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ASV_Strong : Zephaniah 3


1. Woe[H1945] to her that is rebellious[H4754] and polluted[H1351]! to the oppressing[H3238] city[H5892]!

2. She obeyed[H8085] not the voice[H6963]; she received[H3947] not correction[H4148]; she trusted[H982] not in Jehovah[H3068]; she drew not near[H7126] to her God[H430].

3. Her princes[H8269] in the midst[H7130] of her are roaring[H7580] lions[H738]; her judges[H8199] are evening[H6153] wolves[H2061]; they leave nothing[H1633] till the morrow[H1242].

4. Her prophets[H5030] are light[H6348] and treacherous[H900] persons[H582]; her priests[H3548] have profaned[H2490] the sanctuary[H6944], they have done violence[H2554] to the law[H8451].

5. Jehovah[H3068] in the midst[H7130] of her is righteous[H6662]; he will not do[H6213] iniquity[H5766]; every[H1242] morning[H1242] doth he bring[H5414] his justice[H4941] to light[H216], he faileth[H5737] not[H5767]; but the unjust knoweth[H3045] no shame[H1322].

6. I have cut off[H3772] nations[H1471]; their battlements[H6438] are desolate[H8074]; I have made their streets[H2351] waste[H2717], so that none passeth by[H5674]; their cities[H5892] are destroyed[H6658], so that there is no man[H376], so that there is no inhabitant[H3427].

7. I said[H559], Only fear[H3372] thou me[H3947]; receive correction[H4148]; so her dwelling[H4583] shall not be cut off[H3772], according[H834] to all that I have appointed[H6485] concerning her[H403]: but they rose early[H7925] and corrupted[H7843] all their doings[H5949].

8. Therefore wait[H2442] ye for me[H5002], saith Jehovah[H3068], until the day[H3117] that I rise up[H6965] to the prey[H5706]; for my determination[H4941] is to gather[H622] the nations[H1471], that I may assemble[H6908] the kingdoms[H4467], to pour[H8210] upon them mine indignation[H2195], even all my fierce[H2740] anger[H639]; for all the earth[H776] shall be devoured[H398] with the fire[H784] of my jealousy[H7068].

9. For then will I turn[H2015] to the peoples[H5971] of a pure[H1305] language[H8193], that they may all call[H7121] upon the name[H8034] of Jehovah[H3068], to serve[H5647] him with one[H259] consent[H7926].

10. From beyond[H5676] the rivers[H5104] of Ethiopia[H3568] my suppliants[H6282], even the daughter[H1323] of my dispersed[H6327], shall bring[H2986] mine offering[H4503].

11. In that day[H3117] shalt thou not be put to shame[H954] for all thy doings[H5949], wherein thou hast transgressed[H6586] against me[H5493]; for then I will take away out of the midst[H7130] of thee thy proudly[H1346] exulting[H5947] ones[H3254], and thou shalt no more be haughty[H1361] in my holy[H6944] mountain[H2022].

12. But I will leave[H7604] in the midst[H7130] of thee an afflicted[H6041] and poor[H1800] people[H5971], and they shall take refuge[H2620] in the name[H8034] of Jehovah[H3068].

13. The remnant[H7611] of Israel[H3478] shall not do[H6213] iniquity[H5766], nor speak[H1696] lies[H3577]; neither shall a deceitful[H8649] tongue[H3956] be found[H4672] in their mouth[H6310]; for they shall feed[H7462] and lie down[H7257], and none shall make them afraid[H2729].

14. Sing[H7442], O daughter[H1323] of Zion[H6726]; shout[H7321], O Israel[H3478]; be glad[H8055] and rejoice[H5937] with all the heart[H3820], O daughter[H1323] of Jerusalem[H3389].

15. Jehovah[H3068] hath taken away[H5493] thy judgments[H4941], he hath cast out[H6437] thine enemy[H341]: the King[H4428] of Israel[H3478], even Jehovah[H3068], is in the midst[H7130] of thee[H7200]; thou shalt not fear evil any more[H7451].

16. In that day[H3117] it shall be said[H559] to Jerusalem[H3389], Fear[H3372] thou not[H6726]; O Zion, let not thy hands[H3027] be slack[H7503].

17. Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] is in the midst[H7130] of thee[H1368], a mighty one who will save[H3467]; he will rejoice[H7797] over thee with joy[H8057]; he will rest[H2790] in his love[H160]; he will joy[H1523] over thee with singing[H7440].

18. I will gather[H622] them that sorrow[H3013] for the solemn assembly[H4150], who were of thee[H4864]; to whom the burden upon her was a reproach[H2781].

19. Behold[H6256], at that time I will deal[H6213] with all them that afflict[H6031] thee[H3467]; and I will save that which is lame[H6760], and gather[H6908] that which was driven away[H5080]; and I will make[H7760] them a praise[H8416] and a name[H8034], whose shame[H1322] hath been in all the earth[H776].

20. At that time[H6256] will I bring[H935] you in[H6256], and at that time will I gather[H6908] you[H5414]; for I will make you a name[H8034] and a praise[H8416] among all the peoples[H5971] of the earth[H776], when I bring back[H7725] your captivity[H7622] before your eyes[H5869], saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068].

chapters: 1, 2, 3

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