Sermon Series : Hebrews

The epistle to the Hebrews is a powerful encouragement to remain firmly attached to Jesus Christ whatever the life circumstances we go through. To abandon this goal would be folly. Indeed, Jesus is superior to all people, to all beliefs and He is never overtaken by circumstances. He is both glorious and powerful while being human. Has He not demonstrated this by the salvation He has purchased for mankind?
The sermon series is given by pastor Patrice Berger. sermons are translated from the originl French version. Bible verses link to the Bible in Basic English. The Bible is available online in audio/podcast form in several versions including the Bible in Basic English (1 year reading plan):
Hebrews 13: No Spiritual Food Supplements
Hebrews 13: No Spiritual Food Supplements No Spiritual Food Supplements The End Our journey through the Epistle to the Hebrews ends today because we will read the last verses of the last chapter, the 13th. Nothing Comes Up to ChristI hope this epistle has helped us anchor in our thoughts that nothing comes up to […]
Faith is Seen (Hebrews 13)
Faith is Seen (Hebrews 13) Faith is Seen (Hebrews 13) This man is not a Christian A missionary friend told me a story that happened to him while he was on his way to a missionary convention. Delegates from several countries met and therefore travelled by plane. When the flight arrived, of course, the organizing […]
Confrontation with God Transformed into Relationship (Hebrews 12)
Confrontation with God Transformed into Relationship (Hebrews 12) Confrontation with God Transformed into Relationship (Hebrews 12) Atmosphere The church that first received this epistle is facing persecution and difficulties. In this situation, people are torn between different attitudes. Non-believers in the Church Those who were on the verge of giving themselves to Christ ask themselves […]
Secrets to Running God’s Marathon (Hebrews 12)
Secrets to Running God’s Marathon (Hebrews 12) Secrets to Running God’s Marathon (Hebrews 12) The Extraordinary in Ordinary People We have had the privilege of dwelling at length on inspiring examples of faith—examples from ordinary people, like you and me, who, with God and by trusting in Him, have experienced extraordinary things. We found these […]
The value of faith does not depend on whether prayer is answered (Hebrews 11)
The value of faith does not depend on whether prayeris answered (Hebrews 11) The value of faith does not depend on whether prayeris answered (Hebrews 11) The break is over. We paused for a while at certain verses in Hebrews 11 to focus on various Old Testament figures who serve as examples of faith: Chapter […]
Jephthah, Faith When Everyone Else Doesn’t Want It (Hebrews 11)
Jephthah, Faith When Everyone Else Doesn’t Want It (Hebrews 11) Jephthah, Faith When Everyone Else Doesn’t Want It (Hebrews 11) For what? Now we are continuing our reading and reflections on the book of Hebrews. Chapter 11 invites us to imitate the faith of ordinary people who have had a remarkable attitude of faith in […]
Barak, faith gives courage (Hebrews 11)
Barak, faith gives courage (Hebrews 11) Barak, faith gives courage (Hebrews 11) Lecture Judges Chapter 4 Why did we read this chapter 4 of the book of Judges? Now we are continuing our reading and reflections on the book of Hebrews. And chapter 11 invites us to imitate the faith of ordinary people who have […]
Samson, Faith against all (Hebrews 11)
Samson, Faith against all (Hebrews 11) Samson, Faith against all (Hebrews 11) Why did we read this chapter 4 of the book of Judges? Now we are continuing our reading and reflections on the Epistle to the Hebrews. Chapter 11 invites us to imitate the faith of ordinary people who had a remarkable attitude of […]
Hebrews 11 :20-29 -Faith better than a royal life
Faith leads us to live now and concretely for the certain things promised by God that we do not yet see. And that we won't necessarily see in our lifetime. This is seen by putting God first in our daily lives. Joseph and Moses had this habit. We still talk about them now. On the other hand, we have no echo of those who prioritized the usual things of life... And you, is God's objective for your life a truly visible priority in your life? Your faith pushes you to do what, concretely?
Hebrews 11:31 -Be predisposed to living faith in God?
“You have faith”. How many times have I heard this phrase to cut short all thoughts about God. As if there were some who were predisposed and some who were excused. Today's text proves us otherwise. Our “heroine” was a foreigner, a prostitute, a traitor, a liar, a dissembler, knowing no commandment of the Lord, but the little she was able to grasp pushed her to believe and act to the point that she entered in the history of humanity...
Hebrews 11:30 – Enduring faith in the face of the insurmountable
Faith is not abstract. Religious Many examples to which the author of the epistle to the Hebrews refers show that those who preceded us trusted God for very concrete things and they were not disappointed. They trusted by relying on God's advice and with constant faith, even if they did not see all the expected results...
Hebrews 11 :8-19 -Proud of which passport?
This question (that of the passport) is a good indicator of our life of faith. Indeed, active, obedient faith, confident in the fidelity of God, leads us out of our comfort zone, our security, our planning and deep attachments to discover the essential. Abraham is the quintessential example of this aspect of faith. Is it inspiring for our lives?
Hebrews 11:1-7 -Faith: act now according to the Lord
All humans live with a lot of faith. It is impossible to live without trust, without faith. The central question is not so much faith, but in whom or what we place it… What does this faith impel us to do? The great visionaries, entrepreneurs of humanity believed in their ideas, their projects and sometimes without seeing the outcome during their lifetime. And we, our faith, do we place it in whom? What is she pushing us to do now?
Hebrews #7: Nothing profitable apart from Christ
Several profiles of people in the readers of the epistle to the Hebrews. Followers of Christ encouraged to a life of persevering faith. Other people have heard, experienced congregational life, and yet they have not grasped salvation through Christ. From what we understand, some are tempted by a return to Judaism (and some have already done so) and this sows trouble among those who learn the gospel, and even believers. To all these people it is emphasized that there is nothing better or profitable to hope for apart from Jesus. The best is ahead by relying totally on Christ and having the salvation He has in store for us.
Hebrews #6: Christ overcomes the religious impasse
Hebrews #6: Christ overcomes the religious impasse Hebrews #6 : Christ overcomes the religious impasse Christ overcomes the religious impasse The challenge during the holidays Do you remember our summer challenge? That of reading a book of the Bible. Obviously, my wife and I took on the challenge. And I admit that we particularly like the […]
Hebrews #5: No objection to what Jesus has done for you
Hebrews #5: No objection to what Jesus has done for you Hebrews #5 : No objection to what Jesus has done for you Man and God? Our faith in Christ made us admit, rightly, that He was unique. For example, maleAnd Godat the same time. There are other questions… Priest and king? How come he […]
Hebrews #4: To be king? While Jesus introduces you to the greatest!
Jesus has no equivalent in the link he makes between God and humanity. In the past, this role was entrusted to priests who were also subject to human weakness. Jesus transcends all human pitfalls and ensures an incomparable bond with God. At the Throne of Grace. It is thus a new reason to attach us even more intensely to what He acquired for us and to pay no attention to all that is without interest.
Hebrews #3: Faith in Christ challenges reveal the follower’s true believer
The journey of the Hebrews for 40 years in the desert revealed those who were really attached to God and those who did not adhere (yet they heard everything and lived like the others). It is the same for the recipients of the epistle to the Hebrews: the circumstances they go through reveal those who are attached to Christ and those who follow the movement and ask themselves the question if Judaism was not better... And we , do the challenges on faith in Christ reveal if we are true believers or if we have followed the movement, the atmosphere, the friends, the family, the tradition?
Hebrews #2: No religion can save you… only Jesus does!
As far as my imagination goes thinking of Jesus, He is far above, He has no equal but God, no heavenly and human created being can compete... Why all this? Important reminder: community with the temptation to say that Judaism was still better...
Hebrews #1: Jesus much bigger than your imagination.
Hebrews #1: Jesus much bigger than your imagination. Hebrews #1 : Jesus much bigger than your imagination.How to describe Jesus? Matthew 16:13 : “Who do you say I am? » Matthew 17: The Transfiguration. How to describe Jesus? Difficult Obviously, it is difficult; however, in my own words, I will paraphrase a Bible co-author: Jesus […]
See Also:
Sermons: key points from the series Hebrews; Key Bible verses on Perseverance ; 5 secrets to running THE marathon