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ASV_Strong : 2 Kings 2


1. And it came to pass[H3068], when Jehovah would take up[H5927] Elijah[H452] by a whirlwind[H5591] into heaven[H8064], that Elijah[H452] went[H3212] with Elisha[H477] from Gilgal[H1537].

2. And Elijah[H452] said[H559] unto Elisha[H477], Tarry[H3427] here[H3068], I pray thee; for Jehovah hath sent[H7971] me as far as Beth-el[H1008]. And Elisha[H477] said[H559], As Jehovah[H3068] liveth[H2416], and as thy soul[H5315] liveth[H2416], I will not leave[H5800] thee[H3381]. So they went down to Beth-el[H1008].

3. And the sons[H1121] of the prophets[H5030] that were at Beth-el[H1008] came forth[H3318] to Elisha[H477], and said[H559] unto him[H3045], Knowest thou that Jehovah[H3068] will take away[H3947] thy master[H113] from thy head[H7218] to-day[H3117]? And he said[H559], Yea[H3045], I know it[H2814]; hold ye your peace.

4. And Elijah[H452] said[H559] unto him[H477], Elisha, tarry[H3427] here[H3068], I pray thee; for Jehovah hath sent[H7971] me to Jericho[H3405]. And he said[H559], As Jehovah[H3068] liveth[H2416], and as thy soul[H5315] liveth[H2416], I will not leave[H5800] thee[H935]. So they came to Jericho[H3405].

5. And the sons[H1121] of the prophets[H5030] that were at Jericho[H3405] came[H5066] near to Elisha[H477], and said[H559] unto him[H3045], Knowest thou that Jehovah[H3068] will take away[H3947] thy master[H113] from thy head[H7218] to-day[H3117]? And he answered[H559], Yea[H3045], I know it[H2814]; hold ye your peace.

6. And Elijah[H452] said[H559] unto him[H3427], Tarry here[H3068], I pray thee; for Jehovah hath sent[H7971] me to the Jordan[H3383]. And he said[H559], As Jehovah[H3068] liveth[H2416], and as thy soul[H5315] liveth[H2416], I will not leave[H5800] thee[H8147]. And they two went on[H3212].

7. And fifty[H2572] men[H376] of the sons[H1121] of the prophets[H5030] went[H1980], and stood[H5975] over against[H5048] them afar off[H7350]: and they two[H8147] stood[H5975] by the Jordan[H3383].

8. And Elijah[H452] took[H3947] his mantle[H155], and wrapped it together[H1563], and smote[H5221] the waters[H4325], and they were divided[H2673] hither and thither[H8147], so that they two went over[H5674] on dry ground[H2724].

9. And it came to pass[H5674], when they were gone over, that Elijah[H452] said[H559] unto Elisha[H477], Ask[H7592] what I shall do[H6213] for thee[H3947], before I am taken from thee[H477]. And Elisha said[H559], I pray thee[H8147], let a double portion[H6310] of thy spirit be upon me[H7307].

10. And he said[H559], Thou hast asked[H7592] a hard thing[H7185]: nevertheless[H7200], if thou see me when I am taken from thee[H3947], it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so.

11. And it came to pass[H1980], as they still went on[H1980], and talked[H1696], that[H7393], behold, there appeared a chariot of fire[H784], and horses[H5483] of fire[H784], which parted[H6504] them both[H8147] asunder[H996]; and Elijah[H452] went up[H5927] by a whirlwind[H5591] into heaven[H8064].

12. And Elisha[H477] saw[H7200] it[H6817], and he cried, My father[H1], my father[H1], the chariots[H7393] of Israel[H3478] and the horsemen[H6571] thereof[H7200]! And he saw him no more[H2388]: and he took hold of his own clothes[H899], and rent[H7167] them in two[H8147] pieces[H7168].

13. He took up[H7311] also the mantle[H155] of Elijah[H452] that fell[H5307] from him[H7725], and went back, and stood[H5975] by the bank[H8193] of the Jordan[H3383].

14. And he took[H3947] the mantle[H155] of Elijah[H452] that fell[H5307] from him[H5221], and smote the waters[H4325], and said[H559], Where is Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Elijah[H452]? and when he also had smitten[H5221] the waters[H4325], they were divided[H2673] hither and thither[H477]; and Elisha went over[H5674].

15. And when the sons[H1121] of the prophets[H5030] that were at Jericho[H3405] over against him saw[H7200] him[H559], they said, The spirit[H7307] of Elijah[H452] doth rest[H5117] on Elisha[H477]. And they came[H935] to meet[H7125] him[H7812], and bowed themselves to the ground before him[H776].

16. And they said[H559] unto him[H3426], Behold now, there are with thy servants[H5650] fifty[H2572] strong[H2428] men[H1121]; let them go[H3212], we pray thee[H1245], and seek thy master[H113], lest the Spirit[H7307] of Jehovah[H3068] hath taken him up[H5375], and cast[H7993] him upon some[H259] mountain[H2022], or into some[H259] valley[H1516]. And he said[H559], Ye shall not send[H7971].

17. And when they urged[H6484] him till he was ashamed[H954], he said[H559], Send[H7971]. They sent[H7971] therefore fifty[H2572] men[H376]; and they sought[H1245] three[H7969] days[H3117], but found him not[H4672].

18. And they came back[H7725] to him[H3427], while he tarried at Jericho[H3405]; and he said[H559] unto them[H559], Did I not say unto you[H3212], Go not?

19. And the men[H582] of the city[H5892] said[H559] unto Elisha[H477], Behold[H4186], we pray thee, the situation of this city[H5892] is pleasant[H2896], as my lord[H113] seeth[H7200]: but the water[H4325] is bad[H7451], and the land[H776] miscarrieth[H7921].

20. And he said[H559], Bring[H3947] me a new[H2319] cruse[H6746], and put[H7760] salt[H4417] therein[H3947]. And they brought it to him.

21. And he went forth[H3318] unto the spring[H4161] of the waters[H4325], and cast[H7993] salt[H4417] therein[H559], and said, Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], I have healed[H7495] these waters[H4325]; there shall not be from thence any more death[H4194] or miscarrying[H7921].

22. So the waters[H4325] were healed[H7495] unto this day[H3117], according to the word[H1697] of Elisha[H477] which he spake[H1696].

23. And he went up[H5927] from thence unto Beth-el[H1008]; and as he was going up[H5927] by the way[H1870], there came forth[H3318] young[H6996] lads[H5288] out of the city[H5892], and mocked[H7046] him[H559], and said unto him[H5927], Go up, thou baldhead[H7142]; go up[H5927], thou baldhead[H7142].

24. And he looked[H7200] behind[H310] him and saw[H7200] them[H7043], and cursed them in the name[H8034] of Jehovah[H3068]. And there came forth[H3318] two[H8147] she-bears[H1677] out of the wood[H3293], and tare[H1234] forty[H705] and two[H8147] lads of them[H3206].

25. And he went[H3212] from thence to mount[H2022] Carmel[H3760], and from thence he returned[H7725] to Samaria[H8111].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

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