Sermons: key points from the series Hebrews

The epistle to the Hebrews is a powerful encouragement to remain firmly attached to Jesus Christ whatever the life circumstances we go through. To abandon this goal would be folly. Indeed, Jesus is superior to all people, to all beliefs and He is never overtaken by circumstances. He is both glorious and powerful while being human. Has He not demonstrated this by the salvation He has purchased for mankind?
The key points below were extracted from a sermon series given at the AB Renens Church , topic: Hebrews
- 4 key points : No Spiritual Food Supplements
- 4 key points : Faith is Seen – Hebrews 13
- 4 key points : Confrontation with God: Transformed into Relationship – Hebrews 12
- 4 key points : Secrets to Running God’s Marathon
- 4 key points : The Value of Faith Does Not Depend on Whether It Is Answered
- 4 key points : Jephthah: Faith When Everyone Else Doesn’t Want It
- 4 key points : Faith Gives Courage
- 4 key points : Samson: Faith Against All
- 4 key points : Faith Better Than a Royal Life
- 4 key points : Be Predisposed to Living Faith in God
- 4 key points : Enduring Faith in the Face of the Insurmountable
- 4 key points : Proud of Which Passport?
- 4 key points : Faith: Act Now According to the Lord
- 4 key points : Nothing Profitable Apart From Christ
- 4 key points : Christ Overcomes the Religious Impasse
- 4 key points : Hebrews 6: No Objection to What Jesus Has Done for You
- 4 key points : To Be King While Jesus Introduces You to the Greatest
- 4 key points : Faith in Christ: Challenges Reveal the Follower’s True Believer
- 4 key points : Hebrews 2: No Religion Can Save You, Only Jesus Does
- 4 key points : Hebrews 1: Jesus Much Bigger Than Your Imagination