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ASV_Strong : Jeremiah 11


1. The word[H1697] that came to Jeremiah[H3414] from Jehovah[H3068], saying[H559],

2. Hear[H8085] ye the words[H1697] of this covenant[H1285], and speak[H1696] unto the men[H376] of Judah[H3063], and to the inhabitants[H3427] of Jerusalem[H3389];

3. and say[H559] thou unto them[H559], Thus saith Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478]: Cursed[H779] be the man[H376] that heareth[H8085] not the words[H1697] of this covenant[H1285],

4. which I commanded[H6680] your fathers[H1] in the day[H3117] that I brought them forth[H3318] out of the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714], out of the iron[H1270] furnace[H3564], saying[H559], Obey[H8085] my voice[H6963], and do[H6213] them[H6680], according to all which I command you[H5971]: so shall ye be my people, and I will be your God[H430];

5. that I may establish[H6965] the oath[H7621] which I sware[H7650] unto your fathers[H1], to give[H5414] them a land[H776] flowing[H2100] with milk[H2461] and honey[H1706], as at this day[H3117]. Then answered[H6030] I[H559], and said, Amen[H543], O Jehovah[H3068].

6. And Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto me[H7121], Proclaim all these words[H1697] in the cities[H5892] of Judah[H3063], and in the streets[H2351] of Jerusalem[H3389], saying[H559], Hear[H8085] ye the words[H1697] of this covenant[H1285], and do them[H6213].

7. For I earnestly[H5749] protested[H5749] unto your fathers[H1] in the day[H3117] that I brought them up[H5927] out of the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714], even unto this day[H3117], rising early[H7925] and protesting[H5749], saying[H559], Obey[H8085] my voice[H6963].

8. Yet they obeyed[H8085] not[H5186], nor inclined their ear[H241], but walked[H3212] every one[H376] in the stubbornness[H8307] of their evil[H7451] heart[H3820]: therefore I brought[H935] upon them all the words[H1697] of this covenant[H1285], which I commanded[H6680] them to do[H6213], but they did them not[H6213].

9. And Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto me[H7195], A conspiracy is found[H4672] among the men[H376] of Judah[H3063], and among the inhabitants[H3427] of Jerusalem[H3389].

10. They are turned back[H7725] to the iniquities[H5771] of their forefathers[H7223], who refused[H3985] to hear[H8085] my words[H1697]; and they are gone[H1980] after[H310] other[H312] gods[H430] to serve[H5647] them[H1004]: the house of Israel[H3478] and the house[H1004] of Judah[H3063] have broken[H6565] my covenant[H1285] which I made[H3772] with their fathers[H1].

11. Therefore thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], Behold[H935], I will bring evil[H7451] upon them[H3201], which they shall not be able to escape[H3318]; and they shall cry[H2199] unto me[H8085], but I will not hearken unto them.

12. Then shall the cities[H5892] of Judah[H3063] and the inhabitants[H3427] of Jerusalem[H3389] go[H1980] and cry[H2199] unto the gods[H430] unto which they offer incense[H6999]: but they will not save[H3467] them at all[H3467] in the time[H6256] of their trouble[H7451].

13. For according to the number[H4557] of thy cities[H5892] are thy gods[H430], O Judah[H3063]; and according to the number[H4557] of the streets[H2351] of Jerusalem[H3389] have ye set up[H7760] altars[H4196] to the shameful thing[H1322], even altars[H4196] to burn incense[H6999] unto Baal[H1168].

14. Therefore pray[H6419] not thou for this people[H5971], neither lift up[H5375] cry[H7440] nor prayer[H8605] for them[H8085]; for I will not hear them in the time[H6256] that they cry[H7121] unto me because of their trouble[H7451].

15. What hath my beloved[H3039] to do in my house[H1004], seeing she hath wrought[H6213] lewdness[H4209] with many[H7227], and the holy[H6944] flesh[H1320] is passed[H5674] from thee[H7451]? when thou doest evil, then thou rejoicest[H5937].

16. Jehovah[H3068] called[H7121] thy name[H8034], A green[H7488] olive-tree[H2132], fair[H3303] with goodly[H8389] fruit[H6529]: with the noise[H6963] of a great[H1419] tumult[H1999] he hath kindled[H3341] fire[H784] upon it[H1808], and the branches of it are broken[H7489].

17. For Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], who planted[H5193] thee[H1696], hath pronounced evil[H7451] against thee[H1558], because of the evil[H7451] of the house[H1004] of Israel[H3478] and of the house[H1004] of Judah[H3063], which they have wrought[H6213] for themselves in provoking me to anger[H3707] by offering incense[H6999] unto Baal[H1168].

18. And Jehovah[H3068] gave me knowledge[H3045] of it[H3045], and I knew it[H7200]: then thou showedst me their doings[H4611].

19. But I was like a gentle[H441] lamb[H3532] that is led[H2986] to the slaughter[H2873]; and I knew[H3045] not that they had devised[H2803] devices[H4284] against me[H7843], saying, Let us destroy the tree[H6086] with the fruit[H3899] thereof[H3772], and let us cut him off from the land[H776] of the living[H2416], that his name[H8034] may be no more remembered[H2142].

20. But[H3068], O Jehovah of hosts[H6635], who judgest[H8199] righteously[H6664], who triest[H974] the heart[H3629] and the mind[H3820], I shall see[H7200] thy vengeance[H5360] on them[H1540]; for unto thee have I revealed my cause[H7379].

21. Therefore thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] concerning the men[H582] of Anathoth[H6068], that seek[H1245] thy life[H5315], saying[H559], Thou shalt not prophesy[H5012] in the name[H8034] of Jehovah[H3068], that thou die[H4191] not by our hand[H3027];

22. therefore thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], Behold[H6485], I will punish them[H970]: the young men shall die[H4191] by the sword[H2719]; their sons[H1121] and their daughters[H1323] shall die[H4191] by famine[H7458];

23. and there shall be no remnant[H7611] unto them[H935]: for I will bring evil[H7451] upon the men[H582] of Anathoth[H6068], even the year[H8141] of their visitation[H6486].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52

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