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ASV_Strong : Acts 26


1. And[G1161] Agrippa[G67] said[G5346] unto[G4314] Paul[G3972], Thou[G4671] art permitted[G2010] to speak[G3004] for[G5228] thyself[G4572]. Then[G5119] Paul[G3972] stretched forth[G1614] his hand[G5495], and made his defence[G626]:

2. I think[G2233] myself[G1683] happy[G3107], king[G935] Agrippa[G67], that I am[G3195] to make my defense[G626] before[G1909] thee[G4675] this day[G4594] touching[G4012] all the things[G3956] whereof[G3739] I am accused[G1458] by[G5259] the Jews[G2453]:

3. especially[G3122] because thou[G4571] art[G5607] expert[G1109] in all[G3956] customs[G5037] and[G2532] questions[G1352] which are[G5607] among[G2453] the Jews[G1485]: wherefore[G1189] I beseech[G4675] thee[G3116] to hear[G191] me patiently[G3450].

4. My[G3450] manner of life[G3767] then[G3303] from[G1537] my youth[G3503] up[G3588], which was[G1096] from[G575] the beginning[G746] among[G1722] mine own[G3450] nation[G1484] and at[G1722] Jerusalem[G2414], know[G2467] all[G3956] the Jews[G2453];

5. having knowledge[G4267] of me[G3165] from the first[G509], if[G1437] they be willing[G2309] to testify[G3140], that[G3754] after[G2596] the straitest[G196] sect[G139] of our[G2251] religion[G2356] I lived[G2198] a Pharisee[G5330].

6. And[G2532] now[G3568] I stand[G2476] here to be judged[G2919] for[G1909] the hope[G1680] of the promise[G1860] made[G1096] of[G5259] God[G2316] unto[G4314] our fathers[G3962];

7. unto[G1519] which[G3739] promise our[G2257] twelve tribes[G1722], earnestly[G1616] serving[G3000] God night[G3571] and[G2532] day[G2250], hope[G1679] to attain[G2658]. And concerning[G4012] this[G3739] hope[G1680] I am accused[G1458] by[G5259] the Jews[G2453], O[G67] king[G935]!

8. Why[G5101] is it judged[G2919] incredible[G571] with[G3844] you[G5213], if[G1487] God[G2316] doth raise[G1453] the dead[G3498]?

9. I[G1473] verily[G3767, Ezekiel3] thought[G1380] with myself[G1683] that I ought[G1163] to do[G4238] many things[G4183] contrary[G1727] to[G4314] the name[G3686] of Jesus[G2424] of Nazareth[G3480].

10. And this[G3739] I[G4160] also[G2532] did[G4160] in[G1722] Jerusalem[G2414]: and[G2532] I[G1473] both[G2623] shut up[G2623] many[G4183] of the saints[G40] in prisons[G5438], having received[G2983] authority[G1849] from[G3844] the chief priests[G749], and[G5037] when they[G846] were put to death[G337] I gave[G2702] my vote[G5586] against them[G2702].

11. And[G2532] punishing[G5097] them[G846] oftentimes[G4178] in[G2596] all[G3956] the synagogues[G4864], I strove to make[G315] them blaspheme[G987]; and[G5037] being[G1693] exceedingly[G4057] mad[G1693] against them[G846], I persecuted[G1377] them even[G2193, 2532] unto[G1519] foreign[G1854] cities[G4172].

12. Whereupon[G3739] as[G2532] I journeyed[G4198] to[G1519] Damascus[G1154] with[G3326] the authority[G1849] and[G2532] commission[G2011] of[G3844] the chief priests[G749],

13. at[G2250] midday[G3319], O king[G935], I saw[G1492] on[G2596] the way[G3598] a light[G5457] from heaven[G3771], above[G5228] the brightness[G2987] of the sun[G2246], shining round about[G4034] me[G3165] and[G2532] them[G3588] that journeyed[G4198] with[G4862] me[G1698].

14. And[G1161] when we[G2257] were all[G3956] fallen[G2667] to[G1519] the earth[G1093], I heard[G191] a voice[G5456] saying[G2980] unto[G4314] me[G3165, 2532, Jeremiah4] in the Hebrew[G1446] language[G1258], Saul[G4549], Saul[G4549], why[G5101] persecutest[G1377] thou me[G3165]? it is hard[G4642] for thee[G4671] to kick[G2979] against[G4314] the goad[G2759].

15. And[G1161] I[G1473] said[G2036], Who[G5101] art thou[G1488], Lord[G2962]? And[G1161] the Lord said[G2036], I[G1473] am[G1510] Jesus[G2424] whom[G3739] thou[G4771] persecutest[G1377].

16. But[G235] arise[G450], and[G2532] stand[G2476] upon[G1909] thy[G4675] feet[G4228]: for[G1063] to[G1519] this end[G5124] have I appeared[G3700] unto thee[G4671], to appoint[G4400] thee[G4571] a minister[G5257] and[G2532] a witness[G3144] both[G5037] of the things wherein[G3739] thou hast seen[G1492] me[G5037], and of the things wherein[G3739] I will appear[G3700] unto thee[G4671];

17. delivering[G1807] thee[G4571] from[G1537] the people[G2992], and[G2532] from the Gentiles[G1484], unto[G1519] whom[G3739, 3568] I send[G649] thee[G4571],

18. to open[G455] their[G846] eyes[G3788], that[G3588] they may turn[G1994] from[G575] darkness[G4655] to[G1519] light[G5457] and[G2532] from the power[G1849] of Satan[G4567] unto[G1909] God[G2316], that they[G846] may receive[G2983] remission[G859] of sins[G266] and[G2532] an inheritance[G2819] among[G1722] them that[G3588] are sanctified[G37] by faith[G4102] in[G1519] me[G1691].

19. Wherefore[G3606], O king[G935] Agrippa[G67], I was[G1096] not[G3756] disobedient[G545] unto the heavenly[G3770] vision[G3701]:

20. but[G235] declared[G518] both to them[G3588] of[G1722] Damascus[G1154] first[G4412] and[G2532] at Jerusalem[G2414], and[G5037] throughout[G1519] all[G3956] the country[G5561] of Judaea[G2449], and[G2532] also to the Gentiles[G1484], that they should repent[G3340] and[G2532] turn[G1994] to[G1909] God[G2316], doing[G4238] works[G2041] worthy[G514] of repentance[G3341].

21. For[G1752] this cause[G5130] the Jews[G2453] seized[G4815] me[G3165] in[G1722] the temple[G2411], and assayed[G3987] to kill me[G1315].

22. Having[G5177] therefore[G3767] obtained[G5177] the help[G1947] that is from[G3844] God[G2316], I stand[G2476] unto[G891] this[G3778] day[G2250] testifying[G3140] both[G5037] to small[G3398] and[G2532] great[G3173], saying[G3004] nothing[G3762, 1622] but[G5037] what[G3739] the prophets[G4396] and[G2532] Moses[G3475] did say[G2980] should[G3195] come[G1096];

23. how that[G1487] the Christ[G5547] must[G3195] suffer[G3805], and how that[G1487] he first[G4413] by the resurrection[G386] of[G1537] the dead[G3498] should proclaim[G2605] light[G5457] both to the people[G2992] and[G2532] to the Gentiles[G1484].

24. And[G1161] as he[G846] thus[G5023] made his defense[G626], Festus[G5347] saith[G5346] with a loud[G3173] voice[G5456], Paul[G3972], thou art mad[G3105]; thy much[G4183] learning[G1121] is turning[G4062] thee[G4571, 1519] mad[G3130].

25. But[G1161] Paul saith[G5346], I am[G3105] not[G3756] mad[G3105], most excellent[G2903] Festus[G5347]; but[G235] speak forth[G669] words[G4487] of truth[G225] and[G2532] soberness[G4997].

26. For[G1063] the king[G935] knoweth[G1987] of[G4012] these things[G5130], unto[G4314] whom[G3739] also[G2532] I speak[G2980] freely[G3955]: for[G1063] I[G5100] am persuaded[G3982] that none[G3756, Acts0] of these things[G5130] is hidden from[G2990] him[G846]; for[G1063] this hath not[G3756] been[G2076] done[G4238] in[G1722] a corner[G1137].

27. King[G935] Agrippa[G67], believest thou[G4100] the prophets[G4396]? I know[G1492] that[G3754] thou believest[G4100].

28. And[G1161] Agrippa[G67] said[G5346] unto[G4314] Paul[G1722], With but little[G3641] persuasion[G3982] thou wouldest fain make[G1096] me[G3165] a Christian[G5546].

29. And[G1161] Paul[G3972] said[G2036], I[G302] would[G2172, Leviticus2] to God[G2316], that[G2172] whether with little or with much[G3756], not thou[G4571] only[G3440], but[G235] also[G2532] all[G3956] that hear[G191] me[G3450] this day[G4594], [G2532] might[G1722] become[G4183] such[G5108] as[G3697] I[G2504] am[G1510], except[G3924] these[G5130] bonds[G1199].

30. And[G2532] the king[G935] rose up[G450], and[G2532] the governor[G2232], and[G5037] Bernice[G959], and[G2532] they[G3588] that sat[G4775] with them[G846]:

31. and[G2532] when they had withdrawn[G402], they spake[G2980] one[G4314] to another[G240], saying[G3754], This[G3778] man[G444] doeth[G4238] nothing[G3762] worthy[G514] of death[G2288] or[G2228] of bonds[G1199].

32. And[G1161] Agrippa[G67] said[G5346] unto Festus[G5347], This[G3778] man[G444] might have been[G1410] set at liberty[G630], if[G1487] he had[G1941] not[G3361] appealed[G1941] unto Caesar[G2541].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

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