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ASV_Strong : Jeremiah 35


1. The word[H1697] which came unto Jeremiah[H3414] from Jehovah[H3068] in the days[H3117] of Jehoiakim[H3079] the son[H1121] of Josiah[H2977], king[H4428] of Judah[H3063], saying[H559],

2. Go[H1980] unto the house[H1004] of the Rechabites[H7397], and speak[H1696] unto them[H935], and bring them into the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], into one[H259] of the chambers[H3957], and give them wine[H3196] to drink[H8248].

3. Then I took[H3947] Jaazaniah[H2970] the son[H1121] of Jeremiah[H3414], the son[H1121] of Habazziniah[H2262], and his brethren[H251], and all his sons[H1121], and the whole house[H1004] of the Rechabites[H7397];

4. and I brought[H935] them into the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], into the chamber[H3957] of the sons[H1121] of Hanan[H2605] the son[H1121] of Igdaliah[H3012], the man[H376] of God[H430], which was by[H681] the chamber[H3957] of the princes[H8269], which was above[H4605] the chamber[H3957] of Maaseiah[H4641] the son[H1121] of Shallum[H7967], the keeper[H8104] of the threshold[H5592].

5. And I set[H5414] before[H6440] the sons[H1121] of the house[H1004] of the Rechabites[H7397] bowls[H1375] full[H4392] of wine[H3196], and cups[H3563]; and I said[H559] unto them[H8354], Drink ye wine[H3196].

6. But they said[H559], We will drink[H8354] no wine[H3196]; for Jonadab[H3122] the son[H1121] of Rechab[H7394], our father[H1], commanded[H6680] us[H559], saying, Ye shall drink[H8354] no wine[H3196], neither ye[H1121], nor your sons, for[H5704] ever[H5769]:

7. neither shall ye build[H1129] house[H1004], nor sow[H2232] seed[H2233], nor plant[H5193] vineyard[H3754], nor have any[H3117]; but all your days ye shall dwell[H3427] in tents[H168]; that ye may live[H2421] many[H7227] days[H3117] in[H6440] the land[H127] wherein ye sojourn[H1481].

8. And we have obeyed[H8085] the voice[H6963] of Jonadab[H3082] the son[H1121] of Rechab[H7394], our father[H1], in all that he charged[H6680] us[H8354], to drink no wine[H3196] all our days[H3117], we[H802], our wives, our sons[H1121], or our daughters[H1323];

9. nor to build[H1129] houses[H1004] for us to dwell in[H3427]; neither have we vineyard[H3754], nor field[H7704], nor seed[H2233]:

10. but we have dwelt in[H3427] tents[H168], and have obeyed[H8085], and done[H6213] according to all that Jonadab[H3122] our father[H1] commanded us[H6680].

11. But it came to pass[H5019], when Nebuchadrezzar king[H4428] of Babylon[H894] came up[H5927] into the land[H776], that we said[H559], Come[H935], and let us go[H935] to Jerusalem[H3389] for fear[H6440] of the army[H2428] of the Chaldeans[H3778], and for fear[H6440] of the army[H2428] of the Syrians[H758]; so we dwell[H3427] at Jerusalem[H3389].

12. Then came the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] unto Jeremiah[H3414], saying[H559],

13. Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478]: Go[H1980], and say[H559] to the men[H376] of Judah[H3063] and the inhabitants[H3427] of Jerusalem[H3389], Will ye not receive[H3947] instruction[H4148] to hearken[H8085] to my words[H1697]? saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068].

14. The words[H1697] of Jonadab[H3082] the son[H1121] of Rechab[H7394], that he commanded[H6680] his sons[H1121], not to drink[H8354] wine[H3196], are performed[H6965]; and unto this day[H3117] they drink[H8354] none[H8085], for they obey their father[H1]'s commandment[H4687]: but I have spoken[H1696] unto you[H7925], rising up early and speaking[H1696]; and ye have not hearkened unto me[H8085].

15. I have sent[H7971] also unto you all my servants[H5650] the prophets[H5030], rising up early[H7925] and sending[H7971] them[H559], saying, Return[H7725] ye now every man[H376] from his evil[H7451] way[H1870], and amend[H3190] your doings[H4611], and go[H3212] not after[H310] other[H312] gods[H430] to serve[H5647] them[H3427], and ye shall dwell in the land[H127] which I have given[H5414] to you and to your fathers[H1]: but ye have not inclined[H5186] your ear[H241], nor hearkened unto me[H8085].

16. Forasmuch as the sons[H1121] of Jonadab[H3082] the son[H1121] of Rechab[H7394] have performed[H6965] the commandment[H4687] of their father[H1] which he commanded[H6680] them[H5971], but this people hath not hearkened unto me[H8085];

17. therefore thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of hosts[H6635], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478]: Behold[H935], I will bring upon Judah[H3063] and upon all the inhabitants[H3427] of Jerusalem[H3389] all the evil[H7451] that I have pronounced[H1696] against them[H1696]; because I have spoken unto them[H8085], but they have not heard; and I have called[H7121] unto them[H6030], but they have not answered.

18. And Jeremiah[H3414] said[H559] unto the house[H1004] of the Rechabites[H7397], Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478]: Because ye have obeyed[H8085] the commandment[H4687] of Jonadab[H3082] your father[H1], and kept[H8104] all his precepts[H4687], and done[H6213] according unto all that he commanded you[H6680];

19. therefore thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478]: Jonadab[H3122] the son[H1121] of Rechab[H7394] shall not want[H3772] a man[H376] to stand[H5975] before[H6440] me for ever[H3117].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52

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