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ASV_Strong : 1 Corinthians 6


1. Dare[G5111] any[G5100] of you[G5216], having[G2192] a matter[G4229] against[G4314] his neighbor[G2087], go to law[G2919] before[G1909] the unrighteous[G94], and[G2532] not[G3780] before[G1909] the saints[G40]?

2. Or know[G1492] ye[G1492] not[G3756] that[G3754] the saints[G40] shall judge[G2919] the world[G2889]? and[G2532] if[G1487] the world[G2889] is judged[G2919] by[G1722] you[G5213], are ye[G2075] unworthy[G370] to judge[G2922] the smallest matters[G1646]?

3. Know ye[G1492] not[G3756] that[G3754] we shall judge[G2919] angels[G32]? how much[G3385] more[G1065], things that pertain to this life[G982]?

4. If[G1437] then[G3767] ye have[G2192, Ezekiel3] to judge[G2922] things pertaining to this life[G982], do ye set[G2523] them[G5128] to judge who are of no account[G1848] in[G1722] the church[G1577]?

5. I say[G3004] this to[G4314] move you[G5213] to shame[G1791]. What[G2076], [G3779] cannot[G3756] there be found among[G1722] you[G5213, 3761] one[G1520] wise[G4680] man who[G3739] shall be able[G1410] to decide[G1252, Leviticus3] between[G3319] his[G846] brethren[G80],

6. but[G235] brother[G80] goeth to law[G2919] with[G3326] brother[G80], and[G2532] that[G5124] before[G1909] unbelievers[G571]?

7. Nay[G2235], already[G3767] it is[G2076] altogether[G3654, Ezekiel3] a defect[G2275] in[G1722] you[G5213], that[G3754] ye have[G2192] lawsuits[G2917] one with[G3326] another[G1438]. Why[G1302, 91] not[G3780] rather[G3123] take wrong[G91]? why[G1302, Hebrews] not[G3780] rather[G3123] be defrauded[G650]?

8. Nay[G235], but ye[G5210] yourselves do wrong[G91], and[G2532] defraud[G650], and[G2532] that[G5023] your brethren[G80].

9. Or know ye[G1492] not[G3756] that[G3754] the unrighteous[G94] shall[G2816] not[G3756] inherit[G2816] the kingdom[G932] of God[G2316]? Be[G4105] not[G3361] deceived[G4105]: neither[G3777] fornicators[G4205], nor[G3777] idolaters[G1496], nor[G3777] adulterers[G3432], nor[G3777] effeminate[G3120], nor[G3777] abusers of themselves with men[G733],

10. nor[G3777] thieves[G2812], nor[G3777] covetous[G4123], nor[G3777] drunkards[G3183], nor[G3756] revilers[G3060], nor[G3756] extortioners[G727], shall[G3756] inherit[G2816] the kingdom[G932] of God[G2316].

11. And[G2532] such[G5023] were[G2258] some of you[G5100]: but[G235] ye were washed[G628], but[G235] ye were sanctified[G37], but[G235] ye were justified[G1344] in[G1722] the name[G3686] of the Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424] Christ[G2532], and in[G1722] the Spirit[G4151] of our[G2257] God[G2316].

12. All things[G3956] are lawful[G1832] for me[G3427]; but[G235] not[G3756] all things[G3956] are[G4851] expedient[G4851]. All things[G3956] are lawful[G1832] for me[G3427]; but[G235] I[G1473] will[G1850] not[G3756] be brought under the power[G1850] of[G5259] any[G5100].

13. Meats[G1033] for the belly[G2836], and[G2532] the belly[G2836] for meats[G1033]: but[G1161] God[G2316] shall bring to nought[G2673] both[G2532] it[G3778] and[G2532] them[G5023]. But[G235] the body[G4983] is not[G3756] for fornication[G4202], but[G235] for the Lord[G2962]; and[G2532] the Lord[G2962] for the body[G4983]:

14. and[G1161] God[G2316, 1453] both[G2532] raised[G1453] the Lord[G2962], and[G2532] will raise up[G1453] us[G2248] as through[G1223] his[G846] power[G1411].

15. Know ye[G1492] not[G3756] that[G3754] your[G5216] bodies[G4983] are[G2076] members[G3196] of Christ[G5547]? shall I[G142] then[G3767] take[G142] away the members[G3196] of Christ[G5547], and make[G4160] them members[G3196] of a harlot[G4204]? God[G3361] forbid[G1096].

16. Or[G2228] know ye[G1492] not[G3756] that[G3754] he that[G3588] is joined[G2853] to a harlot[G4204] is[G2076] one[G1520] body[G4983]? for[G1063], The twain[G1417], saith he[G5346], shall become[G2071, 1519] one[G1520] flesh[G4561].

17. But[G1161] he that[G3588] is joined[G2853] unto the Lord[G2962] is[G2076] one[G1520] spirit[G4151].

18. Flee[G5343] fornication[G4202]. Every[G3956] sin[G265] that[G3739] a man[G444] doeth[G4160, 1437] is[G2076] without[G1622] the body[G4983]; but[G1161] he that[G3588] committeth fornication[G4203] sinneth[G264] against[G1519] his own[G2398] body[G4983].

19. Or[G2228] know ye[G1492] not[G3756] that[G3754] your[G5216] body[G4983] is[G2076] a temple[G3485] of the Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151] which is in[G1722] you[G5213], which[G3739] ye have[G2192] from[G575] God[G2316]? and[G2532] ye are[G2075] not[G3756] your own[G1438];

20. for[G1063] ye were bought[G59] with a price[G5092]: glorify[G1392] God[G2316] therefore[G1211] in[G1722] your[G5216] body[G4983].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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