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ASV_Strong : Romans 4


1. What[G5101] then[G3767] shall we say[G2046] that Abraham[G11], our[G2257] forefather[G3962], hath found[G2147] according to[G2596] the flesh[G4561]?

2. For[G1063] if[G1487] Abraham[G11] was justified[G1344] by[G1537] works[G2041], he hath[G2192] whereof to glory[G2745]; but[G235] not[G3756] toward[G4314] God[G2316].

3. For[G1063] what[G5101] saith[G3004] the scripture[G1161]? And Abraham[G11] believed[G4100] God[G2316], and[G2532] it was reckoned[G3049] unto him[G846] for[G1519] righteousness[G1343].

4. Now[G1161] to him that worketh[G2038], the reward[G3408] is[G3049] not[G3756] reckoned[G3049] as of[G2596] grace[G5485], but[G235] as of[G2596] debt[G3783].

5. But[G1161] to him that worketh[G2038] not[G3361], but[G1161] believeth[G4100] on[G1909] him that justifieth[G1344] the ungodly[G765], his[G846] faith[G4102] is reckoned[G3049] for[G1519] righteousness[G1343].

6. Even as[G2509] David[G1138] also[G2532] pronounceth[G3004] blessing[G3108] upon the man[G444], unto whom[G3739] God[G2316] reckoneth[G3049] righteousness[G1343] apart[G5565] from works[G2041],

7. saying[G3107], Blessed are they whose[G3739] iniquities[G458] are forgiven[G863], And[G2532] whose[G3739] sins[G266] are covered[G1943].

8. Blessed[G3107] is the man[G435] to whom[G3739], the Lord[G2962] will[G3049, 3756] not[G3361] reckon[G3049] sin[G266].

9. Is this[G3778] blessing[G3108] then[G3767] pronounced upon[G1909] the circumcision[G4061], or[G2228] upon[G1909] the uncircumcision[G203] also[G2532]? for[G1063] we say[G3004], To Abraham[G11, 3754] his faith[G4102] was reckoned[G3049] for[G1519] righteousness[G1343].

10. How[G4459] then[G3767] was it[G3049] reckoned[G3049]? when he was[G5607] in[G1722] circumcision[G4061], or[G2228] in[G1722] uncircumcision[G203]? Not[G3756] in[G1722] circumcision[G4061], but[G235] in[G1722] uncircumcision[G203]:

11. and[G2532] he received[G2983] the sign[G4592] of circumcision[G4061], a seal[G4973] of the righteousness[G1343] of the faith[G4102] which[G1722] he had while he was in[G1722] uncircumcision[G203]; that[G1519] he[G846] might be[G1511] the father[G3962] of all[G3956] them that believe[G4100], though they be[G1223] in uncircumcision[G203], that[G1519] righteousness[G1343] might be reckoned[G3049] unto[G2532] them[G846];

12. and[G2532] the father[G3962] of circumcision[G4061] to them who not[G3756] only[G3440] are[G3588] of[G1537] the circumcision[G4061], but[G235] who[G4748] also[G2532] walk[G4748] in the steps[G2487] of[G3962] that faith[G4102] of[G3962] our[G2257] father[G3962] Abraham[G11] which[G1722] he had in uncircumcision[G203].

13. For[G1063] not[G3756] through[G1223] the law[G3551] was the promise[G1860] to Abraham[G11] or[G2228] to[G4690] his[G846] seed[G4690] that he[G846] should be[G1511] heir[G2818] of the world[G2889], but[G235] through[G1223] the righteousness[G1343] of faith[G4102].

14. For[G1063] if[G1487] they that are[G3588] of[G1537] the law[G3551] are heirs[G2818], faith[G4102] is made void[G2758], and[G2532] the promise[G1860] is made of none effect[G2673]:

15. for[G1063] the law[G3551] worketh[G2716] wrath[G3709]; but[G1063] where[G3757] there is[G2076] no[G3756] law[G3551], neither[G3761] is there transgression[G3847].

16. For[G1223] this[G5124] cause it is of[G1537] faith[G4102], that[G2443] it may be according[G2596] to grace[G5485]; to the end[G1519] that the promise[G1860] may be[G1511] sure[G949] to all[G3956] the seed[G4690]; not[G3756] to that[G3588] only[G3440] which is of[G1537] the law[G3551], but[G235] to that[G3588] also[G2532] which is of[G1537] the faith[G4102] of Abraham[G11], who[G3739] is[G2076] the father[G3962] of us[G2257] all[G3956]

17. [G3754] (as[G2531] it is written[G1125], A father[G3962] of many[G4183] nations[G1484] have I made[G5087] thee[G4571]) before[G2713] him whom[G3739] he believed[G4100], even God[G2316], who giveth life[G2227] to the dead[G3498], and[G2532] calleth[G2564] the things that are[G5607] not[G3361], as[G5613] though they were[G5607].

18. Who[G3739] in[G1909] hope[G1680] believed[G4100] against[G3844] hope[G1680], to the end that[G1519] he[G846] might become[G1096] a father[G3962] of many[G4183] nations[G1484], according to[G2596] that which had been spoken[G2046], So[G3779] shall[G2071] thy[G4675] seed[G4690] be[G2071].

19. And[G2532] without[G3361] being[G770] weakened[G770] in faith[G4102] he considered[G2657, 3756] his own[G1438] body[G4983] now[G2235] as good as dead[G3499] (he being about[G4225] a hundred years old[G1541]), and[G2532] the deadness[G3500] of[G3388] Sarah[G4564]'s womb[G5225];

20. yet[G1519], looking unto the promise[G1860] of God[G2316], he wavered[G1252] not[G3756] through unbelief[G570], but[G235] waxed strong[G1743] through faith[G4102], giving[G1325] glory[G1391] to God[G2316],

21. and[G2532] being fully assured[G4135] that[G3754] what[G3739] he had promised[G1861], he was[G2076] able[G1415] also[G2532] to perform[G4160].

22. [G2532] Wherefore[G1352] also it was reckoned[G3049] unto him[G846] for[G1519] righteousness[G1343].

23. Now[G1161] it was[G1125] not[G3756] written[G1125] for[G1223] his[G846] sake[G1223] alone[G3440], that[G3754] it was reckoned[G3049] unto him[G846];

24. but[G235] for[G1223] our sake[G2248] also[G2532], unto whom[G3739] it shall[G3195] be reckoned[G3049], who[G3588] believe[G4100] on[G1909] him that raised[G1453] Jesus[G2424] our[G2257] Lord[G2962] from[G1537] the dead[G3498],

25. who[G3739] was delivered[G3860] up for[G1223] our[G2257] trespasses[G3900], and[G2532] was raised[G1453] for[G1223] our[G2257] justification[G1347].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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