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ASV_Strong : 2 Samuel 17


1. Moreover Ahithophel[H302] said[H559] unto Absalom[H53], Let me now choose out[H977] twelve[H8147] thousand[H505] men[H376], and I will arise[H6965] and pursue[H7291] after[H310] David[H1732] this night[H3915]:

2. and I will come[H935] upon him while he is weary[H3023] and weak-handed[H7504], [H3027] and will make him afraid[H2729]; and all the people[H5971] that are with him shall flee[H5127]; and I will smite[H5221] the king only[H4428];

3. and I will bring back[H7725] all the people[H5971] unto thee[H376]: the man whom thou seekest[H1245] is as if all returned[H7725]: so all the people[H5971] shall be in peace[H7965].

4. And the saying[H1697] pleased[H3474] Absalom[H53] well[H5869], and all the elders[H2205] of Israel[H3478].

5. Then said[H559] Absalom[H53], Call[H7121] now Hushai[H2365] the Archite[H757] also[H8085], and let us hear likewise what he saith[H6310].

6. And when Hushai[H2365] was come[H935] to Absalom[H53], Absalom[H53] spake[H559] unto him[H559], saying, Ahithophel[H302] hath spoken[H1696] after this manner[H1697]: shall we do[H6213] after his saying[H1697]? if not[H1696], speak thou.

7. And Hushai[H2365] said[H559] unto Absalom[H53], The counsel[H6098] that Ahithophel[H302] hath given[H3289] this time[H6471] is not good[H2896].

8. Hushai[H2365] said[H559] moreover[H3045], Thou knowest thy father[H1] and his men[H582], that they are mighty men[H1368], and they are chafed[H4751] in their minds[H5315], as a bear[H1677] robbed[H7909] of her whelps in the field[H7704]; and thy father[H1] is a man[H376] of war[H4421], and will not lodge[H3885] with the people[H5971].

9. Behold[H2244], he is hid now in some[H259] pit[H6354], or in some[H259] other place[H4725]: and it will come to pass[H5307], when some of them are fallen at the first[H8462], that whosoever[H8085] heareth[H8085] it will say[H559], There is a slaughter[H4046] among the people[H5971] that follow[H310] Absalom[H53].

10. And even he that is valiant[H1121], whose heart[H3820] is as the heart[H3820] of a lion[H738], will utterly[H4549] melt[H4549]; for all Israel[H3478] knoweth[H3045] that thy father[H1] is a mighty man[H1368], and they that are with him are valiant[H2428] men[H1121].

11. But I counsel[H3289] that all Israel[H3478] be gathered[H622] together[H622] unto thee[H1835], from Dan even to Beer-sheba[H884], as the sand[H2344] that is by the sea[H3220] for multitude[H7230]; and that thou go[H1980] to battle[H7128] in thine own person[H6440].

12. So shall we come[H935] upon him in some[H259] place[H4725] where he shall be found[H4672], and we will light[H5168] upon him as the dew[H2919] falleth[H5307] on the ground[H127]; and of him and of all the men[H582] that are with him we will not leave[H3498] so much as[H1571] one[H259].

13. Moreover[H518], if he be gotten[H622] into a city[H5892], then shall all Israel[H3478] bring[H5375] ropes[H2256] to that city[H5892], and we will draw[H5498] it into the river[H5158], until there be not one[H1571] small stone[H6872] found there[H4672].

14. And Absalom[H53] and all the men[H376] of Israel[H3478] said[H559], The counsel[H6098] of Hushai[H2365] the Archite[H757] is better[H2896] than the counsel[H6098] of Ahithophel[H302]. For Jehovah[H3068] had ordained[H6680] to defeat[H6565] the good[H2896] counsel[H6098] of Ahithophel[H302], to the intent[H5668] that Jehovah[H3068] might bring[H935] evil[H7451] upon Absalom[H53].

15. Then said[H559] Hushai[H2365] unto Zadok[H6659] and to Abiathar[H54] the priests[H3548], Thus and thus did Ahithophel[H302] counsel[H3289] Absalom[H53] and the elders[H2205] of Israel[H3478]; and thus and thus have I counselled[H3289].

16. Now therefore send[H7971] quickly[H4120], and tell[H5046] David[H1732], saying[H559], Lodge[H3885] not this night[H3915] at the fords[H6160] of the wilderness[H4057], but by all means[H5674] pass over[H5674]; lest the king[H4428] be swallowed up[H1104], and all the people that are with him[H5971].

17. Now Jonathan[H3083] and Ahimaaz[H290] were staying[H5975] by En-rogel[H5883]; and a maid-servant[H8198] used to go[H1980] and tell[H5046] them[H1980]; and they went and told[H5046] king[H4428] David[H1732]: for they might[H3201] not be seen[H7200] to come[H935] into the city[H5892].

18. But a lad[H5288] saw[H7200] them[H5046], and told Absalom[H53]: and they went[H3212] both[H8147] of them away quickly[H4120], and came[H935] to the house[H1004] of a man[H376] in Bahurim[H980], who had a well[H875] in his court[H2691]; and they went down[H3381] thither[H8033].

19. And the woman[H802] took[H3947] and spread[H6566] the covering[H4539] over the well[H875]'s mouth[H6440], and strewed[H7849] bruised grain[H7383] thereon[H1697]; and nothing was known[H3045].

20. And Absalom[H53]'s servants[H5650] came[H935] to the woman[H802] to the house[H1004]; and they said[H559], Where are Ahimaaz[H290] and Jonathan[H3083]? And the woman[H802] said[H559] unto them[H5674], They are gone over the brook[H4323] of water[H4325]. And when they had sought[H1245] and could not find[H4672] them[H7725], they returned to Jerusalem[H3389].

21. And it came to pass[H310], after they were departed[H3212], that they came up[H5927] out of the well[H875], and went[H3212] and told[H5046] king[H4428] David[H1732]; and they said[H559] unto David[H1732], Arise[H6965] ye[H4120], and pass quickly over[H5674] the water[H4325]; for thus hath Ahithophel[H302] counselled against you[H3289].

22. Then David[H1732] arose[H6965], and all the people[H5971] that were with him[H5674], and they passed over the Jordan[H3383]: by the morning[H1242] light[H216] there lacked[H5737] not one[H259] of them that was not gone over[H5674] the Jordan[H3383].

23. And when Ahithophel[H302] saw[H7200] that his counsel[H6098] was not followed[H6213], he saddled[H2280] his ass[H2543], and arose[H6965], and gat him home[H3212], unto his[H1004] city[H5892], and set his house[H1004] in order[H6680], and hanged[H2614] himself[H4191]; and he died, and was buried[H6912] in the sepulchre[H6913] of his father[H1].

24. Then David[H1732] came[H935] to Mahanaim[H4266]. And Absalom[H53] passed over[H5674] the Jordan[H3383], he and all the men[H376] of Israel with him[H3478].

25. And Absalom[H53] set[H7760] Amasa[H6021] over the host[H6635] instead of Joab[H3097]. Now Amasa[H6021] was the son[H1121] of a man[H376], whose name[H8034] was Ithra[H3501] the Israelite[H3481], that went in[H935] to Abigal[H26] the daughter[H1323] of Nahash[H5176], sister[H269] to Zeruiah[H6870], Joab[H3097]'s mother[H517].

26. And Israel[H3478] and Absalom[H53] encamped[H2583] in the land[H776] of Gilead[H1568].

27. And it came to pass[H1732], when David was come[H935] to Mahanaim[H4266], that Shobi[H7629] the son[H1121] of Nahash[H5176] of Rabbah[H7237] of the children[H1121] of Ammon[H5983], and Machir[H4353] the son[H1121] of Ammiel[H5988] of Lodebar[H3810], and Barzillai[H1271] the Gileadite[H1569] of Rogelim[H7274],

28. brought[H5066] beds[H4904], and basins[H5592], and earthen[H3335] vessels[H3627], and wheat[H2406], and barley[H8184], and meal[H7058], and parched[H7039] grain[H6321], and beans, and lentils[H5742], and parched pulse[H7039],

29. and honey[H1706], and butter[H2529], and sheep[H6629], and cheese[H8194] of the herd[H1241], for David[H1732], and for the people[H5971] that were with him[H398], to eat: for they said[H559], The people[H5971] are hungry[H7457], and weary[H5889], and thirsty[H6771], in the wilderness[H4057].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

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