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ASV_Strong : Deuteronomy 22


1. Thou shalt not see[H7200] thy brother[H251]'s ox[H7794] or his sheep[H7716] go astray[H5080], and hide[H5956] thyself from them[H7725]: thou shalt surely bring them again[H7725] unto thy brother[H251].

2. And if thy brother[H251] be not nigh[H7138] unto thee[H3045], or if thou know him not[H622], then thou shalt bring it home to[H8432] thy house[H1004], and it shall be with thee until thy brother[H251] seek[H1875] after it[H7725], and thou shalt restore it to him.

3. And so[H3651] shalt thou do[H6213] with his ass[H2543]; and so shalt thou do[H6213] with his garment[H8071]; and so shalt thou do[H6213] with every lost thing[H9] of thy brother[H251]'s, which he hath lost[H6], and thou hast found[H4672]: thou mayest[H3201] not hide thyself[H5956].

4. Thou shalt not see[H7200] thy brother[H251]'s ass[H2543] or his ox[H7794] fallen down[H5307] by the way[H1870], and hide[H5956] thyself from them[H6965]: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again[H6965].

5. A woman[H802] shall not wear that which pertaineth[H3627] unto a man[H1397], neither shall a man[H1397] put[H3847] on a woman[H802]'s garment[H8071]; for whosoever doeth[H6213] these things[H428] is an abomination[H8441] unto Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430].

6. If a bird[H6833]'s nest[H7064] chance[H7122] to be before[H6440] thee in the way[H1870], in any tree[H6086] or on the ground[H776], with young ones[H667] or eggs[H1000], and the dam[H517] sitting[H7257] upon the young[H667], or upon the eggs[H1000], thou shalt not take[H3947] the dam[H517] with the young[H1121]:

7. thou shalt surely[H7971] let the dam[H517] go[H7971], but the young[H1121] thou mayest take[H3947] unto thyself[H3190]; that it may be well with thee[H748], and that thou mayest prolong thy days[H3117].

8. When thou buildest[H1129] a new[H2319] house[H1004], then thou shalt make[H6213] a battlement[H4624] for thy roof[H1406], that thou bring[H7760] not blood[H1818] upon thy house[H1004], if any man[H5307] fall from thence[H5307].

9. Thou shalt not sow[H2232] thy vineyard[H3754] with two kinds of seed[H2233], lest the whole fruit[H4395] be forfeited[H6942], the seed[H2233] which thou hast sown[H2232], and the increase[H8393] of the vineyard[H3754].

10. Thou shalt not plow[H2790] with an ox[H7794] and an ass[H2543] together[H3162].

11. Thou shalt not wear[H3847] a mingled[H8162] stuff[H6785], wool and linen[H6593] together[H3162].

12. Thou shalt make[H6213] thee fringes[H1434] upon the four[H702] borders[H3671] of thy vesture[H3682], wherewith thou coverest thyself[H3680].

13. If any man[H376] take[H3947] a wife[H802], and go in[H935] unto her[H8130], and hate her,

14. and lay[H7760] shameful[H5949] things[H1697] to her charge[H3318], and bring up an evil[H7451] name[H8034] upon her[H559], and say, I took[H3947] this woman[H802], and when I came[H7126] nigh to her[H4672], I found not in her the tokens of virginity[H1331];

15. then shall the father[H1] of the damsel[H5291], and her mother[H517], take[H3947] and bring forth[H3318] the tokens of the damsel[H5291]'s virginity[H1331] unto the elders[H2205] of the city[H5892] in the gate[H8179];

16. and the damsel[H5291]'s father[H1] shall say[H559] unto the elders[H2205], I gave[H5414] my daughter[H1323] unto this man[H376] to wife[H802], and he hateth her[H8130];

17. and[H7760], lo, he hath laid shameful[H5949] things[H1697] to her charge[H559], saying, I found[H4672] not in thy daughter[H1323] the tokens of virginity[H1331]; and yet these are the tokens of my daughter[H1323]'s virginity[H1331]. And they shall spread[H6566] the garment[H8071] before[H6440] the elders[H2205] of the city[H5892].

18. And the elders[H2205] of that city[H5892] shall take[H3947] the man[H376] and chastise him[H3256];

19. and they shall fine[H6064] him a hundred[H3967] shekels of silver[H3701], and give[H5414] them unto the father[H1] of the damsel[H5291], because he hath brought up[H3318] an evil[H7451] name[H8034] upon a virgin[H1330] of Israel[H3478]: and she shall be his wife[H802]; he may[H3201] not put her away[H7971] all his days[H3117].

20. But if this thing[H1697] be true[H571], that the tokens of virginity[H1331] were not found[H4672] in the damsel[H5291];

21. then they shall bring out[H3318] the damsel[H5291] to the door[H6607] of her father[H1]'s house[H1004], and the men[H582] of her city[H5892] shall stone[H5619] her to death[H4191] with stones[H68], because she hath wrought[H6213] folly[H5039] in Israel[H3478], to play the harlot[H2181] in her father[H1]'s house[H1004]: so shalt thou put[H1197] away[H1197] the evil[H7451] from the midst of thee[H7130].

22. If a man[H376] be found[H4672] lying[H7901] with a woman[H802] married[H1166] to a husband[H1167], then they shall both of them[H8147] die[H4191], the man[H376] that lay[H7901] with the woman[H802], and the woman[H802]: so shalt thou put away[H1197] the evil[H7451] from Israel[H3478].

23. If there be a damsel[H5291] that is a virgin[H1330] betrothed[H781] unto a husband[H376], and a man[H376] find[H4672] her in the city[H5892], and lie with her[H7901];

24. then ye shall bring[H3318] them both[H8147] out unto the gate[H8179] of that city[H5892], and ye shall stone[H5619] them to death[H4191] with stones[H68]; the damsel[H5291], because[H834] she cried[H6817] not[H5892], being in the city; and the man[H376], because[H834] he hath humbled[H6031] his neighbor[H7453]'s wife[H802]: so thou shalt put away[H1197] the evil[H7451] from the midst of thee[H7130].

25. But if the man[H376] find[H4672] the damsel[H5291] that is betrothed[H781] in the field[H7704], and the man[H376] force[H2388] her[H7901], and lie with her[H376]; then the man only that lay[H7901] with her shall die[H4191]:

26. but unto the damsel[H5291] thou shalt do[H6213] nothing[H1697]; there is in the damsel[H5291] no sin[H2399] worthy of death[H4194]: for as when a man[H376] riseth[H6965] against his neighbor[H7453], and slayeth[H7523] him[H1697], even so is this matter;

27. for he found[H4672] her in the field[H7704], the betrothed[H781] damsel[H5291] cried[H6817], and there was none to save her[H3467].

28. If a man[H376] find[H4672] a damsel[H5291] that is a virgin[H1330], that is not betrothed[H781], and lay hold[H8610] on her[H7901], and lie with her[H4672], and they be found;

29. then the man[H376] that lay[H7901] with her shall give[H5414] unto the damsel[H5291]'s father[H1] fifty[H2572] shekels of silver[H3701], and she shall be his wife[H802], because he hath humbled[H6031] her[H3201]; he may not put her away[H7971] all his days[H3117].

30. A man[H376] shall not take[H3947] his father[H1]'s wife[H802], and shall not uncover[H1540] his father[H1]'s skirt[H3671].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

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