Sermons: Key points from the sermon series Christmas Themes / The Incarnation

Sermons: key points from the series Christmas Themes / The Incarnation

The sermons below deal with the themes of Christmas and the incarnation. In a popular way, we often speak of the birth of the “baby Jesus”. It’s cute, and traditional, and it evokes tenderness. But do we realize that the birth of Jesus, the incarnation, is a masterful and determining act of God? Without this apparent weakness, the work of the cross would not be possible.

The Christmas story, also known as the Nativity story, recounts the birth of Jesus Christ and holds significant religious and cultural importance for Christians worldwide. Mary, a young virgin, is visited by the angel Gabriel who tells her she will conceive a child by the Holy Spirit. Mary’s fiancé, Joseph, initially disturbed, is reassured by an angel in a dream that Mary’s pregnancy is part of God’s plan. Mary and Joseph travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem for a census, as Joseph is of the lineage of King David. Unable to find a place to stay, they seek shelter in a stable where Mary gives birth to baby Jesus.

Nearby shepherds receive a celestial visitation by angels who announce the birth of the Savior and guide them to the stable. The shepherds find the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and worship Him, spreading the news of the miraculous birth. Wise men, known as the Magi, discern a sign in the heavens and travel from the East to worship the newly born King of the Jews. Following a bright star, the Magi arrive in Bethlehem and present gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to Jesus. King Herod, feeling threatened by the news of a newborn King, seeks to find and harm the child but is foiled by divine intervention. Warned in a dream, Joseph flees with Mary and Jesus to Egypt to protect the child from Herod’s wrath. After Herod’s death, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus return to Nazareth, where Jesus grows and develops in wisdom and stature. The Christmas story is the fulfillment of ancient prophecies and marks the dawn of salvation for humanity. It serves as a reminder of God’s love and the humble beginnings from which Christianity would spread worldwide. Through art, music, and literature, the Christmas story has been retold and reimagined throughout history. It carries universal themes of hope, joy, peace, and the power of divine intervention in human affairs.

The key points below were extracted from a sermon series given at the AB Renens Church , topic: Christmas Themes / The Incarnation

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