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ASV_Strong : Jeremiah 46


1. The word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] which came to Jeremiah[H3414] the prophet[H5030] concerning the nations[H1471].

2. Of Egypt[H4714]: concerning the army[H2428] of Pharaoh-neco[H6549] king[H4428] of Egypt[H4714], which was by the river[H5104] Euphrates[H6578] in Carchemish[H3751], which Nebuchadrezzar[H5019] king[H4428] of Babylon[H894] smote[H5221] in the fourth[H7243] year[H8141] of Jehoiakim[H3079] the son[H1121] of Josiah[H2977], king[H4428] of Judah[H3063].

3. Prepare[H6186] ye the buckler[H4043] and shield[H6793], and draw near[H5066] to battle[H4421].

4. Harness[H631] the horses[H5483], and get up[H5927], ye horsemen[H6571], and stand forth[H3320] with your helmets[H3553]; furbish[H4838] the spears[H7420], put on[H3847] the coats of mail[H5630].

5. Wherefore have I seen[H7200] it[H2844]? they are dismayed and are turned[H5472] backward[H268]; and their mighty ones[H1368] are beaten down[H3807], and are fled[H5127] apace[H4498], and look not back[H6437]: terror[H4032] is on every side[H5439], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068].

6. Let not the swift[H7031] flee away[H5127], nor the mighty man[H1368] escape[H4422]; in the north[H6828] by[H3027] the river[H5104] Euphrates[H6578] have they stumbled[H3782] and fallen[H5307].

7. Who is this that riseth up[H5927] like the Nile[H2975], whose waters[H4325] toss[H1607] themselves like the rivers[H5104]?

8. Egypt[H4714] riseth up[H5927] like the Nile[H2975], and his waters[H4325] toss[H1607] themselves like the rivers[H5104]: and he saith[H559], I will rise up[H5927], I will cover[H3680] the earth[H776]; I will destroy[H6] cities[H5892] and the inhabitants thereof[H3427].

9. Go up[H5927], ye horses[H5483]; and rage[H1984], ye chariots[H7393]; and let the mighty men[H1368] go forth[H3318]: Cush[H3568] and Put[H6316], that handle[H8610] the shield[H4043]; and the Ludim[H3866], that handle[H8610] and bend[H1869] the bow[H7198].

10. For that day is a day[H3117] of the Lord[H136], Jehovah[H136] of hosts[H6635], a day[H3117] of vengeance[H5360], that he may avenge[H5358] him of his adversaries[H6862]: and the sword[H2719] shall devour[H398] and be satiate[H7646], and shall drink[H7301] its fill of their blood[H1818]; for the Lord[H136], Jehovah[H3069] of hosts[H6635], hath a sacrifice[H2077] in the north[H6828] country[H776] by the river[H5104] Euphrates[H6578].

11. Go up[H5927] into Gilead[H1568], and take[H3947] balm[H6875], O virgin[H1330] daughter[H1323] of Egypt[H4714]: in vain[H7723] dost thou use many[H7235] medicines[H7499]; there is no healing for thee[H8585].

12. The nations[H1471] have heard[H8085] of thy shame[H7036], and the earth[H776] is full of thy cry[H6682]; for the mighty[H1368] man[H1368] hath stumbled[H3782] against the mighty[H1368], they are fallen[H5307] both[H8147] of them together[H3162].

13. The word[H1697] that Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] to Jeremiah[H3414] the prophet[H5030], how that Nebuchadrezzar[H5019] king[H4428] of Babylon[H894] should come[H935] and smite[H5221] the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714].

14. Declare[H5046] ye in Egypt[H4714], and publish[H8085] in Migdol[H4024], and publish[H8085] in Memphis[H5297] and in Tahpanhes[H8471]: say[H559] ye[H3320], Stand forth, and prepare[H3559] thee[H2719]; for the sword hath devoured[H398] round about thee[H5439].

15. Why are thy strong[H47] ones swept away[H5502]? they stood[H5975] not[H3068], because Jehovah did drive them[H1920].

16. He made many[H7235] to stumble[H3782], yea[H5307], they fell one[H376] upon another[H7453]: and they said[H559], Arise[H6965], and let us go again[H7725] to our own people[H5971], and to the land[H776] of our nativity[H4138], from[H6440] the oppressing[H3238] sword[H2719].

17. They cried[H7121] there[H6547], Pharaoh king[H4428] of Egypt[H4714] is but a noise[H7588]; he hath let the appointed[H4150] time pass by[H5674].

18. As I live[H2416], saith[H5002] the King[H4428], whose name[H8034] is Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], surely like Tabor[H8396] among the mountains[H2022], and like Carmel[H3760] by the sea[H3220], so shall he come[H935].

19. O thou daughter[H1323] that dwellest[H3427] in Egypt[H4714], furnish[H6213] thyself to go into captivity[H3627]; for Memphis[H5297] shall become a desolation[H8047], and shall be burnt[H3341] up[H3427], without inhabitant.

20. Egypt[H4714] is a very fair[H3304] heifer[H5697]; but destruction[H7171] out[H935] of the north[H6828] is come[H935], it is come.

21. Also her hired men[H7916] in the midst[H7130] of her are like calves[H5695] of the stall[H4770]; for they also are turned back[H6437], they are fled away[H5127] together[H3162], they did not stand[H5975]: for the day[H3117] of their calamity[H343] is come[H935] upon them[H6256], the time of their visitation[H6486].

22. The sound[H6963] thereof shall go[H3212] like the serpent[H5175]; for they shall march[H3212] with an army[H2428], and come[H935] against her with axes[H7134], as hewers[H2404] of wood[H6086].

23. They shall cut down[H3772] her forest[H3293], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068], though it cannot be searched[H2713]; because they are more[H7231] than the locusts[H697], and are innumerable[H369].

24. The daughter[H1323] of Egypt[H4714] shall be put to shame[H3001]; she shall be delivered[H5414] into the hand[H3027] of the people[H5971] of the north[H6828].

25. Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], saith[H559]: Behold[H6485], I will punish Amon[H527] of No[H4996], and Pharaoh[H6547], and Egypt[H4714], with her gods[H430], and her kings[H4428]; even Pharaoh[H6547], and them that trust in him[H982]:

26. and I will deliver[H5414] them into the hand[H3027] of those that seek[H1245] their lives[H5315], and into the hand[H3027] of Nebuchadrezzar[H5019] king[H4428] of Babylon[H894], and into the hand[H3027] of his servants[H5650]; and afterwards[H310] it shall be inhabited[H7931], as in the days[H3117] of old[H6924], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068].

27. But fear[H3372] not thou[H3290], O Jacob my servant[H5650], neither be dismayed[H2865], O Israel[H3478]: for[H3467], lo, I will save thee from afar[H7350], and thy seed[H2233] from the land[H776] of their captivity[H7628]; and Jacob[H3290] shall return[H7725], and shall be quiet[H8252] and at ease[H7599], and none shall make him afraid[H2729].

28. Fear[H3372] not thou[H3290], O Jacob my servant[H5650], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068]; for I am with thee[H6213]: for I will make a full end[H3617] of all the nations[H1471] whither I have driven[H5080] thee[H6213]; but I will not make a full end[H3617] of thee[H3256], but I will correct thee in measure[H4941], and will in no wise[H5352] leave thee unpunished[H5352].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52

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