Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

KJV Strong Code H2013 : hacah haw-saw'


H2013 hacah haw-saw' a primitive root; to hush:--hold peace (tongue), (keep) silence, be silent, still.

KJV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H2013

M / Numbers 13.30 : And Caleb stilled[H2013] the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.
M / Judges 3.19 : But he himself turned again from the quarries that were by Gilgal, and said, I have a secret errand unto thee, O king: who said, Keep silence.[H2013] And all that stood by him went out from him.
M / Nehemiah 8.11 : So the Levites stilled all the people, saying, Hold your peace,[H2013] for the day is holy; neither be ye grieved.
M / Amos 6.10 : And a man's uncle shall take him up, and he that burneth him, to bring out the bones out of the house, and shall say unto him that is by the sides of the house, Is there yet any with thee? and he shall say, No. Then shall he say, Hold thy tongue:[H2013] for we may not make mention of the name of the LORD.
M / Amos 8.3 : And the songs of the temple shall be howlings in that day, saith the Lord GOD: there shall be many dead bodies in every place; they shall cast them forth with silence.[H2013]
M / Habakkuk 2.20 : But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence[H2013] before him.
M / Zephaniah 1.7 : Hold thy peace[H2013] at the presence of the Lord GOD: for the day of the LORD is at hand: for the LORD hath prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests.
M / Zechariah 2.13 : Be silent,[H2013] O all flesh, before the LORD: for he is raised up out of his holy habitation.

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