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ASV_Strong : Deuteronomy 12


1. These are the statutes[H2706] and the ordinances[H4941] which ye shall observe[H8104] to do[H6213] in the land[H776] which Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of thy fathers[H1], hath given[H5414] thee to possess[H3423] it[H3117], all the days that ye live[H2416] upon the earth[H127].

2. Ye shall surely[H6] destroy[H6] all the places[H4725] wherein the nations[H1471] that[H834] ye shall dispossess[H3423] served[H5647] their gods[H430], upon the high[H7311] mountains[H2022], and upon the hills[H1389], and under every green[H7488] tree[H6086]:

3. and ye shall break[H7665] down their altars[H4196], and dash[H7665] in pieces their pillars[H4676], and burn[H8313] their Asherim[H842] with fire[H784]; and ye shall hew down[H1438] the graven images[H6456] of their gods[H430]; and ye shall destroy[H6] their name[H8034] out of that place[H4725].

4. Ye shall not do so[H6213] unto Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430].

5. But unto the place[H4725] which Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430] shall choose[H977] out of all your tribes[H7626], to put[H7760] his name[H8034] there[H7933], even unto his habitation shall ye seek[H1875], and thither thou shalt come[H935];

6. and thither ye shall bring[H935] your burnt-offerings[H5930], and your sacrifices[H2077], and your tithes[H4643], and the heave-offering[H8641] of your hand[H3027], and your vows[H5088], and your freewill-offerings[H5071], and the firstlings[H1062] of your herd[H1241] and of your flock[H6629]:

7. and there ye shall eat[H398] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430], and ye shall rejoice[H8055] in all that ye put[H4916] your hand[H3027] unto[H1004], ye and your households, wherein Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] hath blessed thee[H1288].

8. Ye shall not do[H6213] after all the things that we do[H6213] here this day[H3117], every man[H376] whatsoever is right[H3477] in his own eyes[H5869];

9. for ye are not as yet come[H935] to the rest[H4496] and to the inheritance[H5159], which Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] giveth thee[H5414].

10. But when ye go over[H5674] the Jordan[H3383], and dwell[H3427] in the land[H776] which Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430] causeth you to inherit[H5157], and he giveth you rest[H5117] from all your enemies[H341] round about[H5439], so that ye dwell[H3427] in safety[H983];

11. then it shall come to pass that to the place[H4725] which Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430] shall choose[H977], to cause his name[H8034] to dwell[H7931] there[H935], thither shall ye bring all that I command[H6680] you[H5930]: your burnt-offerings, and your sacrifices[H2077], your tithes[H4643], and the heave-offering[H8641] of your hand[H3027], and all your choice[H4005] vows[H5088] which ye vow[H5087] unto Jehovah[H3068].

12. And ye shall rejoice[H8055] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430], ye[H1121], and your sons, and your daughters[H1323], and your men-servants[H5650], and your maid-servants[H519], and the Levite[H3881] that is within your gates[H8179], forasmuch[H3588] as he hath no portion[H2506] nor inheritance with you[H5159].

13. Take heed[H8104] to thyself that thou offer[H5927] not thy burnt-offerings[H5930] in every place[H4725] that thou seest[H7200];

14. but in the place[H4725] which Jehovah[H3068] shall choose[H977] in one[H259] of thy tribes[H7626], there thou shalt offer[H5927] thy burnt-offerings[H5930], and there thou shalt do[H6213] all that I command thee[H6680].

15. Notwithstanding[H2076], thou mayest kill and eat[H398] flesh[H1320] within all thy gates[H8179], after[H185] all the desire[H185] of thy soul[H5315], according to the blessing[H1293] of Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] which he hath given[H5414] thee[H2931]: the unclean and the clean[H2889] may eat[H398] thereof[H354], as of the gazelle, and as of the hart.

16. Only ye shall not eat[H398] the blood[H1818]; thou shalt pour[H8210] it out upon the earth[H776] as water[H4325].

17. Thou mayest[H3201] not eat[H398] within thy gates[H8179] the tithe[H4643] of thy grain[H1715], or of thy new wine[H8492], or of thine oil[H3323], or the firstlings[H1062] of thy herd[H1241] or of thy flock[H6629], nor any of thy vows[H5088] which thou vowest[H5087], nor thy freewill-offerings[H5071], nor the heave-offering[H8641] of thy hand[H3027];

18. but thou shalt eat[H398] them before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] in the place[H4725] which Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] shall choose[H977], thou[H1121], and thy son, and thy daughter[H1323], and thy man-servant[H5650], and thy maid-servant[H519], and the Levite[H3881] that is within thy gates[H8179]: and thou shalt rejoice[H8055] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] in all that thou puttest[H4916] thy hand unto[H3027].

19. Take heed[H8104] to thyself that thou forsake[H5800] not the Levite[H3881] as long as thou livest[H3117] in thy land[H127].

20. When Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] shall enlarge[H7337] thy border[H1366], as he hath promised[H1696] thee[H559], and thou shalt say, I will eat[H398] flesh[H1320], because thy soul[H5315] desireth to eat[H398] flesh[H1320]; thou mayest eat[H398] flesh[H1320], after[H185] all the desire[H185] of thy soul[H5315].

21. If the place[H4725] which Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] shall choose[H977], to put[H7760] his name[H8034] there[H7368], be too far from thee[H2076], then thou shalt kill of thy herd[H1241] and of thy flock[H6629], which Jehovah[H3068] hath given[H5414] thee[H6680], as I have commanded thee[H398]; and thou mayest eat within thy gates[H8179], after[H185] all the desire of thy soul[H5315].

22. Even as the gazelle[H6643] and as the hart[H354] is eaten[H398], so thou shalt eat[H398] thereof[H2931]: the unclean and the clean[H2889] may eat[H398] thereof alike[H3162].

23. Only be sure[H2388] that thou eat[H398] not the blood[H1818]: for the blood[H1818] is the life[H5315]; and thou shalt not eat[H398] the life[H5315] with the flesh[H1320].

24. Thou shalt not eat[H398] it[H8210]; thou shalt pour it out upon the earth[H776] as water[H4325].

25. Thou shalt not eat[H398] it[H3190]; that it may go well with thee[H1121], and with thy children after[H310] thee[H6213], when thou shalt do that which is right[H3477] in the eyes[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068].

26. Only thy holy things[H6944] which thou hast[H5088], and thy vows, thou shalt take[H5375], and go[H935] unto the place[H4725] which Jehovah[H3068] shall choose[H977]:

27. and thou shalt offer[H6213] thy burnt-offerings[H5930], the flesh[H1320] and the blood[H1818], upon the altar[H4196] of Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430]; and the blood[H1818] of thy sacrifices[H2077] shall be poured out[H8210] upon the altar[H4196] of Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430]; and thou shalt eat[H398] the flesh[H1320].

28. Observe[H8104] and hear[H8085] all these words[H1697] which I command[H6680] thee[H3190], that it may go well with thee[H1121], and with thy children after[H310] thee for[H5704] ever[H5769], when thou doest[H6213] that which is good[H2896] and right[H3477] in the eyes[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430].

29. When Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] shall cut off[H3772] the nations[H1471] from before[H6440] thee[H935], whither thou goest in to dispossess[H3423] them[H3423], and thou dispossessest them[H3427], and dwellest in their land[H776];

30. take heed[H8104] to thyself that thou be not ensnared[H5367] to follow[H310] them[H310], after that they are destroyed[H8045] from before[H6440] thee[H1875]; and that thou inquire not after their gods[H430], saying[H559], How do these nations[H1471] serve[H5647] their gods[H430]? even so will I do[H6213] likewise[H1571].

31. Thou shalt not do[H6213] so unto Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430]: for every abomination[H8441] to Jehovah[H3068], which he hateth[H8130], have they done[H6213] unto their gods[H430]; for even their sons[H1121] and their daughters[H1323] do they burn[H8313] in the fire[H784] to their gods[H430].

32. What thing[H1697] soever I command[H6680] you[H8104], that shall ye observe to do[H6213]: thou shalt not add[H3254] thereto[H1639], nor diminish from it.

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

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