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ASV_Strong : Luke 13


1. Now there[G1161] were some[G5100] present[G3918] at[G1722] that[G846] very season[G2540] who told[G518] him[G846] of[G4012] the Galilaeans[G1057], whose[G3739] blood[G129] Pilate[G4091] had mingled[G3396] with[G3326] their[G846] sacrifices[G2378].

2. And[G2532] he[G2424] answered[G2036] and[G2532] said[G2036] unto them[G846], Think ye[G1380] that[G3754] these[G3778] Galilaeans[G1057] were[G1096] sinners[G268] above[G3844] all[G3956] the Galilaeans[G1057], because[G3754] they have suffered[G3958] these things[G5108]?

3. I tell[G3004] you[G5213], Nay[G3780]: but[G235], except[G1437, 3361] ye repent[G3340], ye shall[G622] all[G3956] in like[G5615] manner perish[G622].

4. Or[G2228] those[G1565] eighteen[G1176], [G2532, 3638] upon[G1722] whom[G3739] the tower[G4444] in[G1909] Siloam[G4611] fell[G4098], and[G2532] killed[G615] them[G846], think ye[G1380] that[G3754] they[G3778] were[G1096] offenders[G3781] above[G3844] all[G3956] the men[G444] that dwell[G2730] in[G1722] Jerusalem[G2419]?

5. I tell[G3004] you[G5213], Nay[G3780]: but[G235], except[G1437, 3361] ye repent[G3340], ye shall[G622] all[G3956] likewise[G3668] perish[G622].

6. And he spake[G3004, 1161] this[G3778] parable[G3850]; A certain[G5100] man had[G2192] a fig tree[G4808] planted[G5452] in[G1722] his[G846] vineyard[G290]; and[G2532] he came[G2064] seeking[G2212] fruit[G2590, 1722] thereon[G846], and[G2532] found[G2147] none[G3756].

7. And[G1161] he[G2036] said unto[G4314] the vinedresser[G289], Behold[G2400], these three[G5140] years[G2094] I come[G2064] seeking[G2212] fruit[G2590] on[G1722] this[G3778] fig tree[G4808], and[G2532] find[G2147] none[G3756]: cut[G1581] it[G846] down[G1581]; why[G2444] doth[G2532] it[G3588] also cumber[G2673] the ground[G1093]?

8. And[G1161] he answering[G611] saith[G3004] unto him[G846], Lord[G2962], let[G863] it[G846] alone[G863] this[G5124] year[G2094] also[G2532], till[G2193, 3755] I shall dig[G4626] about[G4012] it[G846], and[G2532] dung[G2874] it[G906]:

9. and if[G2579, Ezekiel3] it bear[G4160] fruit[G2590] thenceforth[G1161], well; but if[G1487] not[G3361], [G1519, 3195] thou shalt cut[G1581] it[G846] down[G1581].

10. And[G1161] he was[G2258] teaching[G1321] in[G1722] one[G1520] of the synagogues[G4864] on[G1722] the sabbath day[G4521].

11. And[G2532] behold[G2400], a[G2258] woman[G1135] that had[G2192] a spirit[G4151] of infirmity[G769] eighteen[G1176, 2532, 3638] years[G2094]; and[G2532] she was[G2258] bowed together[G4794], and[G2532] could[G1410] in[G1519] no[G3361] wise[G3838] lift herself up[G352].

12. And[G1161] when Jesus[G2424] saw[G1492] her[G846], he called[G4377] her[G2532], and said[G2036] to her[G846], Woman[G1135], thou art loosed[G630] from thine[G4675] infirmity[G769].

13. And[G2532] he laid[G2007] his hands[G5495] upon her[G846]: and[G2532] immediately[G3916] she was made straight[G461], and[G2532] glorified[G1392] God[G2316].

14. And[G1161] the ruler of the synagogue[G752], being moved with indignation[G23] because[G3754] Jesus[G2424] had healed[G2323] on the sabbath[G4521], answered[G611] and said[G3004] to the multitude[G3793], There are[G1526] six[G1803] days[G2250] in[G1722] which men[G3739] ought[G1163] to work[G2038]: in[G1722] them[G3778] therefore[G3767] come[G2064] and be healed[G2323], and[G2532] not[G3361] on the day[G2250] of the sabbath[G4521].

15. But the Lord[G2962, 3767] answered[G611] him[G846], and[G2532] said[G2036], Ye hypocrites[G5273], doth[G3089] not[G3756] each one[G1538] of you[G5216] on the sabbath[G4521] loose[G3089] his[G846] ox[G1016] or[G2228] his ass[G3688] from[G575] the stall[G5336], and[G2532] lead[G520] him away[G520] to watering[G4222]?

16. And[G1161] ought[G1163] not[G3756] this woman[G3778], being[G5607] a daughter[G2364] of Abraham[G11], whom[G3739] Satan[G4567] had bound[G1210], lo[G2400], these eighteen[G1176, 2532, 3638] years[G2094], to have been loosed[G3089] from[G575] this[G5127] bond[G1199] on the day[G2250] of the sabbath[G4521]?

17. And[G2532] as he[G846] said[G3004] these things[G5023], all[G3956] his[G846] adversaries[G480] were put to shame[G2617]: and[G2532] all[G3956] the multitude[G3793] rejoiced[G5463] for[G1909] all[G3956] the glorious[G1741] things that[G3588] were done[G1096] by[G5259] him[G846].

18. He[G3004] said therefore[G1161], Unto what[G5101] is[G2076] the kingdom[G932] of God[G2316] like[G3664]? and[G2532] whereunto[G5101] shall I liken[G3666] it[G846]?

19. It is[G2076] like[G3664] unto a grain[G2848] of mustard seed[G4615], which[G3739] a man[G444] took[G2983], and[G2532] cast[G906] into[G1519] his[G1438] own garden[G2779]; and[G2532] it grew[G837], and[G2532] became[G1096, 1519] a tree[G1186]; and[G2532] the birds[G4071] of the heaven[G3772] lodged[G2681] in[G1722] the branches[G2798] thereof[G846].

20. And[G2532] again[G3825] he said[G2036], Whereunto[G5101] shall I liken[G3666] the kingdom[G932] of God[G2316]?

21. It is[G2076] like[G3664] unto leaven[G2219], which[G3739] a woman[G1135] took[G2983] and hid[G1470] in[G1519] three[G5140] measures[G4568] of meal[G224], till[G2193] it[G3739] was all[G3650] leavened[G2220].

22. And[G2532] he went[G1279] on his way through[G2596] cities[G4172] and[G2532] villages[G2968], teaching[G1321], and[G2532] journeying[G4160, 4197] on unto[G1519] Jerusalem[G2419].

23. And[G1161] one[G5100] said[G2036] unto him[G846], Lord[G2962], are they[G1487] few[G3641] that[G3588] are saved[G4982]? And[G1161] he said[G2036] unto[G4314] them[G846],

24. Strive[G75] to enter in[G1525] by[G1223] the narrow[G4728] door[G4439]: for[G3754] many[G4183], I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], shall seek[G2212] to enter in[G1525], and[G2532] shall[G2480] not[G3756] be able[G2480].

25. When[G575] once[G3739, Leviticus2] the master of the house[G3617] is risen up[G1453], and[G2532] hath shut to[G608] the door[G2374], and[G2532] ye begin[G756] to stand[G2476] without[G1854], and[G2532] to knock[G2925] at the door[G2374], saying[G3004], Lord[G2962], [G2962] open[G455] to us[G2254]; and[G2532] he shall answer[G611] and say[G2046] to you[G5213], I know[G1492] you[G5209] not[G3756] whence[G4159] ye are[G2075];

26. then[G5119] shall ye begin[G756] to say[G3004], We did eat[G5315] and[G2532] drink[G4095] in thy[G4675] presence[G1799], and[G2532] thou didst teach[G1321] in[G1722] our[G2257] streets[G4113];

27. and[G2532] he shall say[G2046], I tell[G3004] you[G5213], I know[G1492, Romans9] not[G3756] whence[G4159] ye are[G2075]; depart[G868] from[G575] me[G1700], all[G3956] ye workers[G2040] of iniquity[G93].

28. There[G1563] shall be[G2071] the weeping[G2805] and[G2532] the gnashing[G1030] of teeth[G3599], when[G3752] ye shall see[G3700] Abraham[G11], and[G2532] Isaac[G2464], and[G2532] Jacob[G2384], and[G2532] all[G3956] the prophets[G4396], in[G1722] the kingdom[G932] of God[G2316], and[G1161] yourselves[G5209] cast[G1544] forth without[G1854].

29. And[G2532] they shall come[G2240] from[G575] the east[G395] and[G2532] west[G1424], and[G2532] from[G575] the north[G1005] and[G2532] south[G3558], and[G2532] shall sit down[G347] in[G1722] the kingdom[G932] of God[G2316].

30. And[G2532] behold[G2400], there are[G1526] last[G2078] who[G3739] shall be[G2071] first[G4413], and[G2532] there are[G1526] first[G4413] who[G3739] shall be[G2071] last[G2078].

31. In that very[G846] hour[G2250] there came[G4334] certain[G5100] Pharisees[G5330], saying[G3004] to him[G846], Get thee out[G1831], and[G2532] go[G4198] hence[G1782]: for[G3754] Herod[G2264] would[G2309] fain kill[G615] thee[G4571].

32. And[G2532] he said[G2036] unto them[G846], Go[G4198] and say[G2036] to that[G3778] fox[G258], Behold[G2400], I cast out[G1544] demons[G1140] and[G2532] perform[G2005] cures[G2392] to-day[G4594] and[G2532] to-morrow[G839], and[G2532] the third[G5154] day I am perfected[G5048].

33. Nevertheless[G4133] I[G3165] must[G1163] go[G4198] on my way to-day[G4594] and[G2532] to-morrow[G839] and[G2532] the[G3588] day following[G2192]: for[G3754] it[G1735] cannot[G3756] be[G1735] that a prophet[G4396] perish[G622] out of[G1854] Jerusalem[G2419].

34. O Jerusalem[G2419], Jerusalem[G2419], that[G3588] killeth[G615] the prophets[G4396], and[G2532] stoneth[G3036] them that[G3588] are sent[G649] unto[G4314] her[G846]! how often[G4212] would[G2309] I have gathered[G1996] thy[G4675] children[G5043] together[G1996], even as[G3739] a[G5158] hen[G3733] gathereth her[G1438] own brood[G3555] under[G5259] her wings[G4420], and[G2532] ye would[G2309] not[G3756]!

35. Behold[G2400], your[G5216] house[G3624] is left[G863] unto you[G5213] desolate[G2048]: and[G1161, 281] I say[G3004] unto you[G3754], Ye shall[G1492, 3361] not[G3756] see[G1492] me[G3165], until[G2193, Leviticus2, 2240, 3753] ye shall say[G2036], Blessed[G2127] is he that[G3588] cometh[G2240] in[G1722] the name[G3686] of the Lord[G2962].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

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