Special summer children’s camp in Lausanne / Renens : ” the Indians”
Children’s Day Camp: Theme “Indians!”
Practical Information
- Age: 6-12 years old
- Fee: Free, activities supervised by volunteers from the Lausanne AB Church, activities include bible stories, games, drawings, and snacks.
- Dates: August 12-16, 2024, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
- Location: AB Church Lausanne-Renens, 33B Rue du Lac, 1020 Renens, Vaud
Important Note: This camp is in French
Registration Send an email with the following information to sawnicaise@gmail.com:
- Last Name:
- First Name:
- Class:
- Date of Birth:
- Parental or Legal Guardian Consent:
- Allergies:
- Available for the entire camp period? (Please specify if not):