Sermons: Key points from the sermon series 1st John

Sermons: key points from the series 1st John

This is the message we heard from him and which we announce to you: God is light and there is no darkness in him.

If we say we have fellowship with him while walking in darkness, we are lying and not practicing the truth.

God is light, there are no shadows, no unmentionable things in Him. He therefore invites His disciples to imitate Him. May they too be luminous, true, without double bottoms or hidden intentions like the false teachers who try to deceive the churches. One can discern their true intentions because their distorted biblical teachings produce conflict and division. Conversely, the Christian reflects his love for all in the image of Jesus, Son of God, crucified. Finally, the strength and simplicity of the Gospel truly believed and lived has a luminous effect and preserves from all ill-intentioned biblical distortions.

The key points below were extracted from a sermon series given at the AB Renens Church , topic: 1st John

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1st John