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ASV_Strong : Mark 14


1. Now after[G3326] two[G1417] days[G2250] was[G2258] the feast of the passover[G3957] and[G2532] the unleavened bread[G106]: and[G2532] the chief priests[G749] and[G2532] the scribes[G1122] sought[G2212] how[G4459] they might take[G2902] him[G846] with[G1722] subtlety[G1388], and[G615] kill him[G1161]:

2. for[G1161] they said[G3004], Not[G3361] during[G1722] the feast[G1859], lest[G3379] haply there shall be[G2071] a tumult[G2351] of the people[G2992].

3. And[G2532] while he was[G5607] in[G1722] Bethany[G963] in[G1722] the house[G3614] of Simon[G4613] the leper[G3015], as he[G846] sat at meat[G2621], there came[G2064] a woman[G1135] having[G2192] an alabaster cruse[G211] of ointment[G3464] of pure[G3487] nard[G4101] very costly[G4185]; and[G2532] she brake[G4937] the cruse[G211], and poured[G2708] it over[G2596] his[G846] head[G846].

4. But[G1161] there were[G2258] some[G5100] that had indignation[G23] among[G4314] themselves[G1438], saying[G3004], To what purpose[G5101] hath[G1096] this[G3778] waste[G684] of the ointment[G3464] been made[G1519]?

5. For[G1063] this ointment[G5124] might[G1410] have been sold[G4097] for above[G1883] three hundred[G5145] shillings[G1220], and[G2532] given[G1325] to the poor[G4434]. And[G2532] they murmured against[G1690] her[G846].

6. But[G1161] Jesus[G2424] said[G2036], Let[G863] her[G846] alone[G863]; why[G5101] trouble[G2873] ye[G3930] her[G846]? she hath wrought[G2038] a good[G2570] work[G2041] on[G1519] me[G1691].

7. For[G1063] ye have[G2192] the poor[G4434] always[G3842] with[G3326] you[G1438], and[G2532] whensoever[G3752] ye will[G2309] ye can[G1410] do[G4160] them[G846] good[G2095]: but[G1161] me[G1691] ye have[G2192] not[G3756] always[G3842].

8. She[G846] hath done[G4160] what[G3739] she[G846] could[G2192]; she hath anointed[G3462] my[G3450] body[G4983] beforehand[G4301] for the burying[G3778].

9. And verily[G281] I[G302] say[G3004] unto you[G5213], Wheresoever[G3699] the gospel[G2098] shall be preached[G2784] throughout[G1519] the whole[G3650] world[G2889], that[G3739] also[G2532] which[G3739] this woman[G846] hath done[G4160] shall be spoken of[G2980] for[G1519] a memorial[G3422] of her[G3778].

10. And[G2532] Judas[G2455] Iscariot[G2469], he that was one[G1520] of the twelve[G1427], went[G565] away unto[G4314] the chief priests[G749], that[G2443] he might deliver[G3860] him[G846] unto them[G846].

11. And[G1161] they[G3588], when they heard[G191] it[G5463], were glad, and[G2532] promised[G1861] to give[G1325] him[G846] money[G694]. And[G2532] he sought[G2212] how[G4459] he might[G3860] conveniently[G2122] deliver[G3860] him unto them[G846].

12. And[G2532] on the first[G4413] day[G2250] of unleavened bread[G106], when[G3753] they sacrificed[G2380] the passover[G3957], his[G846] disciples[G3101] say[G3004] unto him[G846], Where[G4226] wilt[G2309] thou that we go[G565] and make ready[G2090] that[G2443] thou mayest eat[G5315] the passover[G3957]?

13. And[G2532] he sendeth[G649] two[G1417] of his[G846] disciples[G3101], and[G2532] saith[G3004] unto them[G846], Go[G5217] into[G1519] the city[G4172], and[G2532] there shall meet[G528] you[G5217] a man[G444] bearing[G941] a pitcher[G2765] of water[G5204]: follow[G190] him[G846];

14. and[G2532] wheresoever[G3699] he[G1437] shall enter in[G1525], say[G2036] to the master of the house[G3754], The Teacher[G1320] saith[G3004], Where[G4226] is[G2076] my guest-chamber[G2646], where[G3699] I shall eat[G5315] the passover[G3957] with[G3326] my[G3450] disciples[G3101]?

15. And[G2532] he[G846] will himself show[G1166] you[G5213] a large[G3173] upper room[G508] furnished[G4766] and ready[G2090]: and there[G1563] make ready[G2090] for us[G2254].

16. And[G2532] the[G846] disciples[G3101] went forth[G1831], and[G2532] came[G2064] into[G1519] the city[G4172], and[G2532] found[G2147] as[G2531] he had said[G2036] unto them[G846]: and[G2532] they made ready[G2090] the passover[G3957].

17. And[G2532] when[G1096] it was evening[G3798] he cometh[G2064] with[G3326] the twelve[G1427].

18. And[G2532] as they[G846] sat[G345] and[G2532] were eating[G2068], Jesus[G2424] said[G2036], Verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto you[G3754], One[G1520] of[G1537] you[G5216] shall betray[G3860] me[G1700], even he that[G3588] eateth[G2068] with[G3326] me[G3165].

19. They[G1161] began[G756] to be sorrowful[G3076], and[G1161] to say[G3004] unto him[G846] one[G1520] by[G2596] one[G1520], Is[G1473] it[G3385] I[G1473]?

20. And[G1161] he said[G611] unto them[G846], It[G2036] is one[G1520] of[G1537] the twelve[G1427], he that[G3588] dippeth[G1686] with[G3326] me[G1700] in[G1519] the dish[G5165].

21. For the Son[G5207] of man[G444] goeth[G5217], even[G3303] as[G2531] it is written[G1125] of[G4012] him[G846]: but[G1161] woe[G3759] unto that[G1565] man[G444] through[G1223] whom[G3739] the Son[G5207] of man[G444] is betrayed[G3860]! good[G2570] were it[G2258] for that[G1565] man[G444] if[G1487] he[G846] had[G1080] not[G3756] been born[G1080].

22. And[G2532] as they[G846] were eating[G2068], he[G2424] took[G2983] bread[G740], and when he had blessed[G2127], he brake[G2806] it[G2532], and gave[G1325] to them[G846], and[G2532] said[G2036], Take[G2983] ye[G5315]: this[G5124] is[G2076] my[G3450] body[G4983].

23. And[G2532] he took[G2983] a cup[G4221], and when he had given thanks[G2168], he gave[G1325] to them[G846]: and[G2532] they[G4095] all[G3956] drank[G4095] of[G1537] it[G846].

24. And[G2532] he said[G2036] unto them[G846], This[G5124] is[G2076] my[G3450] blood[G129] of the[G2537] covenant[G1242], which[G3588] is poured[G1632] out for[G4012] many[G4183].

25. Verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto you[G3754], I shall no[G3361] more[G3765] drink[G4095] of[G1537] the fruit[G1081] of the vine[G288], until[G2193] that[G1565] day[G2250] when[G3752] I drink[G4095] it[G846] new[G2537] in[G1722] the kingdom[G932] of God[G2316].

26. And[G2532] when they had sung a hymn[G5214], they went out[G1831] unto[G1519] the mount[G3735] of Olives[G1636].

27. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] saith[G3004] unto them[G3754], All[G3956] ye shall be[G1722] offended[G4624]: for[G3754] it is written[G1125], I[G1722] will smite[G3960] the shepherd[G4166], and[G2532] the sheep[G4263] shall be scattered abroad[G1287].

28. Howbeit[G235], after[G3326] I[G3165] am raised[G1453] up[G3165], I will go before[G4254] you[G5209] into[G1519] Galilee[G1056].

29. But[G1161] Peter[G4074] said[G5346] unto him[G2532], Although[G1487] all[G3956] shall be offended[G4624], yet[G235] will not[G3756] I[G1473].

30. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] saith[G3004] unto him[G846], Verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto thee[G4671], that[G3754] thou to-day[G4594], even[G2228] this[G3778] night[G3571], before[G4250] the[G2228] cock[G220] crow[G5455] twice[G1364], shalt deny[G533] me[G3165] thrice[G5151].

31. But[G1161] he spake[G3004] exceedingly[G4053] vehemently[G3123], If[G1437] I[G3165] must[G1163] die[G4880] with[G1537] thee[G4671], I will[G533, 3756] not[G3361] deny[G533] thee[G4571]. [G5615] And in like[G1161] manner also[G2532] said they[G3004] all[G3956].

32. And[G2532] they come[G2064] unto[G1519] a place[G5564] which was[G3739] named[G3686] Gethsemane[G1068]: and[G2532] he saith[G3004] unto his[G846] disciples[G3101], Sit ye[G2523] here[G5602], while[G2193] I pray[G4336].

33. And[G2532] he taketh[G3880] with[G3326] him[G1438] Peter[G4074] and[G2532] James[G2385] and[G2532] John[G2491], and[G2532] began[G756] to be greatly amazed[G1568], and[G2532] sore troubled[G85].

34. And[G2532] he saith[G3004] unto them[G846], My[G3450] soul[G5590] is[G2076] exceeding sorrowful[G4036] even unto[G2193] death[G2288]: abide ye[G3306] here[G5602], and[G2532] watch[G1127].

35. And[G2532] he went forward[G4281] a little[G3397], and fell[G4098] on[G1909] the ground[G1093], and[G2532] prayed[G4336] that[G2443], if[G1487] it were[G2076] possible[G1415], the hour[G5610] might pass[G3928] away from[G575] him[G846].

36. And[G2532] he said[G3004], Abba[G5], Father[G3962], all things[G3956] are possible[G1415] unto thee[G4671]; remove[G3911] this[G5124] cup[G4221] from[G575] me[G1700]: howbeit[G235] not[G3756] what[G5101] I[G1473] will[G2309], but[G235] what[G5101] thou wilt[G4771].

37. And[G2532] he cometh[G2064], and[G2532] findeth[G2147] them[G846] sleeping[G2518], and[G2532] saith[G3004] unto Peter[G4074], Simon[G4613], sleepest thou[G2518]? couldest[G2480] thou not[G3756] watch[G1127] one[G1520] hour[G5610]?

38. Watch[G1127] and[G2532] pray[G4336], that[G2443] ye enter[G1525] not[G3361] into[G1519] temptation[G3986]: the spirit[G4151] indeed[G3303] is willing[G4289], but[G1161] the flesh[G4561] is weak[G772].

39. And[G2532] again[G3825] he went away[G565], and[G2532] prayed[G4336], saying the same[G846] words[G3056].

40. And[G2532] again[G3825] he came[G2532], and found[G2147] them[G846] sleeping[G2518], for[G1063] their[G846] eyes[G3788] were[G2258] very heavy[G916]; and[G2532] they[G1492] knew not[G3756] what[G5101] to answer[G611] him[G846].

41. And[G2532] he cometh[G2064] the third time[G5154], and[G2532] saith[G3004] unto them[G846], Sleep on[G2518] now[G3063], and[G2532] take[G373] your rest[G373]: it is enough[G566]; the hour[G5610] is come[G2064]; behold[G2400], the Son[G5207] of man[G444] is betrayed[G3860] into[G1519] the hands[G5495] of sinners[G373].

42. Arise[G1453], let us be going[G71]: behold[G2400], he that[G3588] betrayeth[G3860] me[G3165] is at hand[G1448].

43. And[G2532] straightway[G2112], while he[G846] yet[G2089] spake[G2980], cometh[G3854] Judas[G5607], one[G1520] of the twelve[G1427], and[G2532] with[G3326] him[G846] a[G4183] multitude[G3793] with[G3326] swords[G3162] and[G2532] staves[G3586], from[G3844] the chief priests[G749] and[G2532] the scribes[G1122] and[G2532] the elders[G4245].

44. Now[G1161] he that[G3588] betrayed[G3860] him[G846] had given[G1325] them[G846] a token[G4953], saying[G3004], Whomsoever[G3739, Leviticus2] I shall kiss[G5368], that[G846] is he[G2076]; take[G2902] him[G846], and[G2532] lead[G520] him away[G520] safely[G806].

45. And[G2532] when he was come[G2064], straightway[G2112] he came[G2064] to him[G846], and saith[G3004], Rabbi[G4461]; and[G2532] kissed[G2705] him[G846].

46. And[G1161] they laid[G1911] hands[G5495] on[G1909] him[G846], and[G2532] took[G2902] him[G846].

47. But[G1161] a[G5100] certain one[G1520] of them that[G3588] stood by[G3936] drew[G4685] his sword[G3162], and smote[G3817] the servant[G1401] of the high priest[G749], and[G2532] struck off[G851] his[G846] ear[G5621].

48. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] answered[G611] and said[G2036] unto them[G846], Are ye come out[G1831], as[G5613] against[G1909] a robber[G3027], with[G3326] swords[G3162] and[G2532] staves[G3586] to seize[G4815] me[G3165]?

49. I[G2596] was[G2252] daily[G2250] with[G4314] you[G5209] in[G1722] the temple[G2411] teaching[G1321], and[G2532] ye took[G2902] me[G3165] not[G3756]: but[G235] this is done[G2443] that the scriptures[G1124] might be fulfilled[G4137].

50. And[G2532] they[G863] all[G3956] left[G863] him[G846], and fled[G5343].

51. And[G2532] a[G1520] certain[G5100] young[G3495] man[G1520] followed[G190] with him[G846], having[G4016] a linen cloth[G4616] cast[G4016] about[G1909] him[G1131], over his naked body[G2532]: and they lay hold[G2902] on him[G846];

52. but[G1161] he left[G2641] the linen cloth[G4616], and[G1161] fled[G5343] naked[G1131].

53. And[G2532] they led[G520] Jesus[G2424] away[G520] to[G4314] the high priest[G749]: and[G2532] there come together[G4905] with him[G846] all[G3956] the chief priests[G749] and[G2532] the elders[G4245] and[G2532] the scribes[G1122].

54. And[G2532] Peter[G4074] had followed[G190] him[G846] afar[G575] off[G3113], even[G2193] within[G2080], into[G1519] the court[G833] of the high priest[G749]; and[G2532] he was[G2258] sitting[G4775] with[G3326] the officers[G5257], and[G2532] warming himself[G2328] in the light[G4314] of the fire[G5457].

55. Now[G1161] the chief priests[G749] and[G2532] the whole[G3650] council[G4892] sought[G2212] witness[G3141] against[G2596] Jesus[G2424] to put[G2289] him[G846] to[G1519] death[G2289]; and[G2532] found[G2147] it not[G3756].

56. For[G1063] many[G4183] bare false witness[G5576] against[G2596] him[G846], and[G2532] their witness[G3141] agreed[G2258] not[G3756] together[G2470].

57. And[G2532] there stood up[G450] certain[G5100], and bare false witness[G5576] against[G2596] him[G846], saying[G3004],

58. We[G2249] heard[G191] him[G846] say[G3754], I[G1473] will destroy[G2647] this[G5126] temple[G3485] that[G3588] is made with hands[G5499], and[G2532] in[G1223] three[G5140] days[G2250] I will build[G3618] another[G243] made without hands[G886].

59. And[G2532] not[G3761] even so[G3779] did[G2258] their[G846] witness[G3141] agree[G2258] together[G2470].

60. And[G2532] the high priest[G749] stood up[G450] in[G1519] the midst[G3319], and asked[G1905] Jesus[G2424], saying[G3756], Answerest thou[G611] nothing[G3762]? what[G5101] is it which these[G3778] witness against[G2649] thee[G4675]?

61. But[G1161] he held his peace[G4623], and[G2532] answered[G611] nothing[G3762]. Again[G3825] the high priest[G749] asked[G1905] him[G846], and[G2532] saith[G3004] unto him[G846], Art[G1488] thou[G4771] the Christ[G5547], the Son[G5207] of the Blessed[G2128]?

62. And[G1161] Jesus[G2424] said[G2036], I[G1473] am[G1510]: and[G2532] ye shall see[G3700] the Son[G5207] of man[G444] sitting[G2521] at[G1537] the right hand[G1188] of Power[G1411], and[G2532] coming[G2064] with[G3326] the clouds[G3507] of heaven[G3772].

63. And[G1161] the high priest[G749] rent[G1284] his[G846] clothes[G5509], and saith[G3004], What[G5101] further[G2089] need[G5532] have we of[G2192] witnesses[G3144]?

64. Ye have heard[G191] the blasphemy[G988]: what[G5101] think[G5316] ye[G5213]? And[G1161] they[G2632] all[G3956] condemned[G2632] him[G846] to be[G1511] worthy of[G1777] death[G2288].

65. And[G2532] some[G5100] began[G756] to spit[G1716] on him[G846], and[G2532] to cover[G4028] his[G846] face[G4383], and[G2532] to buffet[G2852] him[G846], and[G2532] to say[G3004] unto him[G846], Prophesy[G4395]: and[G2532] the officers[G5257] received him[G846] with blows[G906] of their hands[G4475].

66. And[G2532] as Peter[G4074] was[G5607] beneath[G2736] in[G1722] the court[G833], there cometh[G2064] one[G1520] of the maids[G3814] of the high priest[G749];

67. and[G2532] seeing[G1492] Peter[G4074] warming himself[G2328], she looked[G1689] upon him[G846], and saith[G3004], Thou[G2532] also[G4771] wast[G2258] with[G3326] the Nazarene[G3479], even Jesus[G2424].

68. But[G1161] he denied[G720], saying[G3004], I neither[G3761] know[G1492], nor[G3756] understand[G1987] what[G5101] thou[G4771] sayest[G3004]: and[G2532] he went[G1831] out[G1854] into[G1519] the porch[G4259]; and[G2532] the cock[G220] crew[G5455].

69. And[G2532] the maid[G3814] saw[G1492] him[G846], and began[G756] again[G3825] to say[G3004] to them that[G3588] stood by[G3754], This[G3778] is[G2076] one of[G1537] them[G846].

70. But[G1161] he again[G3825] denied it[G720]. And[G2532] after[G3326] a little[G3397] while again[G3825] they that[G3588] stood by[G3936] said[G3004] to Peter[G4074], of[G1537] a[G2532] truth[G230] thou art[G1488] one of[G1537] them[G846]; for[G1063] thou art[G1488] a[G2532] Galilaean[G1057].

71. But[G1161] he began[G756] to curse[G332], and[G2532] to swear[G3660], I[G3754] know[G1492] not[G3756] this[G5126] man[G444] of whom[G3739] ye speak[G3004].

72. And[G2532] straightway[G1537] the second time[G1208] the cock[G220] crew[G5455]. And[G2532] Peter[G4074] called to mind[G363] the word[G4487], how that[G3739] Jesus[G2424] said[G2036] unto him[G3754], Before[G4250] the cock[G220] crow[G5455] twice[G1364], thou shalt deny[G533] me[G3165] thrice[G5151]. And[G2532] when he thought thereon[G1911], he wept[G2799].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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