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ASV_Strong : Isaiah 13


1. The burden[H4853] of Babylon[H894], which Isaiah[H3470] the son[H1121] of Amoz[H531] did see[H2372].

2. Set ye up[H5375] an ensign[H5251] upon the bare[H8192] mountain[H2022], lift up[H7311] the voice[H6963] unto them[H5130], wave the hand[H3027], that they may go[H935] into the gates[H6607] of the nobles[H5081].

3. I have commanded[H6680] my consecrated ones[H6942], yea[H7121], I have called my mighty men[H1368] for mine anger[H639], even my proudly[H1346] exulting ones[H5947].

4. The noise[H6963] of a multitude[H1995] in the mountains[H2022], as[H1823] of a great[H7227] people[H5971]! the noise[H6963] of a tumult[H6963] of the kingdoms[H4467] of the nations[H1471] gathered together[H622]! Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635] is mustering[H6485] the host[H6635] for the battle[H4421].

5. They come[H935] from a far[H4801] country[H776], from the uttermost[H7097] part of heaven[H8064], even Jehovah[H3068], and the weapons[H3627] of his indignation[H2195], to destroy[H2254] the whole land[H776].

6. Wail[H3213] ye[H3117]; for the day of Jehovah[H3068] is at hand[H7138]; as destruction[H7701] from the Almighty[H7706] shall it come[H935].

7. Therefore shall all hands[H3027] be feeble[H7503], and every heart[H3824] of man[H582] shall melt[H4549]:

8. and they shall be dismayed[H926]; pangs[H6735] and sorrows[H2256] shall take hold[H270] of them[H2342]; they shall be in pain as a woman in travail[H2342]: they shall look in amazement[H8539] one[H376] at another[H7453]; their faces[H6440] shall be faces of flame[H6440].

9. Behold[H3117], the day of Jehovah[H3068] cometh[H935], cruel[H394], with wrath[H5678] and fierce[H2740] anger[H639]; to make[H7760] the land[H776] a desolation[H8047], and to destroy[H8045] the sinners thereof out of it[H2400].

10. For the stars[H3556] of heaven[H8064] and the constellations[H3685] thereof shall not give[H1984] their light[H216]; the sun[H8121] shall be darkened[H2821] in its going forth[H3318], and the moon[H3394] shall not cause its light[H216] to shine[H5050].

11. And I will punish[H6485] the world[H8398] for their evil[H7451], and the wicked[H7563] for their iniquity[H5771]: and I will cause the arrogancy[H1347] of the proud[H2086] to cease[H7673], and will lay low[H8213] the haughtiness[H1346] of the terrible[H6184].

12. I will make a man[H582] more rare[H3365] than fine gold[H6337], even a man[H120] than the pure gold[H3800] of Ophir[H211].

13. Therefore I will make the heavens[H8064] to tremble[H7264], and the earth[H776] shall be shaken[H7493] out of its place[H4725], in the wrath[H5678] of Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], and in the day[H3117] of his fierce[H2740] anger[H639].

14. And it shall come to pass[H5080], that as the chased roe[H6643], and as sheep[H6629] that no man[H376] gathereth[H6908], they shall turn[H6437] every man[H376] to his own people[H5971], and shall flee[H5127] every man to his own land[H776].

15. Every one that is found[H4672] shall be thrust through[H1856]; and every one that is taken[H5595] shall fall[H5307] by the sword[H2719].

16. Their infants[H5768] also shall be dashed in pieces[H7376] before their eyes[H5869]; their houses[H1004] shall be rifled[H8155], and their wives[H802] ravished[H7901].

17. Behold[H5782], I will stir up the Medes[H4074] against them[H2803], who shall not regard silver[H3701], and as for gold[H2091], they shall not delight in it[H2654].

18. And their bows[H7198] shall dash[H7376] the young men[H5288] in pieces[H7376]; and they shall have no pity[H7355] on the fruit[H6529] of the womb[H990]; their eye[H5869] shall not spare[H2347] children[H1121].

19. And Babylon[H894], the glory[H6643] of kingdoms[H4467], the beauty[H8597] of the Chaldeans[H3778]' pride[H1347], shall be as when God[H430] overthrew[H4114] Sodom[H5467] and Gomorrah[H6017].

20. It shall never[H5331] be inhabited[H3427], neither shall it be dwelt[H7931] in from generation[H1755] to generation[H1755]: neither shall the Arabian[H6163] pitch tent[H167] there[H7462]; neither shall shepherds make their flocks to lie down there[H7257].

21. But wild beasts of the desert[H6728] shall lie[H7257] there[H1004]; and their houses shall be full[H4390] of doleful creatures[H255]; and ostriches[H1323] shall dwell[H7931] there[H8163], and wild goats shall dance there[H7540].

22. And wolves[H338] shall cry[H6030] in their castles[H490], and jackals[H8577] in the pleasant[H6027] palaces[H1964]: and her time[H6256] is near[H7138] to come[H935], and her days[H3117] shall not be prolonged[H4900].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66

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