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ASV_Strong : Luke 11


1. And[G2532] it came to pass[G1096], as[G1722] he[G846] was[G1511] praying[G4336] in[G1722] a[G5117] certain[G5100] place[G5117], that when[G5613] he ceased[G3973], one[G5100] of[G3101] his[G846] disciples[G3101] said[G2036] unto[G4314] him[G846], Lord[G2962], teach[G1321] us[G2248] to pray[G4336], even as[G2531] John[G2491] also[G2532] taught[G1321] his[G846] disciples[G3101].

2. And[G1161] he said[G2036] unto them[G846], When[G3752] ye pray[G4336], say[G3004], Father[G3962], Hallowed be[G37] thy[G4675] name[G3686]. Thy[G4675] kingdom[G932] come[G2064].

3. Give[G1325] us[G2254] day[G2250] by[G2596] day[G2250] our[G2257] daily[G1967] bread[G740].

4. And[G2532] forgive[G863] us[G2254] our[G2257] sins[G266]; for[G1063] we[G863] ourselves also[G2532] forgive[G863] every[G3956] one that[G846] is indebted[G3784] to us[G2254]. And[G2532] bring[G1533] us[G2248] not[G3361] into[G1519] temptation[G3986].

5. And[G2532] he said[G2036] unto[G4314] them[G846], Which[G5101] of[G1537] you[G5216] shall have[G2192] a friend[G5384], and[G2532] shall go[G4198] unto[G4314] him[G846] at midnight[G3317], and[G2532] say[G2036] to him[G846], Friend[G5384], lend[G5531] me[G3427] three[G5140] loaves[G740];

6. for[G1894] a friend[G5384] of mine[G3450] is come[G3854] to[G4314] me[G3165] from a journey[G3598], and[G2532] I have[G2192] nothing[G3756] to[G4314] set before[G3908] him[G846];

7. and he[G2548] from within[G2081] shall answer[G611] and say[G2036], Trouble[G2873, 3930] me[G3427] not[G3361]: the door[G2374] is[G2808] now[G2235] shut[G2808], and[G2532] my[G3450] children[G3813] are[G1526] with[G3326] me[G1700] in[G1519] bed[G2845]; I[G1410] cannot[G3756] rise[G450] and give[G1325] thee[G4671]?

8. I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], Though[G1487] he[G2532] will[G1325] not[G3756] rise and[G450] give[G1325] him[G846] because[G1223] he is[G1511] his[G846] friend[G5384], yet[G1065] because[G1223] of[G335] his[G846] importunity[G335] he will arise[G1453] and give[G1325] him[G846] as many as[G3745] he needeth[G5535].

9. And I[G2504] say[G3004] unto you[G5213], Ask[G154], and[G2532] it shall be given[G1325] you[G5213]; seek[G2212], and[G2532] ye shall find[G2147]; knock[G2925], and[G2532] it shall be opened[G455] unto you[G5213].

10. For[G1063] every[G3956] one that asketh[G154] receiveth[G2983]; and[G2532] he that seeketh[G2212] findeth[G2147]; and[G2532] to him that knocketh[G2925] it shall be opened[G455].

11. And of which[G5101] of you[G5216] that is a father[G3361] shall[G1161] his son[G5207] ask[G154] a loaf[G740], and he give[G1929] him[G846] a stone[G3037]? or[G2532, 1487] a fish[G3361], and he[G1929] for[G473] a fish[G2486] give[G1929] him[G846] a serpent[G3789]?

12. Or[G2228, 2532] if[G1437] he shall ask[G154] an egg[G3361], will he give[G1929] him[G846] a scorpion[G4651]?

13. If[G1487] ye[G5210] then[G3767], being[G5225] evil[G4190], know how[G1492] to give[G1325] good[G18] gifts[G1390] unto[G5043] your[G5216] children[G5043], how much[G4214] more[G3123] shall your[G1537] heavenly[G3772] Father[G3962] give[G1325] the[G4151] Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151] to them that ask[G154] him[G846]?

14. And[G2532] he was[G2258] casting out[G1544] a demon[G1140, 2532] that[G846] was[G2258] dumb[G2974]. And[G2532] it came to pass[G1096], when[G1831] the demon[G1140] was gone out[G1831], the dumb[G2974] man spake[G2980]; and[G2532] the multitudes[G3793] marvelled[G2296].

15. But[G1161] some[G5100] of[G1537] them[G846] said[G2036], By[G1722] Beelzebub[G954] the prince[G758] of the demons[G1140] casteth he out[G1544] demons[G1140].

16. And[G1161] others[G2087], trying[G3985] him[G2212], sought of[G3844] him[G846] a sign[G4592] from[G1537] heaven[G3772].

17. But[G1161] he[G846], knowing[G1492] their[G846] thoughts[G1270], said[G2036] unto them[G846], Every[G3956] kingdom[G932] divided[G1266] against[G1909] itself[G1438] is brought to desolation[G2049]; and[G2532] a house[G3624] divided against[G1909] a house[G3624] falleth[G4098].

18. And if[G1487] Satan[G4567] also[G2532] is divided[G1266] against[G1909] himself[G1438], how[G4459] shall[G2476] his[G846] kingdom[G932] stand[G2476]? because[G3754] ye say that[G3004] I[G3165] cast out[G1544] demons[G1140] by[G1722] Beelzebub[G954].

19. And[G1161] if[G1487] I[G1473] by[G1722] Beelzebub[G954] cast out[G1544] demons[G1140], by[G1722] whom[G5101] do[G1544] your[G5216] sons[G5207] cast them out[G1544]? therefore[G1223, 5124] shall[G2071] they[G846] be[G2071] your[G5216] judges[G2923].

20. But[G1161] if[G1487] I[G1544] by[G1722] the finger[G1147] of God[G2316] cast out[G1544] demons[G1140], then is[G686] the kingdom[G932] of God[G2316] come[G5348] upon[G1909] you[G5209].

21. When[G3752] the strong man[G2478] fully armed[G2528] guardeth[G5442] his[G1438] own court[G833], his[G846] goods[G5224] are[G2076] in[G1722] peace[G1515]:

22. but[G1161] when[G1875] a stronger[G2478] than he[G846] shall come upon[G1904] him[G846], and overcome[G3528] him[G846], he taketh[G142] from him[G1909] his[G846] whole[G3833] armor[G3833] wherein[G3739] he trusted[G3982], and[G2532] divideth[G1239] his[G846] spoils[G4661].

23. He that is[G5607] not[G3361] with[G3326] me[G1700] is[G2076] against[G2596] me[G1700]; and[G2532] he that gathereth[G4863] not[G3361] with[G3326] me[G1700] scattereth[G4650].

24. The[G4151] unclean[G169] spirit[G4151] when[G3752] he is gone out[G1831] of[G575] the man[G444], passeth[G1330] through[G1223] waterless[G504] places[G5117], seeking[G2212] rest[G372], and[G2532] finding[G2147] none[G3361], he saith[G3004], I will turn back[G5290] unto[G1519] my[G3450] house[G3624] whence[G3606] I came out[G1831].

25. And[G2532] when he is come[G2064], he findeth[G2147] it swept[G4563] and[G2532] garnished[G2885].

26. Then[G5119] goeth he[G4198], and[G2532] taketh[G3880] to him seven[G2033] other[G2087] spirits[G4151] more evil[G4190] than himself[G1438]; and[G2532] they enter in[G1525] and dwell[G2730] there[G1563]: and[G2532] the last[G2078] state of[G444] that[G1565] man[G444] becometh[G1096] worse[G5501] than the first[G4413].

27. And[G1161] it came to pass[G1096], as[G1722] he[G846] said[G3004] these things[G5023], a certain[G5100] woman[G1135] out of[G1537] the multitude[G3793] lifted up[G1869] her voice[G5456], and said[G2036] unto him[G846], Blessed[G3107] is the womb[G2836] that bare[G941] thee[G4571], and[G2532] the breasts[G3149] which[G3739] thou didst suck[G2337].

28. But[G1161] he[G846] said[G2036], Yea rather[G3304], blessed[G3107] are they that hear[G191] the word[G3056] of God[G2316], and[G2532] keep[G5442] it[G846].

29. And[G1161] when[G1865] the multitudes[G3793] were gathering together[G1865] unto him[G756], he began to say[G3004], This[G3778] generation[G1074] is[G2076] an[G1074] evil[G4190] generation[G1074]: it seeketh after a sign[G4592]; and[G2532] there shall[G1325] no[G3756] sign[G4592] be given[G1325] to it[G1487] but[G3361] the sign[G4592] of Jonah[G2495].

30. For[G1063] even as[G2531] Jonah[G2495] became[G1096] a sign[G4592] unto the Ninevites[G3536], so[G3779] shall[G2071] also[G2532] the Son[G5207] of man[G444] be[G2071] to[G1074] this[G3778] generation[G1074].

31. The queen[G938] of the south[G3558] shall rise up[G1453] in[G1722] the judgment[G2920] with[G3326] the men[G435] of[G1074] this[G3778] generation[G1074], and[G2532] shall condemn[G2632] them[G846]: for[G3754] she came[G2064] from[G1537] the ends[G4009] of the earth[G1093] to hear[G191] the wisdom[G4678] of Solomon[G4672]; and[G2532] behold[G2400], a greater[G4119] than Solomon[G4672] is here[G5602].

32. The men[G435] of Nineveh[G3535] shall stand up[G450] in[G1722] the judgment[G2920] with[G3326] this[G3778] generation[G1074], and[G2532] shall condemn[G2632] it[G846]: for[G3754] they repented[G3340] at[G1519] the preaching[G2782] of Jonah[G2495]; and[G2532] behold[G2400], a greater[G4119] than Jonah[G2495] is here[G5602].

33. No man[G3762], when[G1161] he hath lighted[G681] a lamp[G3088], putteth[G5087] it in[G1519] a cellar[G2927], neither[G3761] under[G5259] the bushel[G3426], but[G235] on[G1909] the stand[G3087], that[G2443] they which enter in[G1531] may see[G991] the light[G5338].

34. The lamp[G3088] of thy body[G4983] is[G2076] thine eye[G3788]: [G3767] when[G3752] thine[G4675] eye[G3788] is[G5600] single[G573], thy[G4675] whole[G3650] body[G4983] also[G2532] is[G2076] full of light[G5460]; but[G1161] when[G1875] it is[G5600] evil[G4190], thy[G4675] body[G4983] also[G2532] is full of darkness[G4652].

35. Look[G4648] therefore[G3767] whether[G4648] the light[G5457] that is[G3588] in[G1722] thee[G4671] be[G2076] not[G3361] darkness[G4655].

36. If[G1487] therefore[G3767] thy[G4675] whole[G3650] body[G4983] be full of light[G5460], having[G2192] no[G3361, Acts0] part[G3313] dark[G4652], it shall be[G2071] wholly[G3650] full of light[G5460], as[G5613] when[G3752] the lamp[G3088] with its bright shining[G796] doth give[G5461] thee[G4571] light[G5461].

37. Now[G1161] as[G1722] he spake[G2980], a[G5100] Pharisee[G5330] asketh[G2065] him[G846] to[G3704] dine[G709] with[G3844] him[G846]: and[G1161] he went in[G1525], and sat down to meat[G377].

38. And[G1161] when[G1492] the Pharisee[G5330] saw[G1492] it[G2296], he marvelled that[G3754] he had[G907] not[G3756] first[G4412] bathed[G907] himself before[G4253] dinner[G712].

39. And[G1161] the Lord[G2962] said[G2036] unto[G4314] him[G846], Now[G3568, 2511] ye[G5210] the Pharisees[G5330] cleanse[G2511] the outside[G1855] of the cup[G4221] and[G2532] of the platter[G4094]; but[G1161] your[G5216] inward part[G2081] is full[G1073] of extortion[G724] and[G2532] wickedness[G4189].

40. Ye foolish[G878] ones[G4160], did not[G3756] he that made[G4160] the outside[G1855] make[G4160] the inside[G2081] also[G2532]?

41. But[G4133] give[G1325] for alms[G1654] those things which are within[G1751]; and[G2532] behold[G2400], all things[G3956] are[G2076] clean[G2513] unto you[G5213].

42. But[G235] woe[G3759] unto you[G5213] Pharisees[G5330]! for[G3754] ye tithe[G586] mint[G2238] and[G2532] rue[G4076] and[G2532] every[G3956] herb[G3001], and[G2532] pass over[G3928] justice[G2920] and[G2532] the love[G26] of God[G2316]: but these[G5023] ought ye[G1163] to have done[G4160], and[G2548] not[G3361] to leave[G863] the other[G2548] undone[G863].

43. Woe[G3759] unto you[G5213] Pharisees[G5330]! for[G3754] ye love[G25] the chief seats[G4410] in[G1722] the synagogues[G4864], and[G2532] the salutations[G783] in[G1722] the marketplaces[G58].

44. Woe[G3759] unto you[G5213]! for[G3754] ye are[G2075] as[G5613] the tombs[G3419] which appear not[G82], and[G2532] the men[G444] that walk[G4043] over[G1883] them know[G1492] it[G1492] not[G3756].

45. And[G1161] one[G5100] of the lawyers[G3544] answering[G611] saith[G3004] unto him[G846], Teacher[G1320], in[G5023] saying[G3004] this thou reproachest[G5195] us[G2248] also[G2532].

46. And[G1161] he said[G2036], Woe[G3759] unto you[G5213] lawyers[G3544] also[G2532]! for[G3754] ye load[G5412] men[G444] with burdens[G5413] grievous to be borne[G1419], and[G2532] ye[G4379] yourselves[G846] touch[G4379] not[G3756] the burdens[G5413] with[G1147] one of[G1520] your[G5216] fingers[G1147].

47. Woe[G3759] unto you[G5213]! for[G3754] ye build[G3618] the tombs[G3419] of the prophets[G4396], and[G1161] your[G5216] fathers[G3962] killed[G615] them[G846].

48. So[G686] ye are witnesses[G3140] and[G2532] consent[G4909] unto the works[G2041] of[G3962] your[G5216] fathers[G3962]: for[G3754] they[G846, Ezekiel3] killed[G615] them[G846], and[G1161] ye[G5210] build[G3618] their[G846] tombs[G3419].

49. Therefore[G1223, 5124] also[G2532] said[G2036] the wisdom[G4678] of God[G2316], I[G5124] will send[G649] unto them[G846] prophets[G4396] and[G2532] apostles[G652]; and[G2532] some of[G1537] them[G846] they shall kill[G615] and[G2532] persecute[G1559];

50. that[G2443] the blood[G129] of[G4396] all[G3956] the prophets[G4396], which was shed[G1632] from[G575] the foundation[G2602] of the world[G2889], may be required[G1567] of[G575] this[G3778] generation[G1074];

51. from[G575] the blood[G129] of Abel[G6] unto[G2193] the blood[G129] of Zachariah[G2197], who perished[G622] between[G3342] the altar[G2379] and[G2532] the sanctuary[G3624]: yea[G3483], I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], it shall be required[G1567] of[G575] this[G3778] generation[G1074].

52. Woe[G3759] unto you[G5213] lawyers[G3544]! for[G3754] ye took away[G142] the key[G2807] of knowledge[G1108]: ye entered[G1525] not[G3756] in[G1525] yourselves[G846], and[G2532] them that were entering in[G1525] ye hindered[G2967].

53. And[G1161] when[G3004] he[G846, Jeremiah4] was come[G5023] out[G4314] from thence[G846], the scribes[G1122] and[G2532] the Pharisees[G5330] began[G756] to press[G1758] upon him vehemently[G1171], and[G2532] to provoke[G653] him[G846] to speak[G653] of[G4012] many things[G4119];

54. laying wait[G1748] for him[G846], to[G2212] catch[G2340] something[G5100] out[G1537] of[G4750] his[G846] mouth[G4750].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

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