KJV Bible in Images : Illustrated Scripture

KJV - beautiful Bible Images => Psalms 148:1

KJV Image Bible : Scripture in Images Psalms 148:1

1. Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights.

Read the verse in its context KJV Psalms 148:1

KJV Psalms 148:1 overlaying nature image scene: Tropical fish dart through coral reefs in crystal-clear waters.;1. Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights.

Links to sermons and other Bible studies from AB Lausanne-Renens Church on Psalms 148

KJV summary for : Psalms 148

Summary: Psalm 148 is a lively and exuberant hymn of praise that calls upon all creation to glorify the Lord. The psalm begins with a summons for the heavens to praise God, commanding the angels and celestial bodies to join in worship. The themes of universal praise and the interconnectedness of creation are central, as the psalmist emphasizes that everything from the highest heavens to the earth and its creatures is called to honor the Creator. The psalm reflects on God's sovereignty and creative power, highlighting His authority over all creation, including the natural elements such as mountains, seas, and weather phenomena. The psalmist underscores that both great and small beings, from celestial bodies to beasts of the earth, have a role in praising the Lord. The final verses emphasize God’s unique relationship with His people, Israel, showcasing His faithfulness and special choice of them as a vessel to declare His praise. Overall, Psalm 148 encapsulates a profound message of unity in worship, celebrating the majesty of God as reflected in the beauty and order of creation, while inviting all elements of the universe to participate in glorifying Him.

Read the Bible Verse Psalms 148:1 in other verses of the Bible. See => multilingual verses Psalms 148:1

Podcast : Listen to the Psalms and Proverbs Podcast on Spotify

KJV Images for the first verses in Psalms chapter 148

KJV 19 148:1
KJV 19 148:2
KJV 19 148:3

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