Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code H5133 : nowtsah no-tsaw'


H5133 nowtsah no-tsaw' or notsah {no-tsaw'}; feminine active participle of 5327 in the sense of flying; a pinion (or wing feather); often (collectively) plumage:--feather(-s), ostrich.see H5327

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H5133

M / Leviticus 1.16 : and he shall take away its crop with the filth[H5133] thereof, and cast it beside the altar on the east part, in the place of the ashes:
M / Job 39.13 : The wings of the ostrich wave proudly; But are they the pinions and plumage of love[H5133]?
M / Ezekiel 17.3 : and say, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: A great eagle with great wings and long pinions, full of feathers[H5133], which had divers colors, came unto Lebanon, and took the top of the cedar:
M / Ezekiel 17.7 : There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers[H5133]: and, behold, this vine did bend its roots toward him, and shot forth its branches toward him, from the beds of its plantation, that he might water it.

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