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ASV_Strong : Matthew 8


1. And when[G1161] he[G846] was come down[G2597] from[G575] the mountain[G3735], great[G4183] multitudes[G3793] followed[G190] him[G846].

2. And[G2532] behold[G2400], there came[G2064] to him[G846] a leper[G3015] and worshipped[G4352] him[G846], saying[G3004], Lord[G2962], if[G1437] thou wilt[G2309], thou canst[G1410] make[G2511] me clean[G3165].

3. And[G2532] he[G2424] stretched forth[G1614] his hand[G5495], and touched[G680] him[G846], saying[G3004], I will[G2309]; be thou made clean[G2511]. And[G2532] straightway[G2112] his[G846] leprosy[G3014] was cleansed[G2511].

4. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] saith[G3004] unto him[G846], See[G3708] thou tell[G2036] no man[G3367]; but[G235] go[G5217], show[G1166] thyself[G4572] to the priest[G2409], and[G2532] offer[G4374] the gift[G1435] that[G3739] Moses[G3475] commanded[G4367], for[G1519] a testimony[G3142] unto them[G846].

5. And[G1161] when[G1525] he[G2424] was entered[G1525] into[G1519] Capernaum[G2584], there came[G4334] unto him[G846] a centurion[G1543], beseeching[G3870] him[G846],

6. and[G2532] saying[G3004], Lord[G2962], my[G3450] servant[G3816] lieth[G906] in[G1722] the house[G3614] sick of the palsy[G3885], grievously[G1171] tormented[G928].

7. And[G2532] he[G2424] saith[G3004] unto him[G846], I[G1473] will come and[G2064] heal[G2323] him[G846].

8. And[G2532] the centurion[G1543] answered[G611] and[G2532] said[G5346], Lord[G2962], I am[G1510] not[G3756] worthy[G2425] that[G2443] thou shouldest come[G1525] under[G5259] my[G3450] roof[G4721]; but[G235] only[G3440] say the word[G3056], and[G2532] my[G3450] servant[G3816] shall be healed[G2390].

9. For[G1063] I[G1473] also am[G1510] a man[G444] under[G5259] authority[G1849], having[G2192] under[G5259] myself soldiers[G4757]: and[G2532] I say[G3004] to this[G5129] one[G4198], Go, and[G2532] he goeth[G4198]; and[G2532] to[G1401] another[G243], Come[G2064], and[G2532] he cometh[G2064]; and[G2532] to[G1401] my[G3450] servant[G1401], Do[G4160] this[G5124], and[G2532] he doeth it[G4160].

10. And when[G1161] Jesus[G2424] heard[G191] it[G2296], he marvelled, and[G2532] said[G2036] to them that followed[G190], Verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], I have[G2147] not[G3761] found[G2147] so great[G5118] faith[G4102], no[G3761], not in[G1722] Israel[G2474].

11. And[G1161] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], that[G3754] many[G4183] shall come[G2240] from[G575] the east[G395] and[G2532] the west[G1424], and[G2532] shall sit down[G347] with[G3326] Abraham[G11], and[G2532] Isaac[G2464], and[G2532] Jacob[G2384], in[G1722] the kingdom[G932] of heaven[G3772]:

12. but[G1161] the sons[G5207] of the kingdom[G932] shall be cast forth[G1544] into[G1519] the outer[G1857] darkness[G4655]: there[G1563] shall be[G2071] the weeping[G2805] and[G2532] the gnashing[G1030] of teeth[G3599].

13. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] said[G2036] unto the centurion[G1543], Go thy way[G5217]; as[G5613] thou hast believed[G4100], so be it done[G1096] unto thee[G4671]. And[G2532] the[G846] servant[G3816] was healed[G2390] in[G1722] that[G1565] hour[G5610].

14. And[G2532] when[G2064] Jesus[G2424] was come[G2064] into[G1519] Peter[G4074]'s house[G3614], he saw[G1492] his[G846] wife[G3994]'s mother lying[G906] sick[G2532] of a fever[G4445].

15. And[G2532] he touched[G680] her[G846] hand[G5495], and[G2532] the fever[G4446] left[G863] her[G846]; and[G2532] she arose[G1453], and[G2532] ministered[G1247] unto him[G846].

16. And when[G1161] even[G3798] was come[G1096], they brought[G4374] unto him[G846] many[G4183] possessed with demons[G1139]: and[G2532] he cast out[G1544] the spirits[G4151] with[G3056] a word[G3056], and[G2532] healed[G2323] all[G3956] that were[G2192] sick[G2560]:

17. that[G3704] it might be fulfilled[G4137] which was spoken[G4483] through[G1223] Isaiah[G2268] the prophet[G4396], saying[G3004]: Himself[G846] took[G2983] our[G2257] infirmities[G769], and[G2532] bare[G941] our diseases[G3554].

18. Now[G1161] when[G1492] Jesus[G2424] saw[G1492] great[G4183] multitudes[G3793] about[G4012] him[G846], he gave commandment[G2753] to depart[G565] unto[G1519] the other side[G4008].

19. And[G2532] there came[G4334] a[G1520] scribe[G1122], and said[G2036] unto him[G846], Teacher[G1320], I[G1437] will follow[G190] thee[G4671] whithersoever[G3699] thou goest[G565].

20. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] saith[G3004] unto him[G846], The foxes[G258] have[G2192] holes[G5454], and[G2532] the birds[G4071] of the heaven[G3772] have nests[G2682]; but[G1161] the Son[G5207] of man[G444] hath[G2192] not[G3756] where[G4226] to lay[G2827] his head[G2776].

21. And[G1161] another[G2087] of[G3101] the[G846] disciples[G3101] said[G2036] unto him[G846], Lord[G2962], suffer[G2010] me[G3427] first[G4412] to go[G565] and[G2532] bury[G2290] my[G3450] father[G3962].

22. But[G1161] Jesus[G2424] saith[G2036] unto him[G846], Follow[G190] me[G3427]; and[G2532] leave[G863] the dead[G3498] to bury[G2290] their[G1438] own dead[G3498].

23. And[G2532] when[G1684] he[G846] was entered[G1684] into[G1519] a boat[G4143], his[G846] disciples[G3101] followed[G190] him[G846].

24. And[G2532] behold[G2400], there arose[G1096] a great[G3173] tempest[G4578] in[G1722] the sea[G2281], insomuch that[G5620] the boat[G4143] was covered[G2572] with[G5259] the waves[G2949]: but[G1161] he[G846] was asleep[G2518].

25. And[G2532] they came[G846] to[G4334] him[G846], and awoke[G1453] him[G846], saying[G3004], Save[G4982], Lord[G2962]; we[G2248] perish[G622].

26. And[G2532] he saith[G3004] unto them[G846], Why[G5101] are ye[G2075] fearful[G1169], O ye of little faith[G3640]? Then[G5119] he arose[G1453], and rebuked[G2008] the winds[G417] and[G2532] the sea[G2281]; and[G2532] there was[G1096] a great[G3173] calm[G1055].

27. And[G1161] the men[G444] marvelled[G2296], saying[G3004], What manner of man[G4217] is[G2076] this[G3778], that[G3754] even[G2532] the winds[G417] and[G2532] the sea[G2281] obey[G5219] him[G846]?

28. And[G2532] when[G2064] he[G846] was come[G2064] to[G1519] the other side[G4008] into[G1519] the country[G5561] of the Gadarenes[G1086], there met[G5221] him[G846] two[G1417] possessed with demons[G1139], coming forth[G1831] out[G1831] of[G1537] the tombs[G3419], exceeding[G3029] fierce[G5467], so that[G1565] no[G3361] man[G5100] could pass[G3928] by[G1223] that[G1565] way[G3598].

29. And[G2532] behold[G2400], they cried out[G2896], saying[G3004], What[G5101] have we[G2254] to do[G2532] with thee[G4671], thou[G2424] Son[G5207] of God[G2316]? art thou come[G2064] hither[G5602] to torment[G928] us[G2248] before[G4253] the time[G2540]?

30. Now[G1161] there was[G2258] afar off[G3112] from[G575] them[G846] a herd[G34] of many[G4183] swine[G5519] feeding[G1006].

31. And[G1161] the demons[G1142] besought[G3870] him[G846], saying[G3004], If[G1487] thou cast[G1544] us[G2248] out[G1544], send[G2010] us[G2254] away[G565] into[G1519] the herd[G34] of swine[G5519].

32. And[G2532] he said[G2036] unto them[G846], Go[G5217]. And[G1161] they came out[G1831], and went[G565] into[G1519] the swine[G5519]: and[G2532] behold[G2400], the whole[G3956] herd[G34] rushed[G3729] down[G2596] the steep[G2911] into the sea[G2281], and[G2532] perished[G599] in[G1722] the waters[G5204].

33. And[G1161] they that fed them[G1006] fled[G5343], and[G2532] went away[G565] into[G1519] the city[G4172], and told[G518] everything[G3956], and[G2532] what was befallen[G3588] to them that were possessed with demons[G1139].

34. And[G2532] behold[G2400], all[G3956] the city[G4172] came out[G1831] to[G1519] meet[G4877] Jesus[G2424]: and[G2532] when they saw[G1492] him[G846], they besought[G3870] him that[G3704] he would depart[G3327] from[G575] their[G846] borders[G3725].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

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