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ASV_Strong : 2 Kings 23


1. And the king[H4428] sent[H7971], and they gathered[H622] unto him all the elders[H2205] of Judah[H3063] and of Jerusalem[H3389].

2. And the king[H4428] went up[H5927] to the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], and all the men[H376] of Judah[H3063] and all the inhabitants[H3427] of Jerusalem[H3389] with him[H3548], and the priests, and the prophets[H5030], and all the people[H5971], both small[H6996] and great[H1419]: and he read[H7121] in their ears[H241] all the words[H1697] of the book[H5612] of the covenant[H1285] which was found[H4672] in the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068].

3. And the king[H4428] stood[H5975] by the pillar[H5982], and made[H3772] a covenant[H1285] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068], to walk[H3212] after[H310] Jehovah[H3068], and to keep[H8104] his commandments[H4687], and his testimonies[H5715], and his statutes[H2708], with all his heart[H3820], and all his soul[H5315], to confirm[H6965] the words[H1697] of this covenant[H1285] that were written[H3789] in this book[H5612]: and all the people[H5971] stood[H5975] to the covenant[H1285].

4. And the king[H4428] commanded[H6680] Hilkiah[H2518] the high[H1419] priest[H3548], and the priests[H3548] of the second order[H4932], and the keepers[H8104] of the threshold[H5592], to bring forth[H3318] out of the temple[H1964] of Jehovah[H3068] all the vessels[H3627] that were made[H6213] for Baal[H1168], and for the Asherah[H842], and for all the host[H6635] of heaven[H8064], and he burned[H8313] them without[H2351] Jerusalem[H3389] in the fields[H7709] of the Kidron[H6939], and carried[H5375] the ashes[H6083] of them unto Beth-el[H1008].

5. And he put down[H7673] the idolatrous priests[H3649], whom the kings[H4428] of Judah[H3063] had ordained[H5414] to burn incense[H6999] in the high places[H1116] in the cities[H5892] of Judah[H3063], and in the places round about[H4524] Jerusalem[H3389]; them also that burned incense[H6999] unto Baal[H1168], to the sun[H8121], and to the moon[H3394], and to the planets[H4208], and to all the host[H6635] of heaven[H8064].

6. And he brought out[H3318] the Asherah[H842] from the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], without[H2351] Jerusalem[H3389], unto the brook[H5158] Kidron[H6939], and burned[H8313] it at the brook[H5158] Kidron[H6939], and beat[H1854] it to dust[H6083], and cast[H7993] the dust[H6083] thereof upon the graves[H6913] of the common[H1121] people[H5971].

7. And he brake down[H5422] the houses[H1004] of the sodomites[H6945], that were in the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], where the women[H802] wove[H707] hangings[H1004] for the Asherah[H842].

8. And he brought[H935] all the priests[H3548] out of the cities[H5892] of Judah[H3063], and defiled[H2930] the high places[H1116] where the priests[H3548] had burned incense[H6999], from Geba[H1387] to Beer-sheba[H884]; and he brake down[H5422] the high places[H1116] of the gates[H8179] that were at the entrance[H6607] of the gate[H8179] of Joshua[H3091] the governor[H8269] of the city[H5892], which were on a man[H376]'s left hand[H8040] at the gate[H8179] of the city[H5892].

9. Nevertheless the priests[H3548] of the high places[H1116] came not up[H5927] to the altar[H4196] of Jehovah[H3068] in Jerusalem[H3389], but they did eat[H398] unleavened bread[H4682] among[H8432] their brethren[H251].

10. And he defiled[H2930] Topheth[H8612], which is in the valley[H1516] of the children[H1121] of Hinnom[H2011], that no man[H376] might make his son[H1121] or his daughter[H1323] to pass through[H5674] the fire[H784] to Molech[H4432].

11. And he took away[H7673] the horses[H5483] that the kings[H4428] of Judah[H3063] had given[H5414] to the sun[H8121], at the entrance[H935] of the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], by the chamber[H3957] of Nathan-melech[H5419] the chamberlain[H5631], which was in the precincts[H6503]; and he burned[H8313] the chariots[H4818] of the sun[H8121] with fire[H784].

12. And the altars[H4196] that were on the roof[H1406] of the upper chamber[H5944] of Ahaz[H271], which the kings[H4428] of Judah[H3063] had made[H6213], and the altars[H4196] which Manasseh[H4519] had made[H6213] in the two[H8147] courts[H2691] of the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], did the king[H4428] break down[H5422], and beat them down[H7323] from thence[H7993], and cast the dust[H6083] of them into the brook[H5158] Kidron[H6939].

13. And the high places[H1116] that were before[H6440] Jerusalem[H3389], which were on the right hand[H3225] of the mount[H2022] of corruption[H4889], which Solomon[H8010] the king[H4428] of Israel[H3478] had builded[H1129] for Ashtoreth[H6253] the abomination[H8251] of the Sidonians[H6722], and for Chemosh[H3645] the abomination[H8251] of Moab[H4124], and for Milcom[H4445] the abomination[H8441] of the children[H1121] of Ammon[H5983], did the king[H4428] defile[H2930].

14. And he brake in pieces[H7665] the pillars[H4676], and cut down[H3772] the Asherim[H842], and filled[H4390] their places[H4725] with the bones[H6106] of men[H120].

15. Moreover the altar[H4196] that was at Beth-el[H1008], and the high place[H1116] which Jeroboam[H3379] the son[H1121] of Nebat[H5028], who made Israel[H3478] to sin[H2398], had made[H6213], even that altar[H4196] and the high place[H1116] he brake down[H5422]; and he burned[H8313] the high place[H1116] and beat[H1854] it to dust[H6083], and burned[H8313] the Asherah[H842].

16. And as Josiah[H2977] turned[H6437] himself[H7200], he spied the sepulchres[H6913] that were there in the mount[H2022]; and he sent[H7971], and took[H3947] the bones[H6106] out of the sepulchres[H6913], and burned[H8313] them upon the altar[H4196], and defiled[H2930] it[H1697], according to the word of Jehovah[H3068] which the man[H376] of God[H430] proclaimed[H7121], who proclaimed[H7121] these things[H1697].

17. Then he said[H559], What monument[H6725] is that[H1975] which I see[H7200]? And the men[H582] of the city[H5892] told[H559] him[H6913], It is the sepulchre of the man[H376] of God[H430], who came[H935] from Judah[H3063], and proclaimed[H7121] these things[H1697] that thou hast done[H6213] against the altar[H4196] of Beth-el[H1008].

18. And he said[H559], Let him be[H3240]; let no man[H376] move[H5128] his bones[H6106]. So they let his bones[H6106] alone[H4422], with the bones[H6106] of the prophet[H5030] that came out[H935] of Samaria[H8111].

19. And all the houses[H1004] also of the high places[H1116] that were in the cities[H5892] of Samaria[H8111], which the kings[H4428] of Israel[H3478] had made[H6213] to provoke Jehovah to anger[H3707], Josiah[H2977] took away[H5493], and did[H6213] to them according to all the acts[H4639] that he had done[H6213] in Beth-el[H1008].

20. And he slew[H2076] all the priests[H3548] of the high places[H1116] that were there[H4196], upon the altars, and burned[H8313] men[H120]'s bones[H6106] upon them[H7725]; and he returned to Jerusalem[H3389].

21. And the king[H4428] commanded[H6680] all the people[H5971], saying[H559], Keep[H6213] the passover[H6453] unto Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430], as it is written[H3789] in this book[H5612] of the covenant[H1285].

22. Surely there was not kept[H6213] such a passover[H6453] from the days[H3117] of the judges[H8199] that judged[H8199] Israel[H3478], nor in all the days[H3117] of the kings[H4428] of Israel[H3478], nor of the kings[H4428] of Judah[H3063];

23. but in the eighteenth[H8083] year[H8141] of king[H4428] Josiah[H2977] was this passover[H6453] kept[H6213] to Jehovah[H3068] in Jerusalem[H3389].

24. Moreover them that had familiar spirits[H178], and the wizards[H3049], and the teraphim[H8655], and the idols[H1544], and all the abominations[H8251] that were seen[H7200] in the land[H776] of Judah[H3063] and in Jerusalem[H3389], did Josiah[H2977] put away[H1197], that he might confirm[H6965] the words[H1697] of the law[H8451] which were written[H3789] in the book[H5612] that Hilkiah[H2518] the priest[H3548] found[H4672] in the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068].

25. And like unto him was there no king[H4428] before[H6440] him[H7725], that turned to Jehovah[H3068] with all his heart[H3824], and with all his soul[H5315], and with all his might[H3966], according to all the law[H8451] of Moses[H4872]; neither after[H310] him arose there any like him[H6965].

26. Notwithstanding[H3068], Jehovah turned[H7725] not from the fierceness[H2740] of his great[H1419] wrath[H639], wherewith his anger[H639] was kindled[H2734] against Judah[H3063], because of all the provocations[H3708] wherewith Manasseh[H4519] had provoked him[H3707].

27. And Jehovah[H3068] said[H559], I will remove[H5493] Judah[H3063] also out of my sight[H6440], as I have removed[H5493] Israel[H3478], and I will cast off[H3988] this city[H5892] which I have chosen[H977], even Jerusalem[H3389], and the house[H1004] of which I said[H559], My name shall be there[H8034].

28. Now the rest[H3499] of the acts[H1697] of Josiah[H2977], and all that he did[H6213], are they not written[H3789] in the book[H5612] of the chronicles[H1697] of the kings[H4428] of Judah[H3063]?

29. In his days[H3117] Pharaoh-necoh[H6549] king[H4428] of Egypt[H4714] went up[H5927] against the king[H4428] of Assyria[H804] to the river[H5104] Euphrates[H6578]: and king[H4428] Josiah[H2977] went[H3212] against[H7125] him[H4191]; and Pharaoh-necoh slew him at Megiddo[H4023], when he had seen him[H7200].

30. And his servants[H5650] carried him in a chariot[H7392] dead[H4191] from Megiddo[H4023], and brought[H935] him to Jerusalem[H3389], and buried[H6912] him in his own sepulchre[H6900]. And the people[H5971] of the land[H776] took[H3947] Jehoahaz[H3059] the son[H1121] of Josiah[H2977], and anointed[H4886] him[H4427], and made him king in his father[H1]'s stead.

31. Jehoahaz[H3059] was twenty[H6242] and three[H7969] years[H8141] old[H1121] when he began to reign[H4427]; and he reigned[H4427] three[H7969] months[H2320] in Jerusalem[H3389]: and his mother[H517]'s name[H8034] was Hamutal[H2537] the daughter[H1323] of Jeremiah[H3414] of Libnah[H3841].

32. And he did[H6213] that which was evil[H7451] in the sight[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068], according to all that his fathers[H1] had done[H6213].

33. And Pharaoh-necoh[H6549] put him in bonds[H631] at Riblah[H7247] in the land[H776] of Hamath[H2574], that he might not reign[H4427] in Jerusalem[H3389]; and put[H5414] the land[H776] to a tribute[H6066] of a hundred[H3967] talents[H3603] of silver[H3701], and a talent[H3603] of gold[H2091].

34. And Pharaoh-necoh[H6549] made Eliakim[H471] the son[H1121] of Josiah[H2977] king[H4427] in the room of Josiah[H2977] his father[H1], and changed[H5437] his name[H8034] to Jehoiakim[H3079]: but he took[H3947] Jehoahaz[H3059] away[H3947]; and he came[H935] to Egypt[H4714], and died there[H4191].

35. And Jehoiakim[H3079] gave[H5414] the silver[H3701] and the gold[H2091] to Pharaoh[H6547]; but he taxed[H6186] the land[H776] to give[H5414] the money[H3701] according to the commandment[H6310] of Pharaoh[H6547]: he exacted[H5065] the silver[H3701] and the gold[H2091] of the people[H5971] of the land[H776], of every one[H376] according to his taxation[H6187], to give[H5414] it unto Pharaoh-necoh[H6549].

36. Jehoiakim[H3079] was twenty[H6242] and five[H2568] years[H8141] old[H1121] when he began to reign[H4427]; and he reigned[H4427] eleven[H259] years[H8141] in Jerusalem[H3389]: and his mother[H517]'s name[H8034] was Zebidah[H2080] the daughter[H1323] of Pedaiah[H6305] of Rumah[H7316].

37. And he did[H6213] that which was evil[H7451] in the sight[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068], according to all that his fathers[H1] had done[H6213].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

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