Sermons: Key points from the sermon series The Bible Red Thread

Sermons: key points from the series The Bible Red Thread

The following set of studies is translated from the French online magazine TaJeunesse (literllay “Your Youth”), a popular Christian French publication available online or in paper form. This set of studies takes the reader through the Bible by highlighting how the various stories starting from Genesis 1 up to and including Revelation 22 are all deeply linked by a “Red Thread”, highlighted by the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ during the New Testament Gospels, but starting at the creation in Genesis 1 and ending with the triumphal return of Jesus in the book of Revelation. As such this study is an excellent summary of the most important texts in the Bible’s 66 chapters. The following study is translated from the original series in French “Le Fil rouge de La Bible” available on our website.

The key points below were extracted from a sermon series given at the AB Renens Church , topic: The Bible Red Thread

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The Bible Red Thread