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KJV_Strong : 1 Peter 5


1. The elders[G4245] which[G3588] are among[G1722] you[G5213] I exhort,[G3870] who am also an elder,[G4850] and[G2532] a witness[G3144] of the[G3588] sufferings[G3804] of Christ,[G5547] and[G2532] also a partaker[G2844] of the glory[G1391] that shall[G3195] be revealed: [G601]

2. Feed[G4165] the[G3588] flock[G4168] of God[G2316] which is among[G1722] you,[G5213] taking the oversight[G1983] thereof, not[G3361] by constraint,[G317] but[G235] willingly;[G1596] not[G3366] for filthy lucre,[G147] but[G235] of a ready mind;[G4290]

3. Neither[G3366] as[G5613] being lords over[G2634] God's heritage,[G2819] but[G235] being[G1096] examples[G5179] to the[G3588] flock.[G4168]

4. And[G2532] when the[G3588] chief Shepherd[G750] shall appear,[G5319] ye shall receive[G2865] a crown[G4735] of glory[G1391] that fadeth not away.[G262]

5. Likewise,[G3668] ye younger,[G3501] submit yourselves[G5293] unto the elder.[G4245] Yea,[G1161] all[G3956] of you be subject[G5293] one to another,[G240] and[G2532] be clothed with[G1463] humility:[G5012] for[G3754] God[G2316] resisteth[G498] the proud,[G5244] and[G1161] giveth[G1325] grace[G5485] to the humble.[G5011]

6. Humble yourselves[G5013] therefore[G3767] under[G5259] the[G3588] mighty[G2900] hand[G5495] of God,[G2316] that[G2443] he may exalt[G5312] you[G5209] in[G1722] due time: [G2540]

7. Casting[G1977] all[G3956] your[G5216] care[G3308] upon[G1909] him;[G846] for[G3754] he[G846] careth[G3199] for[G4012] you.[G5216]

8. Be sober,[G3525] be vigilant;[G1127] because[G3754] your[G5216] adversary[G476] the devil,[G1228] as[G5613] a roaring[G5612] lion,[G3023] walketh about,[G4043] seeking[G2212] whom[G5101] he may devour: [G2666]

9. Whom[G3739] resist[G436] steadfast[G4731] in the[G3588] faith,[G4102] knowing[G1492] that the[G3588] same[G846] afflictions[G3804] are accomplished[G2005] in your[G5216] brethren[G81] that are in[G1722] the world.[G2889]

10. But[G1161] the[G3588] God[G2316] of all[G3956] grace,[G5485] who hath called[G2564] us[G2248] unto[G1519] his[G848] eternal[G166] glory[G1391] by[G1722] Christ[G5547] Jesus,[G2424] after that ye have suffered[G3958] a while,[G3641] make you perfect,[G2675] [G5209] establish,[G4741] strengthen,[G4599] settle[G2311] you.

11. To him[G846] be glory[G1391] and[G2532] dominion[G2904] forever and ever.[G1519] [G165] [G165] Amen.[G281]

12. By[G1223] Silvanus,[G4610] a faithful[G4103] brother[G80] unto you,[G5213] as[G5613] I suppose,[G3049] I have written[G1125] briefly,[G1223] [G3641] exhorting,[G3870] and[G2532] testifying[G1957] that this[G5026] is[G1511] the true[G227] grace[G5485] of God[G2316] wherein[G1519] [G3739] ye stand.[G2476]

13. The[G3588] church that is at[G1722] Babylon,[G897] elected together with[G4899] you, saluteth[G782] you;[G5209] and[G2532] so doth Mark[G3138] my[G3450] son.[G5207]

14. Greet[G782] ye one another[G240] with[G1722] a kiss[G5370] of charity.[G26] Peace[G1515] be with you[G5213] all[G3956] that[G3588] are in[G1722] Christ[G5547] Jesus.[G2424] Amen.[G281]

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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