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ASV_Strong : Numbers 27


1. Then drew[H7126] near the daughters[H1323] of Zelophehad[H6765], the son[H1121] of Hepher[H2660], the son[H1121] of Gilead[H1568], the son[H1121] of Machir[H4353], the son[H1121] of Manasseh[H4519], of the families[H4940] of Manasseh[H4519] the son[H1121] of Joseph[H3130]; and these are the names[H8034] of his daughters[H1323]: Mahlah[H4244], Noah[H5270], and Hoglah[H2295], and Milcah[H4435], and Tirzah[H8656].

2. And they stood[H5975] before[H6440] Moses[H4872], and before[H6440] Eleazar[H499] the priest[H3548], and before[H6440] the princes[H5387] and all the congregation[H5712], at the door[H6607] of the tent[H168] of meeting[H4150], saying[H559],

3. Our father[H1] died[H4191] in the wilderness[H4057], and he was not among[H8432] the company[H5712] of them that gathered themselves together[H3259] against Jehovah[H3068] in the company[H5712] of Korah[H7141]: but he died[H4191] in his own sin[H2399]; and he had no sons[H1121].

4. Why should the name[H8034] of our father[H1] be taken away[H1639] from among[H8432] his family[H4940], because he had no son[H1121]? Give[H5414] unto us a possession[H272] among[H8432] the brethren[H251] of our father[H1].

5. And Moses[H4872] brought[H7126] their cause[H4941] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068].

6. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H559] unto Moses[H4872], saying[H559],

7. The daughters[H1323] of Zelophehad[H6765] speak[H1696] right[H3651]: thou shalt surely[H5414] give[H5414] them a possession[H272] of an inheritance[H5159] among[H8432] their father[H1]'s brethren[H251]; and thou shalt cause the inheritance[H5159] of their father[H1] to pass unto them[H5674].

8. And thou shalt speak[H1696] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], saying[H559], If a man[H376] die[H4191], and have no son[H1121], then ye shall cause his inheritance[H5159] to pass[H5674] unto his daughter[H1323].

9. And if he have no daughter[H1323], then ye shall give[H5414] his inheritance[H5159] unto his brethren[H251].

10. And if he have no brethren[H251], then ye shall give[H5414] his inheritance[H5159] unto his father[H1]'s brethren[H251].

11. And if his father[H1] have no brethren[H251], then ye shall give[H5414] his inheritance[H5159] unto his kinsman[H7607] that is next[H7138] to him of his family[H4940], and he shall possess[H3423] it[H1121]: and it shall be unto the children of Israel[H3478] a statute[H2708] and ordinance[H4941], as Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H6680] Moses[H4872].

12. And Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto Moses[H4872], Get thee up[H5927] into this mountain[H2022] of Abarim[H5682], and behold[H7200] the land[H776] which I have given[H5414] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478].

13. And when thou hast seen[H7200] it[H622], thou also shalt be gathered unto thy people[H5971], as Aaron[H175] thy brother[H251] was gathered[H622];

14. because ye rebelled[H4784] against my word[H6310] in the wilderness[H4057] of Zin[H6790], in the strife[H4808] of the congregation[H5712], to sanctify[H6942] me at the waters[H4325] before their eyes[H5869]. (These are the waters[H4325] of Meribah[H4809] of Kadesh[H6946] in the wilderness[H4057] of Zin[H6790].)

15. And Moses[H4872] spake[H1696] unto Jehovah[H3068], saying[H559],

16. Let Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of the spirits[H7307] of all flesh[H1320], appoint[H6485] a man[H376] over the congregation[H5712],

17. who may go out[H3318] before[H6440] them[H935], and who may come in before[H6440] them[H3318], and who may lead them out, and who may bring them in[H935]; that the congregation[H5712] of Jehovah[H3068] be not as sheep[H6629] which have no shepherd[H7462].

18. And Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto Moses[H4872], Take[H3947] thee Joshua[H3091] the son[H1121] of Nun[H5126], a man[H376] in whom is the Spirit[H7307], and lay[H5564] thy hand upon him[H3027];

19. and set[H5975] him before[H6440] Eleazar[H499] the priest[H3548], and before[H6440] all the congregation[H5712]; and give him a charge[H6680] in their sight[H5869].

20. And thou shalt put[H5414] of thine honor[H1935] upon him[H5712], that all the congregation of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] may obey[H8085].

21. And he shall stand[H5975] before[H6440] Eleazar[H499] the priest[H3548], who shall inquire[H7592] for him by the judgment[H4941] of the Urim[H224] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068]: at his word[H6310] shall they go out[H3318], and at his word[H6310] they shall come in[H935], both he[H1121], and all the children of Israel[H3478] with him[H5712], even all the congregation.

22. And Moses[H4872] did[H6213] as Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H6680] him[H3947]; and he took Joshua[H3091], and set[H5975] him before[H6440] Eleazar[H499] the priest[H3548], and before[H6440] all the congregation[H5712]:

23. and he laid[H5564] his hands[H3027] upon him[H6680], and gave him a charge, as Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] by[H3027] Moses[H4872].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

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