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ASV_Strong : Malachi 3


1. Behold[H7971], I send my messenger[H4397], and he shall prepare[H6437] the way[H1870] before[H6440] me[H113]: and the Lord, whom ye seek[H1245], will suddenly[H6597] come[H935] to his temple[H1964]; and the messenger[H4397] of the covenant[H1285], whom ye desire[H2655], behold[H935], he cometh, saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635].

2. But who can abide[H3557] the day[H3117] of his coming[H935]? and who shall stand[H5975] when he appeareth[H7200]? for he is like a refiner[H6884]'s fire[H784], and like fuller[H3526]'s soap[H1287]:

3. and he will sit[H3427] as a refiner[H6884] and purifier[H2891] of silver[H3701], and he will purify[H2891] the sons[H1121] of Levi[H3878], and refine[H2212] them as gold[H2091] and silver[H3701]; and they shall offer[H5066] unto Jehovah[H3068] offerings[H4503] in righteousness[H6666].

4. Then shall the offering[H4503] of Judah[H3063] and Jerusalem[H3389] be pleasant[H6149] unto Jehovah[H3068], as in the days[H3117] of old[H5769], and as in ancient[H6931] years[H8141].

5. And I will come near[H7126] to you to judgment[H4941]; and I will be a swift[H4116] witness[H5707] against the sorcerers[H3784], and against the adulterers[H5003], and against the false[H8267] swearers[H7650], and against those that oppress[H6231] the hireling[H7916] in his wages[H7939], the widow[H490], and the fatherless[H3490], and that turn aside[H5186] the sojourner[H1616] from his right[H3372], and fear not me[H559], saith Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635].

6. For I[H3068], Jehovah, change[H8138] not[H1121]; therefore ye, O sons of Jacob[H3290], are not consumed[H3615].

7. From the days[H3117] of your fathers[H1] ye have turned aside[H5493] from mine ordinances[H2706], and have not kept[H8104] them[H7725]. Return unto me[H7725], and I will return unto you[H559], saith Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635]. But ye say[H559], Wherein shall we return[H7725]?

8. Will a man[H120] rob[H6906] God[H430]? yet ye rob[H6906] me[H559]. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed[H6906] thee[H4643]? In tithes and offerings[H8641].

9. Ye are cursed[H779] with the curse[H3994]; for ye rob[H6906] me[H1471], even this whole nation.

10. Bring[H935] ye the whole tithe[H4643] into the store-house[H214], that there may be food[H2964] in my house[H1004], and prove[H974] me now herewith[H2063], saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], if I will not open[H6605] you the windows[H699] of heaven[H8064], and pour you out[H7324] a blessing[H1293], that there shall not be room enough to receive it[H1767].

11. And I will rebuke[H1605] the devourer[H398] for your sakes[H7843], and he shall not destroy the fruits[H6529] of your ground[H127]; neither shall your vine[H1612] cast its fruit[H7921] before the time in the field[H7704], saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635].

12. And all nations[H1471] shall call you happy[H833]; for ye shall be a delightsome[H2656] land[H776], saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635].

13. Your words[H1697] have been stout[H2388] against me[H559], saith Jehovah[H3068]. Yet ye say[H559], What have we spoken against thee[H1696]?

14. Ye have said[H559], It is vain[H7723] to serve[H5647] God[H430]; and what profit[H1215] is it that we have kept[H8104] his charge[H4931], and that we have walked[H1980] mournfully[H6941] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635]?

15. And now we call[H833] the proud[H2086] happy[H833]; yea[H6213], they that work wickedness[H7564] are built up[H1129]; yea[H974], they tempt God[H430], and escape[H4422].

16. Then they that feared[H3373] Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] one[H376] with another[H7453]; and Jehovah[H3068] hearkened[H7181], and heard[H8085], and a book[H5612] of remembrance[H2146] was written[H3789] before[H6440] him[H3373], for them that feared Jehovah[H3068], and that thought[H2803] upon his name[H8034].

17. And they shall be mine[H559], saith Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], even mine own possession[H5459], in the day[H3117] that I make[H6213]; and I will spare[H2550] them[H376], as a man spareth[H2550] his own son[H1121] that serveth him[H5647].

18. Then shall ye return[H7725] and discern[H7200] between the righteous[H6662] and the wicked[H7563], between him that serveth[H5647] God[H430] and him that serveth him not[H5647].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4

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