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ASV_Strong : 2 Chronicles 30


1. And Hezekiah[H3169] sent[H7971] to all Israel[H3478] and Judah[H3063], and wrote[H3789] letters[H107] also to Ephraim[H669] and Manasseh[H4519], that they should come[H935] to the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068] at Jerusalem[H3389], to keep[H6213] the passover[H6453] unto Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478].

2. For the king[H4428] had taken counsel[H3289], and his princes[H8269], and all the assembly[H6951] in Jerusalem[H3389], to keep[H6213] the passover[H6453] in the second[H8145] month[H2320].

3. For they could[H3201] not keep[H6213] it at that time[H6256], because the priests[H3548] had not sanctified[H6942] themselves in sufficient[H4078] number[H5971], neither had the people gathered themselves together[H622] to Jerusalem[H3389].

4. And the thing[H1697] was right[H3474] in the eyes of the king[H4428] and of all the assembly[H6951].

5. So they established[H5975] a decree[H1697] to make proclamation[H5674] throughout all Israel[H3478], from Beer-sheba[H884] even to Dan[H1835], that they should come[H935] to keep[H6213] the passover[H6453] unto Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], at Jerusalem[H3389]: for they had not kept[H6213] it in great numbers[H7230] in such sort as it is written[H3789].

6. So the posts[H7323] went[H3212] with the letters[H107] from[H3027] the king[H4428] and his princes[H8269] throughout all Israel[H3478] and Judah[H3063], and according to the commandment[H4687] of the king[H4428], saying[H559], Ye children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], turn again[H7725] unto Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Abraham[H85], Isaac[H3327], and Israel[H3478], that he may return[H7725] to the remnant[H7604] that are escaped[H6413] of you out of the hand[H3709] of the kings[H4428] of Assyria[H804].

7. And be not ye like your fathers[H1], and like your brethren[H251], who trespassed[H4603] against Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of their fathers[H1], so that he gave them up[H5414] to desolation[H8047], as ye see[H7200].

8. Now be ye not stiffnecked[H7185], as your fathers[H1] were[H5414]; but yield yourselves[H3027] unto Jehovah[H3068], and enter[H935] into his sanctuary[H4720], which he hath sanctified[H6942] for ever[H5769], and serve[H5647] Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430], that his fierce[H2740] anger[H639] may turn away from you[H7725].

9. For if ye turn again[H7725] unto Jehovah[H3068], your brethren[H251] and your children[H1121] shall find compassion[H7356] before[H6440] them that led them captive[H7617], and shall come again[H7725] into this land[H776]: for Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430] is gracious[H2587] and merciful[H7349], and will not turn away[H5493] his face[H6440] from you[H7725], if ye return unto him.

10. So the posts[H7323] passed[H5674] from city[H5892] to city[H5892] through the country[H776] of Ephraim[H669] and Manasseh[H4519], even unto Zebulun[H2074]: but they laughed them to scorn[H7832], and mocked them[H3932].

11. Nevertheless certain[H582] men of Asher[H836] and Manasseh[H4519] and of Zebulun[H2074] humbled[H3665] themselves[H935], and came to Jerusalem[H3389].

12. Also upon Judah[H3063] came the hand[H3027] of God[H430] to give[H5414] them one[H259] heart[H3820], to do[H6213] the commandment[H4687] of the king[H4428] and of the princes[H8269] by the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068].

13. And there assembled[H622] at Jerusalem[H3389] much[H7227] people[H5971] to keep[H6213] the feast[H2282] of unleavened bread[H4682] in the second[H8145] month[H2320], a very[H3966] great[H7230] assembly[H6951].

14. And they arose[H6965] and took away[H5493] the altars[H4196] that were in Jerusalem[H3389], and all the altars for incense[H6999] took they away[H5493], and cast[H7993] them into the brook[H5158] Kidron[H6939].

15. Then they killed[H7819] the passover[H6453] on the fourteenth[H702] day of the second[H8145] month[H2320]: and the priests[H3548] and the Levites[H3881] were ashamed[H3637], and sanctified[H6942] themselves[H935], and brought burnt-offerings[H5930] into the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068].

16. And they stood[H5975] in their place[H5977] after their order[H4941], according to the law[H8451] of Moses[H4872] the man[H376] of God[H430]: the priests[H3548] sprinkled[H2236] the blood[H1818] which they received of the hand[H3027] of the Levites[H3881].

17. For there were many[H7227] in the assembly[H6951] that had not sanctified[H6942] themselves[H3881]: therefore the Levites had the charge of killing[H7821] the passovers[H6453] for every one that was not clean[H2889], to sanctify[H6942] them unto Jehovah[H3068].

18. For a multitude[H4768] of the people[H5971], even many[H7227] of Ephraim[H669] and Manasseh[H4519], Issachar[H3485] and Zebulun[H2074], had not[H3808] cleansed[H2891] themselves[H398], yet did they eat the passover[H6453] otherwise than it is written[H3789]. For Hezekiah[H3169] had prayed[H6419] for them[H559], saying, The good[H2896] Jehovah[H3068] pardon every one[H3722]

19. that setteth[H3559] his heart[H3824] to seek[H1875] God[H430], Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of his fathers[H1], though he be not cleansed according to the purification[H2893] of the sanctuary[H6944].

20. And Jehovah[H3068] hearkened[H8085] to Hezekiah[H3169], and healed[H7495] the people[H5971].

21. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] that were present[H4672] at Jerusalem[H3389] kept[H6213] the feast[H2282] of unleavened bread[H4682] seven[H7651] days[H3117] with great[H1419] gladness[H8057]; and the Levites[H3881] and the priests[H3548] praised[H1984] Jehovah[H3068] day[H3117] by day[H3117], singing with loud[H5797] instruments[H3627] unto Jehovah[H3068].

22. And Hezekiah[H3169] spake[H1696] comfortably[H3820] unto all the Levites[H3881] that had good[H2896] understanding[H7922] in the service[H7919] of Jehovah[H3068]. So they did eat[H398] throughout the feast[H4150] for the seven[H7651] days[H3117], offering[H2076] sacrifices[H8002] of peace-offerings[H2077], and making confession[H3034] to Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of their fathers[H1].

23. And the whole assembly[H6951] took counsel[H3289] to keep[H6213] other[H312] seven[H7651] days[H3117]; and they kept[H6213] other seven[H7651] days[H3117] with gladness[H8057].

24. For Hezekiah[H2396] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] did give[H7311] to the assembly[H6951] for offerings a thousand[H505] bullocks[H6499] and seven[H7651] thousand[H505] sheep[H6629]; and the princes[H8269] gave[H7311] to the assembly[H6951] a thousand[H505] bullocks[H6499] and ten[H6235] thousand[H505] sheep[H6629]: and a great number[H7230] of priests[H3548] sanctified themselves[H6942].

25. And all the assembly[H6951] of Judah[H3063], with the priests[H3548] and the Levites[H3881], and all the assembly[H6951] that came out[H935] of Israel[H3478], and the sojourners[H1616] that came out[H935] of the land[H776] of Israel[H3478], and that dwelt[H3427] in Judah[H3063], rejoiced[H8055].

26. So there was great[H1419] joy[H8057] in Jerusalem[H3389]; for since the time[H3117] of Solomon[H8010] the son[H1121] of David[H1732] king[H4428] of Israel[H3478] there was not the like in Jerusalem[H3389].

27. Then the priests[H3548] the Levites[H3881] arose[H6965] and blessed[H1288] the people[H5971]: and their voice[H6963] was heard[H8085], and their prayer[H8605] came[H935] up to his holy[H6944] habitation[H4583], even unto heaven[H8064].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

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