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ASV_Strong : Jeremiah 32


1. The word[H1697] that came to Jeremiah[H3414] from Jehovah[H3068] in the tenth[H6224] year[H8141] of Zedekiah[H6667] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063], which was the eighteenth[H6240] year[H8141] of Nebuchadrezzar[H5019].

2. Now at that time the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894]'s army[H2428] was besieging[H6696] Jerusalem[H3389]; and Jeremiah[H3414] the prophet[H5030] was shut up[H3607] in the court[H2691] of the guard[H4307], which was in the king[H4428] of Judah[H3063]'s house[H1004].

3. For Zedekiah[H6667] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] had shut him up[H3607], saying[H559], Wherefore dost thou prophesy[H5012], and say[H559], Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], Behold[H5414], I will give this city[H5892] into the hand[H3027] of the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894], and he shall take it[H3920];

4. and Zedekiah[H6667] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] shall not escape[H4422] out of the hand[H3027] of the Chaldeans[H3778], but shall surely[H5414] be delivered[H5414] into the hand[H3027] of the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894], and shall speak[H1696] with him mouth[H6310] to mouth[H6310], and his eyes[H5869] shall behold[H7200] his eyes[H5869];

5. and he shall bring[H3212] Zedekiah[H6667] to Babylon[H894], and there shall he be until I visit[H6485] him[H5002], saith Jehovah[H3068]: though ye fight[H3898] with the Chaldeans[H3778], ye shall not prosper[H6743]?

6. And Jeremiah[H3414] said[H559], The word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] came unto me[H559], saying,

7. Behold[H2601], Hanamel the son[H1121] of Shallum[H7967] thine uncle[H1730] shall come[H935] unto thee[H559], saying, Buy[H7069] thee my field[H7704] that is in Anathoth[H6068]; for the right[H4941] of redemption[H1353] is thine to buy it[H7069].

8. So Hanamel[H2601] mine uncle[H1730]'s son[H1121] came[H935] to me in the court[H2691] of the guard[H4307] according to the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068], and said[H559] unto me[H7069], Buy my field[H7704], I pray thee[H6068], that is in Anathoth, which is in the land[H776] of Benjamin[H1144]; for the right[H4941] of inheritance[H3425] is thine[H1353], and the redemption is thine[H7069]; buy it for thyself[H3045]. Then I knew that this was the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068].

9. And I bought[H7069] the field[H7704] that was in Anathoth[H6068] of Hanamel[H2601] mine uncle[H1730]'s son[H1121], and weighed[H8254] him the money[H3701], even seventeen[H7651] shekels[H8255] of silver[H3701].

10. And I subscribed[H3789] the deed[H5612], and sealed[H2856] it[H5749], and called witnesses[H5707], and weighed[H8254] him the money[H3701] in the balances[H3976].

11. So I took[H3947] the deed[H5612] of the purchase[H4736], both that which was sealed[H2856], according to the law[H4687] and custom[H2706], and that which was open[H1540]:

12. and I delivered[H5414] the deed[H5612] of the purchase[H4736] unto Baruch[H1263] the son[H1121] of Neriah[H5374], the son[H1121] of Mahseiah[H4271], in the presence[H5869] of Hanamel[H2601] mine uncle[H1730]'s son[H5869], and in the presence of the witnesses[H5707] that subscribed[H3789] the deed[H5612] of the purchase[H4736], before[H5869] all the Jews[H3064] that sat[H3427] in the court[H2691] of the guard[H4307].

13. And I charged[H6680] Baruch[H1263] before[H5869] them[H559], saying,

14. Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478]: Take[H3947] these deeds[H5612], this deed[H5612] of the purchase[H4736] which is sealed[H2856], and this deed[H5612] which is open[H1540], and put[H5414] them in an earthen[H2789] vessel[H3627]; that they may continue[H5975] many[H7227] days[H3117].

15. For thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478]: Houses[H1004] and fields[H7704] and vineyards[H3754] shall yet again[H7069] be bought in this land[H776].

16. Now after[H310] I had delivered[H5414] the deed[H5612] of the purchase[H4736] unto Baruch[H1263] the son[H1121] of Neriah[H5374], I prayed[H6419] unto Jehovah[H3068], saying[H559],

17. Ah[H162] Lord[H136] Jehovah[H3069]! behold[H6213], thou hast made the heavens[H8064] and the earth[H776] by thy great[H1419] power[H3581] and by thine outstretched[H5186] arm[H2220]; there is nothing[H1697] too hard for thee[H6381],

18. who showest[H6213] lovingkindness[H2617] unto thousands[H505], and recompensest[H7999] the iniquity[H5771] of the fathers[H1] into the bosom[H2436] of their children[H1121] after[H310] them[H1419]; the great, the mighty[H1368] God[H410], Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635] is his name[H8034];

19. great[H1419] in counsel[H6098], and mighty[H7227] in work[H5950]; whose eyes[H5869] are open[H6491] upon all the ways[H1870] of the sons[H1121] of men[H120], to give[H5414] every one[H376] according to his ways[H1870], and according to the fruit[H6529] of his doings[H4611]:

20. who didst set[H7760] signs[H226] and wonders[H4159] in the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714], even unto this day[H3117], both in Israel[H3478] and among other men[H120]; and madest[H6213] thee a name[H8034], as at this day[H3117];

21. and didst bring forth[H3318] thy people[H5971] Israel[H3478] out[H3318] of the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714] with signs[H226], and with wonders[H4159], and with a strong[H2389] hand[H3027], and with an outstretched arm[H248], and with great[H1419] terror[H4172];

22. and gavest[H5414] them this land[H776], which thou didst swear[H7650] to their fathers[H1] to give[H5414] them[H776], a land flowing[H2100] with milk[H2461] and honey[H1706];

23. and they came in[H935], and possessed[H3423] it[H8085], but they obeyed not thy voice[H6963], neither walked[H1980] in thy law[H8451]; they have done[H6213] nothing of all that thou commandedst[H6680] them to do[H6213]: therefore thou hast caused all this evil[H7451] to come upon them[H7122].

24. Behold[H5550], the mounds, they are come[H935] unto the city[H5892] to take[H3920] it[H5892]; and the city is given[H5414] into the hand[H3027] of the Chaldeans[H3778] that fight[H3898] against it[H6440], because of the sword[H2719], and of the famine[H7458], and of the pestilence[H1698]; and what thou hast spoken[H1696] is come to pass[H7200]; and, behold, thou seest it.

25. And thou hast said[H559] unto me[H136], O Lord Jehovah[H3069], Buy[H7069] thee the field[H7704] for money[H3701], and call[H5749] witnesses[H5707]; whereas the city[H5892] is given[H5414] into the hand[H3027] of the Chaldeans[H3778].

26. Then came the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] unto Jeremiah[H3414], saying[H559],

27. Behold[H3068], I am Jehovah, the God[H430] of all flesh[H1320]: is there anything[H1697] too hard for me[H6381]?

28. Therefore thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068]: Behold[H5414], I will give this city[H5892] into the hand[H3027] of the Chaldeans[H3778], and into the hand[H3027] of Nebuchadrezzar[H5019] king[H4428] of Babylon[H894], and he shall take it[H3920]:

29. and the Chaldeans[H3778], that fight[H3898] against this city[H5892], shall come[H935] and set[H3341] this city[H5892] on fire[H784], and burn[H8313] it[H1004], with the houses, upon whose roofs[H1406] they have offered incense[H6999] unto Baal[H1168], and poured out[H5258] drink-offerings[H5262] unto other[H312] gods[H430], to provoke me to anger[H3707].

30. For the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] and the children[H1121] of Judah[H3063] have done[H6213] only that which was evil[H7451] in my sight[H5869] from their youth[H5271]; for the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] have only provoked me to anger[H3707] with the work[H4639] of their hands[H3027], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068].

31. For this city[H5892] hath been to me a provocation of mine anger[H639] and of my wrath[H2534] from the day[H3117] that they built[H1129] it even unto this day[H3117]; that I should remove[H5493] it from before my face[H6440],

32. because of all the evil[H7451] of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] and of the children[H1121] of Judah[H3063], which they have done[H6213] to provoke me to anger[H3707], they[H4428], their kings, their princes[H8269], their priests[H3548], and their prophets[H5030], and the men[H376] of Judah[H3063], and the inhabitants[H3427] of Jerusalem[H3389].

33. And they have turned[H6437] unto me the back[H6203], and not the face[H6440]: and though I taught[H3925] them[H7925], rising up early and teaching[H3925] them[H8085], yet they have not hearkened to receive[H3947] instruction[H4148].

34. But they set[H7760] their abominations[H8251] in the house[H1004] which is called[H7121] by my name[H8034], to defile it[H2930].

35. And they built[H1129] the high places[H1116] of Baal[H1168], which are in the valley[H1516] of the son[H1121] of Hinnom[H2011], to cause their sons[H1121] and their daughters[H1323] to pass[H5674] through the fire unto Molech[H4432]; which I commanded[H6680] them not[H5927], neither came it into my mind[H3820], that they should do[H6213] this abomination[H8441], to cause Judah[H3063] to sin[H2398].

36. And now therefore thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], concerning this city[H5892], whereof ye say[H559], It is given[H5414] into the hand[H3027] of the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894] by the sword[H2719], and by the famine[H7458], and by the pestilence[H1698]:

37. Behold[H6908], I will gather them out of all the countries[H776], whither I have driven[H5080] them in mine anger[H639], and in my wrath[H2534], and in great[H1419] indignation[H7110]; and I will bring them again[H7725] unto this place[H4725], and I will cause them to dwell[H3427] safely[H983]:

38. and they shall be my people[H5971], and I will be their God[H430]:

39. and I will give[H5414] them one[H259] heart[H3820] and one[H259] way[H1870], that they may fear[H3372] me for ever[H3117], for the good[H2896] of them[H1121], and of their children after them[H310]:

40. and I will make[H3772] an everlasting[H5769] covenant[H1285] with them[H7725], that I will not turn away from following them[H310], to do them good[H3190]; and I will put[H5414] my fear[H3374] in their hearts[H3824], that they may not depart from me[H5493].

41. Yea[H7797], I will rejoice over them to do them good[H2895], and I will plant[H5193] them in this land[H776] assuredly[H571] with my whole heart[H3820] and with my whole soul[H5315].

42. For thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068]: Like as I have brought[H935] all this great[H1419] evil[H7451] upon this people[H5971], so will I bring[H935] upon them all the good[H2896] that I have promised them[H1696].

43. And fields[H7704] shall be bought[H7069] in this land[H776], whereof ye say[H559], It is desolate[H8077], without man[H120] or beast[H929]; it is given[H5414] into the hand[H3027] of the Chaldeans[H3778].

44. Men shall buy[H7069] fields[H7704] for money[H3701], and subscribe[H3789] the deeds[H5612], and seal[H2856] them[H5749], and call witnesses[H5707], in the land[H776] of Benjamin[H1144], and in the places about[H5439] Jerusalem[H3389], and in the cities[H5892] of Judah[H3063], and in the cities[H5892] of the hill-country[H2022], and in the cities[H5892] of the lowland[H8219], and in the cities[H5892] of the South[H5045]: for I will cause their captivity[H7622] to return[H7725], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52

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