Sermons: Key points from the book of Revelation

Sermons: key points from the book of Revelation

An Essential Reading

However, these revelations are encouragements given by God to the first recipients who know or will experience persecution. This book is not only for them but also for us:

“Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of prophecy and keep what is written therein, for the time is near!” Revelation chapter 1, verse 3.

Contrary to popular belief, the central point of the book is not in the register of predictions (although there are many that demonstrate the inevitable victory of Christ), but in what Christ has already accomplished. Deliverance is not yet to come, it has already taken place:

“To him who loves us, who has washed us from our sins with his blood and made us a kingdom, priests for God his Father, to him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever! Amen! » Revelation chapter 1, verse 5b-6

Respect the particular literary style of the Apocalypse!

It is by respecting the unique literary style of Apocalypse and by seeking to understand the meaning for the first listeners (yes, this letter was read in the assemblies: Revelation 1. 3) that Pierre Constant leads this series of studies scriptures followed by the book of Revelation so that we can all be strengthened as the first recipients.

The key points below were extracted from the revelation biblie studies at the AB Renens Church given by Pierre Constant: