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ASV_Strong : Psalms 89


1. Maschil of Ethan the Ezrahite. I will sing[H7891] of the lovingkindness[H2617] of Jehovah[H3068] for ever[H5769]: With my mouth[H6310] will I make known[H3045] thy faithfulness[H530] to all[H1755] generations[H1755].

2. For I have said[H559], Mercy[H2617] shall be built up[H1129] for ever[H5769]; Thy faithfulness[H530] wilt thou establish[H3559] in the very heavens[H8064].

3. I have made[H3772] a covenant[H1285] with my chosen[H972], I have sworn[H7650] unto David[H1732] my servant[H5650]:

4. Thy seed[H2233] will I establish[H3559] for[H5704] ever[H5769], And build up[H1129] thy throne[H3678] to all[H1755] generations[H1755]. Selah[H5542]

5. And the heavens[H8064] shall praise[H3034] thy wonders[H6382], O Jehovah[H3068]; Thy faithfulness[H530] also in the assembly[H6951] of the holy ones[H6918].

6. For who in the skies[H7834] can be compared[H6186] unto Jehovah[H3068]? Who among the sons[H1121] of the mighty[H410] is like[H1819] unto Jehovah[H3068],

7. A God[H410] very[H7227] terrible[H6206] in the council[H5475] of the holy[H6918] ones[H3372], And to be feared above all them that are round about him[H5439]?

8. O Jehovah[H3068] God[H430] of hosts[H6635], Who is a mighty[H2626] one[H3050], like unto thee, O Jehovah? And thy faithfulness[H530] is round about thee[H5439].

9. Thou rulest[H4910] the pride[H1348] of the sea[H3220]: When the waves[H1530] thereof arise[H7721], thou stillest them[H7623].

10. Thou hast broken[H1792] Rahab[H7294] in pieces[H1792], as one that is slain[H2491]; Thou hast scattered[H6340] thine enemies[H341] with the arm[H2220] of thy strength[H5797].

11. The heavens[H8064] are thine[H776], the earth also is thine[H8398]: The world and the fulness[H4393] thereof[H3245], thou hast founded them.

12. The north[H6828] and the south[H3225], thou hast created[H1254] them[H8396]: Tabor and Hermon[H2768] rejoice[H7442] in thy name[H8034].

13. Thou hast a mighty[H1369] arm[H2220]; Strong[H5810] is thy hand[H3027], and high[H7311] is thy right hand[H3225].

14. Righteousness[H6664] and justice[H6664] are the foundation[H4349] of thy throne[H3678]: Lovingkindness[H2617] and truth[H571] go[H6923] before thy face[H6440].

15. Blessed[H835] is the people[H5971] that know[H3045] the joyful sound[H8643]: They walk[H1980], O Jehovah[H3068], in the light[H216] of thy countenance[H6440].

16. In thy name[H8034] do they rejoice[H1523] all the day[H3117]; And in thy righteousness[H6666] are they exalted[H7311].

17. For thou art the glory[H8597] of their strength[H5797]; And in thy favor[H7522] our horn[H7161] shall be exalted[H7311].

18. For our shield[H4043] belongeth unto Jehovah[H3068]; And our king[H4428] to the Holy One[H6918] of Israel[H3478].

19. Then thou spakest[H1696] in vision[H2377] to thy saints[H2623], And saidst[H559], I have laid[H7737] help[H5828] upon one that is mighty[H1368]; I have exalted[H7311] one chosen[H977] out of the people[H5971].

20. I have found[H4672] David[H1732] my servant[H5650]; With my holy[H6944] oil[H8081] have I anointed him[H4886]:

21. With whom my hand[H3027] shall be established[H3559]; Mine arm[H2220] also shall strengthen him[H553].

22. The enemy[H341] shall not exact[H5378] from him[H1121], Nor the son of wickedness[H5766] afflict him[H6031].

23. And I will beat down[H3807] his adversaries[H6862] before him[H6440], And smite[H5062] them that hate him[H8130].

24. But my faithfulness[H530] and my lovingkindness[H2617] shall be with him[H8034]; And in my name shall his horn[H7161] be exalted[H7311].

25. I will set[H7760] his hand[H3027] also on the sea[H3220], And his right hand[H3225] on the rivers[H5104].

26. He shall cry[H7121] unto me[H1], Thou art my Father, My God[H410], and the rock[H6697] of my salvation[H3444].

27. I also will make[H5414] him my first-born[H1060], The highest[H5945] of the kings[H4428] of the earth[H776].

28. My lovingkindness[H2617] will I keep[H8104] for him for evermore[H5769]; And my covenant[H1285] shall stand fast with him[H539].

29. His seed[H2233] also will I make[H7760] to endure for ever[H5703], And his throne[H3678] as the days[H3117] of heaven[H8064].

30. If his children[H1121] forsake[H5800] my law[H8451], And walk[H3212] not in mine ordinances[H4941];

31. If they break[H2490] my statutes[H2708], And keep[H8104] not my commandments[H4687];

32. Then will I visit[H6485] their transgression[H6588] with the rod[H7626], And their iniquity[H5771] with stripes[H5061].

33. But my lovingkindness[H2617] will I not utterly take[H6331] from him[H530], Nor suffer my faithfulness to fail[H8266].

34. My covenant[H1285] will I not break[H2490], Nor alter[H8138] the thing that is gone out[H4161] of my lips[H8193].

35. Once[H259] have I sworn[H7650] by my holiness[H6944]: I will not lie[H3576] unto David[H1732]:

36. His seed[H2233] shall endure for ever[H5769], And his throne[H3678] as the sun before me[H8121].

37. It shall be established[H3559] for ever[H5769] as the moon[H3394], And as the faithful[H539] witness[H5707] in the sky[H7834]. [H5542][[Selah

38. But thou hast cast off[H2186] and rejected[H3988], Thou hast been wroth[H5674] with thine anointed[H4899].

39. Thou hast abhorred[H5010] the covenant[H1285] of thy servant[H5650]: Thou hast profaned[H2490] his crown[H5145] by casting it to the ground[H776].

40. Thou hast broken down[H6555] all his hedges[H1448]; Thou hast brought[H7760] his strongholds[H4013] to ruin[H4288].

41. All that pass by[H5674] the way[H1870] rob[H8155] him[H2781]: He is become a reproach to his neighbors[H7934].

42. Thou hast exalted[H7311] the right hand[H3225] of his adversaries[H6862]; Thou hast made all his enemies[H341] to rejoice[H8055].

43. Yea[H7725], thou turnest back the edge[H6697] of his sword[H2719], And hast not made him to stand[H6965] in the battle[H4421].

44. Thou hast made his brightness[H2892] to cease[H7673], And cast[H4048] his throne[H3678] down[H4048] to the ground[H776].

45. The days[H3117] of his youth[H5934] hast thou shortened[H7114]: Thou hast covered[H5844] him with shame[H955]. [H5542][[Selah

46. How long[H3068], O Jehovah? wilt thou hide[H5641] thyself for ever[H5331]? How long shall thy wrath[H2534] burn[H1197] like fire[H784]?

47. Oh remember[H2142] how short[H2465] my time is[H7723]: For what vanity hast thou created all the children[H1121] of men[H1121]!

48. What man[H1397] is he that shall live[H2421] and not see[H7200] death[H4194], That shall deliver[H4422] his soul[H5315] from the power[H3027] of Sheol[H7585]? [H5542][[Selah

49. Lord[H136], where are thy former[H7223] lovingkindnesses[H2617], Which thou swarest[H7650] unto David[H1732] in thy faithfulness[H530]?

50. Remember[H2142], Lord[H136], the reproach[H2781] of thy servants[H5650]; How I do bear[H5375] in my bosom[H2436] the reproach of all the mighty[H7227] peoples[H5971],

51. Wherewith thine enemies[H341] have reproached[H2778], O Jehovah[H3068], Wherewith they have reproached[H2778] the footsteps[H6119] of thine anointed[H4899].

52. Blessed[H1288] be Jehovah[H3068] for evermore[H5769]. Amen[H543], and Amen[H543].

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