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ASV_Strong : Genesis 41


1. And it came to pass at the end[H7093] of two full[H3117] years[H8141], that Pharaoh[H6547] dreamed[H2492]: and[H5975], behold, he stood by the river[H2975].

2. And[H5927], behold, there came up out of the river[H2975] seven[H7651] kine[H6510], well-favored[H4758] and[H3303] fat-fleshed[H1277]; and they fed[H7462] in the reed-grass[H260].

3. And[H7651], behold, seven other[H312] kine[H6510] came up[H5927] after them[H310] out of the river[H2975], ill-favored[H7451] and[H4758] lean-fleshed[H1851], and stood[H5975] by[H681] the other kine[H6510] upon the brink[H8193] of the river[H2975].

4. And the ill-favored[H7451] and[H4758] lean-fleshed[H1851] kine[H6510] did eat up[H398] the seven[H7651] well-favored[H3303] and[H4758] fat[H1277] kine[H6510]. So Pharaoh[H6547] awoke[H3364].

5. And he slept[H3462] and dreamed[H2492] a second time[H8145]: and[H7651], behold, seven ears of grain[H7641] came up[H5927] upon one[H259] stalk[H7070], rank[H1277] and good[H2896].

6. And[H7651], behold, seven ears[H7641], thin[H1851] and blasted[H7710] with the east wind[H6921], sprung up[H6779] after them[H310].

7. And the thin[H1851] ears[H7641] swallowed[H1104] up the seven[H7651] rank[H1277] and full[H4392] ears[H7641]. And Pharaoh[H6547] awoke[H3364], and[H2472], behold, it was a dream.

8. And it came to pass in the morning[H1242] that his spirit[H7307] was troubled[H6470]; and he sent[H7971] and called[H7121] for all the magicians[H2748] of Egypt[H4714], and all the wise men[H2450] thereof[H6547]: and Pharaoh told[H5608] them his dream[H2472]; but there was none that could interpret[H6622] them unto Pharaoh[H6547].

9. Then spake[H1696] the chief[H8269] butler[H8248] unto Pharaoh[H6547], saying[H559], I do remember[H2142] my faults[H2399] this day[H3117]:

10. Pharaoh[H6547] was wroth[H7107] with his servants[H5650], and put[H5414] me in ward[H4929] in the house[H1004] of the captain[H8269] of the guard[H2876], me and the chief[H8269] baker[H644]:

11. and we dreamed[H2492] a dream[H2472] in one[H259] night[H3915], I and he[H2492]; we dreamed each man[H376] according to the interpretation[H6623] of his dream[H2472].

12. And there was with us there a young man[H5288], a Hebrew[H5680], servant[H5650] to the captain[H8269] of the guard[H2876]; and we told[H5608] him[H6622], and he interpreted to us our dreams[H2472]; to each man[H376] according to his dream[H2472] he did interpret[H6622].

13. And it came to pass[H6622], as he interpreted to us[H7725], so it was; me he restored unto mine office[H3653], and him he hanged[H8518].

14. Then Pharaoh[H6547] sent[H7971] and called[H7121] Joseph[H3130], and they brought him hastily[H7323] out of the dungeon[H953]: and he shaved[H1548] himself[H2498], and changed his raiment[H8071], and came in[H935] unto Pharaoh[H6547].

15. And Pharaoh[H6547] said[H559] unto Joseph[H3130], I have dreamed[H2492] a dream[H2472], and there is none that can interpret[H6622] it[H8085]: and I have heard say[H559] of thee[H8085], that when thou hearest a dream[H2472] thou canst interpret it[H6622].

16. And Joseph[H3130] answered[H6030] Pharaoh[H6547], saying[H559], It is not in me[H1107]: God[H430] will give[H6030] Pharaoh[H6547] an answer[H6030] of peace[H7965].

17. And Pharaoh[H6547] spake[H1696] unto Joseph[H3130], In my dream[H2472], behold[H5975], I stood upon the brink[H8193] of the river[H2975]:

18. and[H5927], behold, there came up out of the river[H2975] seven[H7651] kine[H6510], fat-fleshed[H1277] and[H3303] well-favored[H8389]: and they fed[H7462] in the reed-grass[H260]:

19. and[H7651], behold, seven other[H312] kine[H6510] came up[H5927] after them[H310], poor[H1803] and very[H3966] ill-favored[H7451] and[H8389] lean-fleshed[H7534], such[H2007] as I never[H3808] saw[H7200] in all the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714] for badness[H7455]:

20. and the lean[H7534] and ill-favored[H7451] kine[H6510] did eat up[H398] the first[H7223] seven[H7651] fat[H1277] kine[H6510]:

21. and when they had eaten them up[H935], it could not be known[H3045] that they had eaten them[H935]; but they were still[H4758] ill-favored[H7451], as at the beginning[H8462]. So I awoke[H3364].

22. And I saw[H7200] in my dream[H2472], and[H7651], behold, seven ears[H7641] came up[H5927] upon one[H259] stalk[H7070], full[H4392] and good[H2896]:

23. and[H7651], behold, seven ears[H7641], withered[H6798], thin[H1851], and blasted[H7710] with the east wind[H6921], sprung up[H6779] after them[H310]:

24. and the thin[H1851] ears[H7641] swallowed[H1104] up the seven[H7651] good[H2896] ears[H7641]: and I told[H559] it unto the magicians[H2748]; but there was none that could declare it to me[H5046].

25. And Joseph[H3130] said[H559] unto Pharaoh[H6547], The dream[H2472] of Pharaoh[H6547] is one[H259]: what God[H430] is about to do[H6213] he hath declared[H5046] unto Pharaoh[H6547].

26. The seven[H7651] good[H2896] kine[H6510] are seven[H7651] years[H8141]; and the seven[H7651] good[H2896] ears[H7641] are seven[H7651] years[H8141]: the dream[H2472] is one[H259].

27. And the seven[H7651] lean[H7534] and ill-favored[H7451] kine[H6510] that came up[H5927] after them[H310] are seven[H7651] years[H8141], and also the seven[H7651] empty[H7386] ears[H7641] blasted[H7710] with the east wind[H6921]; they shall be seven[H7651] years[H8141] of famine[H7458].

28. That is the thing[H1697] which I spake[H1696] unto Pharaoh[H6547]: what God[H430] is about to do[H6213] he hath showed[H7200] unto Pharaoh[H6547].

29. Behold[H935], there come seven[H7651] years[H8141] of great[H1419] plenty[H7647] throughout all the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714]:

30. and there shall arise[H6965] after them[H310] seven[H7651] years[H8141] of famine[H7458]; and all the plenty[H7647] shall be forgotten[H7911] in the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714]; and the famine[H7458] shall consume[H3615] the land[H776];

31. and the plenty[H7647] shall not be known[H3045] in the land[H776] by reason[H6440] of that famine[H7458] which followeth[H310]; for it shall be very[H3966] grievous[H3515].

32. And for that the dream[H2472] was doubled[H8138] unto[H6471] Pharaoh[H6547], it is because the thing[H1697] is established[H3559] by[H5973] God[H430], and God[H430] will shortly[H4116] bring it to pass[H6213].

33. Now therefore let Pharaoh[H6547] look out[H7200] a man[H376] discreet[H995] and wise[H2450], and set[H7896] him over the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714].

34. Let Pharaoh[H6547] do[H6213] this[H6485], and let him appoint overseers[H6496] over the land[H776], and take up the fifth part[H2567] of the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714] in the seven[H7651] plenteous[H7647] years[H8141].

35. And let them gather[H6908] all the food[H400] of these good[H2896] years[H8141] that come[H935], and lay up[H6651] grain[H1250] under the hand[H3027] of Pharaoh[H6547] for food[H400] in the cities[H5892], and let them keep it[H8104].

36. And the food[H400] shall be for a store[H6487] to the land[H776] against the seven[H7651] years[H8141] of famine[H7458], which shall be in the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714]; that the land[H776] perish[H3772] not through the famine[H7458].

37. And the thing[H1697] was good[H3190] in the eyes[H5869] of Pharaoh[H6547], and in the eyes[H5869] of all his servants[H5650].

38. And Pharaoh[H6547] said[H559] unto his servants[H5650], Can we find[H4672] such a one as this[H2088], a man[H376] in whom[H834] the spirit[H7307] of God is[H430]?

39. And Pharaoh[H6547] said[H559] unto Joseph[H3130], Forasmuch[H310] as God[H430] hath showed[H3045] thee all of this[H995], there is none so discreet and wise as thou[H2450]:

40. thou shalt be[H1961] over my house[H1004], and according unto thy word[H6310] shall all my people[H5971] be ruled[H5401]: only in the throne[H3678] will I be greater than thou[H1431].

41. And Pharaoh[H6547] said[H559] unto Joseph[H3130], See[H7200], I have set[H5414] thee over all the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714].

42. And Pharaoh[H6547] took off[H5493] his signet ring[H2885] from his hand[H3027], and put[H5414] it upon Joseph[H3130]'s hand[H3027], and arrayed[H3847] him in vestures[H899] of fine linen[H8336], and put[H7760] a gold[H2091] chain[H7242] about his neck[H6677];

43. and he made him to ride[H7392] in the second[H4932] chariot[H4818] which he had[H7121]: and they cried before him[H6440], Bow the knee[H86]: and he set[H5414] him over all the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714].

44. And Pharaoh[H6547] said[H559] unto Joseph[H3130], I am Pharaoh[H6547], and without[H1107] thee shall no man[H376] lift up[H7311] his hand[H3027] or his foot[H7272] in all the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714].

45. And Pharaoh[H6547] called[H7121] Joseph[H3130]'s name[H8034] Zaphenath-paneah[H6847]; and he gave[H5414] him to wife[H802] Asenath[H621], the daughter[H1323] of Poti-phera[H6319] priest[H3548] of On[H204]. And Joseph[H3130] went out[H3318] over the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714].

46. And Joseph[H3130] was thirty[H7970] years[H8141] old[H1121] when he stood[H5975] before[H6440] Pharaoh[H6547] king[H4428] of Egypt[H4714]. And Joseph[H3130] went out[H3318] from the presence[H6440] of Pharaoh[H6547], and went throughout[H5674] all the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714].

47. And in the seven[H7651] plenteous[H7647] years[H8141] the earth[H776] brought forth[H6213] by handfuls[H7062].

48. And he gathered up[H6908] all the food[H400] of the seven[H7651] years[H8141] which were in the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714], and laid up[H5414] the food[H400] in the cities[H5892]: the food[H400] of the field[H7704], which was round about[H5439] every city[H5892], laid he up[H5414] in the same[H8432].

49. And Joseph[H3130] laid[H6651] up grain[H1250] as the sand[H2344] of the sea[H3220], very[H3966] much[H7235], until he left[H2308] off numbering[H5608]; for it was without[H369] number[H4557].

50. And unto Joseph[H3130] were born[H3205] two[H8147] sons[H1121] before the year[H8141] of famine[H7458] came[H935], whom Asenath[H621], the daughter[H1323] of Poti-phera[H6319] priest[H3548] of On[H204], bare unto him[H3205].

51. And Joseph[H3130] called[H7121] the name[H8034] of the first-born[H1060] Manasseh[H4519]: For[H430], said he, God hath made me forget[H5382] all my toil[H5999], and all my father[H1]'s house[H1004].

52. And the name[H8034] of the second[H8145] called[H7121] he Ephraim[H669]: For God[H430] hath made me fruitful[H6509] in the land[H776] of my affliction[H6040].

53. And the seven[H7651] years[H8141] of plenty[H7647], that was in the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714], came to an end[H3615].

54. And the seven[H7651] years[H8141] of famine[H7458] began[H2490] to come[H935], according as Joseph[H3130] had said[H559]: and there was famine[H7458] in all lands[H776]; but in all the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714] there was bread[H3899].

55. And when all the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714] was famished[H7456], the people[H5971] cried[H6817] to Pharaoh[H6547] for bread[H3899]: and Pharaoh[H6547] said[H559] unto all the Egyptians[H4714], Go[H3212] unto Joseph[H3130]; what he saith[H559] to you[H6213], do.

56. And the famine[H7458] was over all the face[H6440] of the earth[H776]: and Joseph[H3130] opened[H6605] all the store-houses[H7666], and sold unto the Egyptians[H4714]; and the famine[H7458] was sore[H2388] in the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714].

57. And all countries[H776] came[H935] into Egypt[H4714] to Joseph[H3130] to buy[H7666] grain[H7458], because the famine was sore[H2388] in all the earth[H776].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50

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