784]: ye heard[H8085] the voice[H6963] of words[H1697], but ye saw[H7200] no form[H8544]; only[H2108] ye heard a voice[H6963].

13. And he declared[H5046] unto you his covenant[H1285], which he commanded[H6680] you to perform[H6213], even the ten[H6235] commandments[H1697]; and he wrote[H3789] them upon two[H8147] tables[H3871] of stone[H68].

14. And Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H6680] me at that time[H6256] to teach[H3925] you statutes[H2706] and ordinances[H4941], that ye might do[H6213] them in the land[H776] whither ye go over[H5674] to possess it[H3423].

15. Take ye therefore good[H3966] heed[H8104] unto yourselves[H5315]; for ye saw[H7200] no manner of form[H8544] on the day[H3117] that Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto you in Horeb[H2722] out of the midst[H8432] of the fire[H784].

16. Lest ye corrupt[H7843] yourselves[H6213], and make you a graven image[H6459] in the form[H8544] of any figure[H5566], the likeness[H8403] of male[H2145] or female[H5347],

17. the likeness[H8403] of any beast[H929] that is on the earth[H776], the likeness[H8403] of any winged[H3671] bird[H6833] that flieth[H5774] in the heavens[H8064],

18. the likeness[H8403] of anything that creepeth[H7430] on the ground[H127], the likeness[H8403] of any fish[H1710] that is in the water[H4325] under[H8478] the earth[H776];

19. and lest thou lift up[H5375] thine eyes[H5869] unto heaven[H8064], and when thou seest[H7200] the sun[H8121] and the moon[H3394] and the stars[H3556], even all the host[H6635] of heaven[H8064], thou be drawn[H5080] away and worship[H7812] them[H5647], and serve them[H3068], which Jehovah thy God[H430] hath allotted[H2505] unto all the peoples[H5971] under the whole heaven[H8064].

20. But Jehovah[H3068] hath taken[H3947] you[H3318], and brought you forth out of the iron[H1270] furnace[H3564], out of Egypt[H4714], to be unto him a people[H5971] of inheritance[H5159], as at this day[H3117].

21. Furthermore Jehovah[H3068] was angry[H599] with me for your sakes[H1697], and sware[H7650] that I should not go over[H5674] the Jordan[H3383], and that I should not go[H935] in unto that good[H2896] land[H776], which Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] giveth[H5414] thee for an inheritance[H5159]:

22. but I must die[H4191] in this land[H776], I must not go over[H5674] the Jordan[H3383]; but ye shall go over[H5674], and possess[H3423] that good[H2896] land[H776].

23. Take heed[H8104] unto yourselves[H7911], lest ye forget the covenant[H1285] of Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430], which he made[H3772] with you[H6213], and make you a graven image[H6459] in the form[H8544] of anything[H3605] which Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] hath forbidden thee[H6680].

24. For Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] is a devouring[H398] fire[H784], a jealous[H7067] God[H430].

25. When thou shalt beget[H3205] children[H1121], and children[H1121]'s children[H1121], and ye shall have been long[H3462] in the land[H776], and shall corrupt[H7843] yourselves[H6213], and make a graven image[H6459] in the form[H8544] of anything[H6213], and shall do that which is evil[H7451] in the sight[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430], to provoke him to anger[H3707];

26. I call[H5749] heaven[H8064] and earth[H776] to witness[H5749] against you this day[H3117], that ye shall soon[H4118] utterly[H6] perish[H6] from off the land[H776] whereunto ye go over[H5674] the Jordan[H3383] to possess[H3423] it[H748]; ye shall not prolong your days[H3117] upon it[H8045], but shall utterly be destroyed[H8045].

27. And Jehovah[H3068] will scatter[H6327] you among the peoples[H5971], and ye shall be left[H7604] few[H4962] in number[H4557] among the nations[H1471], whither Jehovah[H3068] shall lead you away[H5090].

28. And there ye shall serve[H5647] gods[H430], the work[H4639] of men[H120]'s hands[H3027], wood[H6086] and stone[H68], which neither see[H7200], nor hear[H8085], nor eat[H398], nor smell[H7306].

29. But from thence ye shall seek[H1245] Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430], and thou shalt find[H4672] him[H1875], when thou searchest after him with all thy heart[H3824] and with all thy soul[H5315].

30. When thou art in tribulation[H6862], and all these things[H1697] are come[H4672] upon thee[H319], in the latter days[H3117] thou shalt return[H7725] to Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430], and hearken[H8085] unto his voice[H6963]:

31. for Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] is a merciful[H7349] God[H430]; he will not fail[H7503] thee[H7843], neither destroy thee[H7911], nor forget the covenant[H1285] of thy fathers[H1] which he sware unto them[H7650].

32. For ask[H7592] now of the days[H3117] that are past[H7223], which were[H1961] before[H6440] thee[H3117], since the day that God[H430] created[H1254] man[H120] upon the earth[H776], and from the one end[H7097] of heaven[H8064] unto the other[H1419], whether there hath been any such thing as this great thing[H1697] is[H8085], or hath been heard like it?

33. Did ever a people[H5971] hear[H8085] the voice[H6963] of God[H430] speaking out[H1696] of the midst[H8432] of the fire[H784], as thou hast heard[H8085], and live[H2421]?

34. Or hath God[H430] assayed[H5254] to go[H935] and take[H3947] him a nation[H1471] from the midst[H7130] of another nation[H1471], by trials[H4531], by signs[H226], and by wonders[H4159], and by war[H4421], and by a mighty[H2389] hand[H3027], and by an outstretched[H5186] arm[H2220], and by great[H1419] terrors[H4172], according to all that Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430] did[H6213] for you in Egypt[H4714] before your eyes[H5869]?

35. Unto thee it was showed[H7200], that thou mightest know[H3045] that Jehovah[H3068] he is God[H430]; there is none else[H5750] besides him[H905].

36. Out of heaven[H8064] he made thee to hear[H8085] his voice[H6963], that he might instruct[H3256] thee[H776]: and upon earth he made thee to see[H7200] his great[H1419] fire[H784]; and thou heardest[H8085] his words[H1697] out of the midst[H8432] of the fire[H784].

37. And because he loved[H157] thy fathers[H1], therefore he chose[H977] their seed[H2233] after[H310] them[H3318], and brought thee out with his presence[H6440], with his great[H1419] power[H3581], out of Egypt[H4714];

38. to drive out[H3423] nations[H1471] from before[H6440] thee greater[H1419] and mightier[H6099] than thou[H935], to bring thee in[H5414], to give thee their land[H776] for an inheritance[H5159], as at this day[H3117].

39. Know[H3045] therefore this day[H3117], and lay[H7725] it to thy heart[H3824], that Jehovah[H3068] he is God[H430] in heaven[H8064] above[H4605] and upon the earth beneath[H776]; there is none else.

40. And thou shalt keep[H8104] his statutes[H2706], and his commandments[H4687], which I command[H6680] thee this day[H3117], that it may go well[H3190] with thee[H1121], and with thy children after[H310] thee[H748], and that thou mayest prolong thy days[H3117] in the land[H127], which Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] giveth thee[H5414], for ever.

41. Then Moses[H4872] set apart[H914] three[H7969] cities[H5892] beyond[H5676] the Jordan[H3383] toward the sunrising[H8121];

42. that the manslayer[H7523] might flee[H5127] thither[H7523], that slayeth his neighbor[H7453] unawares[H1097], and hated[H8130] him not in time[H8543] past[H8032]; and that fleeing[H5127] unto one[H259] of these[H411] cities[H5892] he might live[H2425]:

43. namely[H1221], Bezer in the wilderness[H4057], in the plain[H4334] country[H776], for the Reubenites[H7206]; and Ramoth[H7216] in Gilead[H1568], for the Gadites[H1425]; and Golan[H1474] in Bashan[H1316], for the Manassites[H4520].

44. And this is the law[H8451] which Moses[H4872] set[H7760] before[H6440] the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478]:

45. these are the testimonies[H5713], and the statutes[H2706], and the ordinances[H4941], which Moses[H4872] spake[H1696] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], when they came forth[H3318] out of Egypt[H4714],

46. beyond[H5676] the Jordan[H3383], in the valley[H1516] over against[H4136] Beth-peor[H1047], in the land[H776] of Sihon[H5511] king[H4428] of the Amorites[H567], who dwelt[H3427] at Heshbon[H2809], whom Moses[H4872] and the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] smote[H5221], when they came forth[H3318] out of Egypt[H4714].

47. And they took his land[H776] in possession[H3423], and the land[H776] of Og[H5747] king[H4428] of Bashan[H1316], the two[H8147] kings[H4428] of the Amorites[H567], who were beyond[H5676] the Jordan[H3383] toward the sunrising[H4217];

48. from Aroer[H6177], which is on the edge[H8193] of the valley[H5158] of the Arnon[H769], even unto mount[H2022] Sion[H7865] (the same is Hermon[H2768]),

49. and all the Arabah[H6160] beyond[H5676] the Jordan[H3383] eastward[H4217], even unto the sea[H3220] of the Arabah[H6160], under the slopes[H794] of Pisgah[H6449].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

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