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ASV_Strong : Job 42


1. Then Job[H347] answered[H6030] Jehovah[H3068], and said[H559],

2. I know[H3045] that thou canst do[H3201] all things[H4209], And that no purpose of thine can be restrained[H1219].

3. Who is this that hideth[H5956] counsel[H6098] without knowledge[H1847]? Therefore have I uttered[H5046] that which I understood[H995] not[H6381], Things too wonderful for me[H3045], which I knew not.

4. Hear[H8085], I beseech thee[H1696], and I will speak; I will demand[H7592] of thee[H3045], and declare thou unto me.

5. I had heard[H8085] of thee by the hearing[H8088] of the ear[H241]; But now mine eye[H5869] seeth thee[H7200]:

6. Wherefore I abhor[H3988] myself[H5162], And repent in dust[H6083] and ashes[H665].

7. And it was so[H310], that, after Jehovah[H3068] had spoken[H1696] these words[H1697] unto Job[H347], Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] to Eliphaz[H464] the Temanite[H8489], My wrath[H639] is kindled[H2734] against thee[H8147], and against thy two friends[H7453]; for ye have not spoken[H1696] of me the thing that is right[H3559], as my servant[H5650] Job hath[H347].

8. Now therefore[H3947], take unto you seven[H7651] bullocks[H6499] and seven[H7651] rams[H352], and go[H3212] to my servant[H5650] Job[H347], and offer up[H5927] for yourselves a burnt-offering[H5930]; and my servant[H5650] Job[H347] shall pray[H6419] for you[H6440]; for him will I accept[H5375], that I deal[H6213] not with you after your folly[H5039]; for ye have not spoken[H1696] of me the thing that is right[H3559], as my servant[H5650] Job hath[H347].

9. So Eliphaz[H464] the Temanite[H8489] and Bildad[H1085] the Shuhite[H7747] and Zophar[H6691] the Naamathite[H5284] went[H3212], and did[H6213] according as Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H1696] them[H3068]: and Jehovah accepted[H5375] Job[H6440].

10. And Jehovah[H3068] turned[H7725] the captivity[H7622] of Job[H347], when he prayed[H6419] for his friends[H7453]: and Jehovah[H3068] gave[H3254] Job[H347] twice as much as he had before[H4932].

11. Then came[H935] there unto him all his brethren[H251], and all his sisters[H269], and all they that had been of his acquaintance[H3045] before[H6440], and did eat[H398] bread[H3899] with him in his house[H1004]: and they bemoaned[H5110] him[H5162], and comforted him concerning all the evil[H7451] that Jehovah[H3068] had brought[H935] upon him[H376]: every man also gave[H5414] him a[H259] piece of money[H7192], and every one[H376] a[H259] ring of gold[H2091].

12. So Jehovah[H3068] blessed[H1288] the latter end[H319] of Job[H347] more than his beginning[H7225]: And he had fourteen[H702] thousand[H505] sheep[H6629], and six[H8337] thousand[H505] camels[H1581], and a thousand[H505] yoke[H6776] of oxen[H1241], and a thousand[H505] she-asses[H860].

13. He had also seven[H7658] sons[H1121] and three[H7969] daughters[H1323].

14. And he called[H7121] the name[H8034] of the first[H259], Jemimah[H3224]: and the name[H8034] of the second[H8145], Keziah[H7103]; and the name[H8034] of the third[H7992], Keren-happuch[H7163].

15. And in all the land[H776] were no women[H802] found[H4672] so fair[H3303] as the daughters[H1323] of Job[H347]: and their father[H1] gave[H5414] them inheritance[H5159] among[H8432] their brethren[H251].

16. And after[H310] this Job[H347] lived[H2421] a hundred[H3967] and forty[H705] years[H8141], and saw[H7200] his sons[H1121], and his sons[H1121]' sons[H1121], even four[H702] generations[H1755].

17. So Job[H347] died[H4191], being old[H2205] and full[H7649] of days[H3117].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42

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