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KJV_Strong : Deuteronomy 18


1. The priests[H3548] the Levites,[H3881] and all[H3605] the tribe[H7626] of Levi,[H3878] shall have[H1961] no[H3808] part[H2506] nor inheritance[H5159] with[H5973] Israel:[H3478] they shall eat[H398] the offerings of the LORD made by fire,[H801] [H3068] and his inheritance.[H5159]

2. Therefore shall they have[H1961] no[H3808] inheritance[H5159] among[H7130] their brethren:[H251] the LORD[H3068] is their inheritance,[H5159] as[H834] he hath said[H1696] unto them.

3. And this[H2088] shall be[H1961] the priest's[H3548] due[H4941] from[H4480] [H854] the people,[H5971] from[H4480] [H854] them that offer[H2076] a sacrifice,[H2077] whether[H518] it be ox[H7794] or[H518] sheep;[H7716] and they shall give[H5414] unto the priest[H3548] the shoulder,[H2220] and the two cheeks,[H3895] and the maw.[H6896]

4. The firstfruit[H7225] also of thy corn,[H1715] of thy wine,[H8492] and of thine oil,[H3323] and the first[H7225] of the fleece[H1488] of thy sheep,[H6629] shalt thou give[H5414] him.

5. For[H3588] the LORD[H3068] thy God[H430] hath chosen[H977] him out of all[H4480] [H3605] thy tribes,[H7626] to stand[H5975] to minister[H8334] in the name[H8034] of the LORD,[H3068] him[H1931] and his sons[H1121] forever.[H3605] [H3117]

6. And if[H3588] a Levite[H3881] come[H935] from any[H4480] [H259] of thy gates[H8179] out of all[H4480] [H3605] Israel,[H3478] where[H834] [H8033] he[H1931] sojourned,[H1481] and come[H935] with all[H3605] the desire[H185] of his mind[H5315] unto[H413] the place[H4725] which[H834] the LORD[H3068] shall choose;[H977]

7. Then he shall minister[H8334] in the name[H8034] of the LORD[H3068] his God,[H430] as all[H3605] his brethren[H251] the Levites[H3881] do, which stand[H5975] there[H8033] before[H6440] the LORD.[H3068]

8. They shall have like portions[H2506] [H2506] to eat,[H398] beside[H905] that which cometh of the sale[H4480] [H4465] of[H5921] his patrimony.[H1]

9. When[H3588] thou[H859] art come[H935] into[H413] the land[H776] which[H834] the LORD[H3068] thy God[H430] giveth[H5414] thee, thou shalt not[H3808] learn[H3925] to do[H6213] after the abominations[H8441] of those[H1992] nations.[H1471]

10. There shall not[H3808] be found[H4672] among you any one that maketh his son[H1121] or his daughter[H1323] to pass through[H5674] the fire,[H784] or that useth[H7080] divination,[H7081] or an observer of times,[H6049] or an enchanter,[H5172] or a witch,[H3784]

11. Or a charmer,[H2266] [H2267] or a consulter[H7592] with familiar spirits,[H178] or a wizard,[H3049] or a necromancer.[H1875] [H413] [H4191]

12. For[H3588] all[H3605] that do[H6213] these things[H428] are an abomination[H8441] unto the LORD:[H3068] and because[H1558] of these[H428] abominations[H8441] the LORD[H3068] thy God[H430] doth drive them out[H3423] [H853] from before[H4480] [H6440] thee.

13. Thou shalt be[H1961] perfect[H8549] with[H5973] the LORD[H3068] thy God.[H430]

14. For[H3588] these[H428] nations,[H1471] which[H834] thou[H859] shalt possess,[H3423] [H853] hearkened[H8085] unto[H413] observers of times,[H6049] and unto[H413] diviners:[H7080] but as for thee,[H859] the LORD[H3068] thy God[H430] hath not[H3808] suffered[H5414] thee so[H3651] to do.

15. The LORD[H3068] thy God[H430] will raise up[H6965] unto thee a Prophet[H5030] from the midst[H4480] [H7130] of thee, of thy brethren,[H4480] [H251] like unto me;[H3644] unto[H413] him ye shall hearken;[H8085]

16. According to all[H3605] that[H834] thou desiredst[H7592] of[H4480] [H5973] the LORD[H3068] thy God[H430] in Horeb[H2722] in the day[H3117] of the assembly,[H6951] saying,[H559] Let me not[H3808] hear[H8085] again[H3254] [H853] the voice[H6963] of the LORD[H3068] my God,[H430] neither[H3808] let me see[H7200] this[H2063] great[H1419] fire[H784] any more,[H5750] that I die[H4191] not.[H3808]

17. And the LORD[H3068] said[H559] unto[H413] me, They have well[H3190] spoken that which[H834] they have spoken.[H1696]

18. I will raise them up[H6965] a Prophet[H5030] from among[H4480] [H7130] their brethren,[H251] like unto thee,[H3644] and will put[H5414] my words[H1697] in his mouth;[H6310] and he shall speak[H1696] unto[H413] them[H853] all[H3605] that[H834] I shall command[H6680] him.

19. And it shall come to pass,[H1961] that whosoever[H376] [H834] will not[H3808] hearken[H8085] unto[H413] my words[H1697] which[H834] he shall speak[H1696] in my name,[H8034] I[H595] will require[H1875] it of[H4480] [H5973] him.

20. But[H389] the prophet,[H5030] which[H834] shall presume[H2102] to speak[H1696] a word[H1697] in my name,[H8034] [H853] which[H834] I have not[H3808] commanded[H6680] him to speak,[H1696] or that[H834] shall speak[H1696] in the name[H8034] of other[H312] gods,[H430] even that[H1931] prophet[H5030] shall die.[H4191]

21. And if[H3588] thou say[H559] in thine heart,[H3824] How[H349] shall we know[H3045] [H853] the word[H1697] which[H834] the LORD[H3068] hath not[H3808] spoken?[H1696]

22. When[H834] a prophet[H5030] speaketh[H1696] in the name[H8034] of the LORD,[H3068] if the thing[H1697] follow[H1961] not,[H3808] nor[H3808] come to pass,[H935] that[H1931] is the thing[H1697] which[H834] the LORD[H3068] hath not[H3808] spoken,[H1696] but the prophet[H5030] hath spoken[H1696] it presumptuously:[H2087] thou shalt not[H3808] be afraid[H1481] of[H4480] him.

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

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