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ASV_Strong : Malachi 4


1. For[H3117], behold, the day cometh[H935], it burneth[H1197] as a furnace[H8574]; and all the proud[H2086], and all that work[H6213] wickedness[H7564], shall be stubble[H7179]; and the day[H3117] that cometh[H935] shall burn them up[H3857], saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], that it shall leave[H5800] them neither root[H8328] nor branch[H6057].

2. But unto you that fear[H3373] my name[H8034] shall the sun[H8121] of righteousness[H6666] arise[H2224] with healing[H4832] in its wings[H3671]; and ye shall go forth[H3318], and gambol[H6335] as calves[H5695] of the stall[H4770].

3. And ye shall tread down[H6072] the wicked[H7563]; for they shall be ashes[H665] under the soles[H3709] of your feet[H7272] in the day[H3117] that I make[H6213], saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635].

4. Remember[H2142] ye the law[H8451] of Moses[H4872] my servant[H5650], which I commanded[H6680] unto him in Horeb[H2722] for all Israel[H3478], even statutes[H2706] and ordinances[H4941].

5. Behold[H7971], I will send you Elijah[H452] the prophet[H5030] before[H6440] the great[H1419] and terrible[H3372] day[H3117] of Jehovah[H3068] come[H935].

6. And he shall turn[H7725] the heart[H3820] of the fathers[H1] to the children[H1121], and the heart[H3820] of the children[H1121] to their fathers[H1]; lest I come[H935] and smite[H5221] the earth[H776] with a curse[H2764].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4

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