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ASV_Strong : Genesis 10


1. Now these are the generations[H8435] of the sons[H1121] of Noah[H5146], namely[H8035], of Shem, Ham[H2526], and Japheth[H3315]: and unto them were sons[H1121] born[H3205] after[H310] the flood[H3999].

2. The sons[H1121] of Japheth[H3315]: Gomer[H1586], and Magog[H4031], and Madai[H4074], and Javan[H3120], and Tubal[H8422], and Meshech[H4902], and Tiras[H8494].

3. And the sons[H1121] of Gomer[H1586]: Ashkenaz[H813], and Riphath[H7384], and Togarmah[H8425].

4. And the sons[H1121] of Javan[H3120]: Elishah[H473], and Tarshish[H8659], Kittim[H3794], and Dodanim[H1721].

5. Of these were the isles[H339] of the nations[H1471] divided in[H6504] their lands[H776], every one[H376] after his tongue[H3956], after their families[H4940], in their nations[H1471].

6. And the sons[H1121] of Ham[H2526]: Cush[H3568], and Mizraim[H4714], and Put[H6316], and Canaan[H3667].

7. And the sons[H1121] of Cush[H3568]: Seba[H5434], and Havilah[H2341], and Sabtah[H5454], and Raamah[H7484], and Sabteca[H5455]; and the sons[H1121] of Raamah[H7484]: Sheba[H7614], and Dedan[H1719].

8. And Cush[H3568] begat[H3205] Nimrod[H5248]: he began[H2490] to be[H1961] a mighty one[H1368] in the earth[H776].

9. He was a mighty[H1368] hunter[H6718] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068]: wherefore[H3651] it is said[H559], Like Nimrod[H5248] a mighty[H1368] hunter[H6718] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068].

10. And the beginning[H7225] of his kingdom[H4467] was Babel[H894], and Erech[H751], and Accad[H390], and Calneh[H3641], in the land[H776] of Shinar[H8152].

11. Out of that land[H776] he went forth[H3318] into Assyria[H804], and builded[H1129] Nineveh[H5210], and[H5892] Rehoboth-Ir[H7344], and Calah[H3625],

12. and Resen[H7449] between Nineveh[H5210] and Calah[H3625] (the same is the great[H1419] city[H5892]).

13. And Mizraim[H4714] begat[H3205] Ludim[H3866], and Anamim[H6047], and Lehabim[H3853], and Naphtuhim[H5320],

14. and Pathrusim[H6625], and Casluhim[H3695] (whence went forth[H3318] the Philistines[H6430]), and Caphtorim[H3732].

15. And Canaan[H3667] begat[H3205] Sidon[H6721] his first-born[H1060], and Heth[H2845],

16. and the Jebusite[H2983], and the Amorite[H567], and the Girgashite[H1622],

17. and the Hivite[H2340], and the Arkite[H6208], and the Sinite[H5513],

18. and the Arvadite[H721], and the Zemarite[H6786], and the Hamathite[H2577]: and afterward[H310] were the families[H4940] of the Canaanite[H3669] spread abroad[H6327].

19. And the border[H1366] of the Canaanite[H3669] was from Sidon[H6721], as thou goest[H935] toward Gerar[H1642], unto Gaza[H5804]; as thou goest[H935] toward Sodom[H5467] and Gomorrah[H6017] and Admah[H126] and Zeboiim[H6636], unto Lasha[H3962].

20. These are the sons[H1121] of Ham[H2526], after their families[H4940], after their tongues[H3956], in their lands[H776], in their nations[H1471].

21. And unto Shem[H8035], the father[H1] of all the children[H1121] of Eber[H5677], the elder[H1419] brother[H251] of[H1419] Japheth[H3315], to him also were children born[H3205].

22. The sons[H1121] of Shem[H8035]: Elam[H5867], and Asshur[H804], and Arpachshad[H775], and Lud[H3865], and Aram[H758].

23. And the sons[H1121] of Aram[H758]: Uz[H5780], and Hul[H2343], and Gether[H1666], and Mash[H4851].

24. And Arpachshad[H775] begat[H3205] Shelah[H7974]; and Shelah[H7974] begat[H3205] Eber[H5677].

25. And unto Eber[H5677] were born[H3205] two[H8147] sons[H1121]: the name[H8034] of the one[H259] was Peleg[H6389]; for in his days[H3117] was the earth[H776] divided[H6385]; and his brother[H251]'s name[H8034] was Joktan[H3355].

26. And Joktan[H3355] begat[H3205] Almodad[H486], and Sheleph[H8026], and Hazarmaveth[H2700], and Jerah[H3392],

27. and Hadoram[H1913], and Uzal[H187], and Diklah[H1853],

28. and Obal[H5745], and Abimael[H39], and Sheba[H7614],

29. and Ophir[H211], and Havilah[H2341], and Jobab[H3103]: all these were the sons[H1121] of Joktan[H3355].

30. And their dwelling[H4186] was from Mesha[H4852], as thou goest[H935] toward Sephar[H5611], the mountain[H2022] of the east[H6924].

31. These are the sons[H1121] of Shem[H8035], after their families[H4940], after their tongues[H3956], in their lands[H776], after their nations[H1471].

32. These are the families[H4940] of the sons[H1121] of Noah[H5146], after their generations[H8435], in their nations[H1471]: and of these were the nations[H1471] divided[H6504] in the earth[H776] after[H310] the flood[H3999].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50

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