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ASV_Strong : 1 Corinthians 5


1. It is actually[G3654] reported[G191] that there is[G3748] fornication[G4202] among[G1722] you[G5213], and[G2532] such[G5108] fornication[G4202] as is[G3748] not even[G3761] among[G1722] the Gentiles[G1484], that[G5620] one[G5100] of you hath[G2192] his[G3588] father[G3962]'s wife[G1135].

2. And[G2532] ye[G5210] are[G2075] puffed up[G5448], and[G2532] did[G3996] not[G3780] rather[G3123] mourn[G3996], that[G2443] he that had done[G4160] this[G5124] deed[G2041] might be taken away[G1808] from[G1537] among[G3319] you[G5216].

3. For[G1063] I[G1473] verily[G3303], being[G5613] absent[G548] in body[G4983] but[G1161] present[G3918] in spirit[G4151], have already[G2235] as though[G5613] I were present[G3918] judged[G2919] him that[G3588] hath so[G3779] wrought[G2716] this[G5124] thing[G2716],

4. in[G1722] the name[G3686] of our[G2257] Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424], [G5547, 4863] ye[G5216] being gathered together[G4863], and[G2532] my[G1700] spirit[G4151], with[G4862] the power[G1411] of our[G2257] Lord[G2962, 5547] Jesus[G2424],

5. to deliver[G3860] such a one[G5108] unto Satan[G4567] for[G1519] the destruction[G3639] of the flesh[G4561], that[G2443] the spirit[G4151] may be saved[G4982] in[G1722] the day[G2250] of the Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424].

6. Your[G5216] glorying[G2745] is not[G3756] good[G2570]. Know ye[G1492] not[G3756] that[G3754] a little[G3398] leaven[G2219] leaveneth[G2220] the whole[G3650] lump[G5445]?

7. Purge out[G1571] the old[G3820] leaven[G2219], that[G2443] ye may be[G5600] a new[G3501] lump[G5445], even[G2532] as[G2531] ye are[G2075] unleavened[G106]. For[G1063] our[G2257] passover[G3957] also hath been sacrificed[G2380], even[G2532] Christ[G5547]:

8. wherefore[G5620] let us keep the feast[G1858], not[G3361] with[G1722] old[G3820] leaven[G2219], neither[G3366] with[G1722] the leaven[G2219] of malice[G2549] and[G2532] wickedness[G4189], but[G235] with[G1722] the unleavened[G106] bread of sincerity[G1505] and[G2532] truth[G225].

9. I wrote[G1125] unto you[G5213] in[G1722] my epistle[G1992] to have no[G3361] company[G4874] with fornicators[G4205];

10. [G2532] not[G3756] at all meaning[G3843] with the fornicators[G4205] of this[G5127] world[G2889], or[G2228] with the covetous[G4123] and[G2228] extortioners[G727], or[G2228] with idolaters[G1496]; for[G1893] then[G686] must ye needs[G3784] go out[G1831] of[G1537] the world[G2889]:

11. but[G1161] as it is[G3570], I wrote[G1125] unto you[G5213] not[G3361] to keep company[G4874], if[G1437] any man[G5100] that is named a[G2228] brother[G80] be[G1510] a[G2228] fornicator[G4205], or[G2228] covetous[G4123], or[G2228] an idolater[G1496], or[G2228] a reviler[G3060], or[G2228] a drunkard[G3183], or[G2228] an extortioner[G727]; with such a one[G5108] no[G3366], not to eat[G4906].

12. For[G1063] what[G5101] have I[G3427] to do with judging[G2919] them[G3588, 2532] that are[G2532] without[G1854]? Do[G2919] not[G3780] ye[G5210] judge[G2919] them that are[G3588] within[G2080]?

13. But[G1161] them that are without[G1854] God[G2316] judgeth[G2919]. [G2532] Put away[G1808] the[G846] wicked man[G4190] from[G1537] among yourselves[G5216].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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