King James Version (KJV) With Strong Codes

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KJV_Strong : Hosea 3


1. Then said[H559] the LORD[H3068] unto[H413] me, Go[H1980] yet,[H5750] love[H157] a woman[H802] beloved[H157] of her friend,[H7453] yet an adulteress,[H5003] according to the love[H160] of the LORD[H3068] toward[H853] the children[H1121] of Israel,[H3478] who[H1992] look[H6437] to[H413] other[H312] gods,[H430] and love[H157] flagons[H809] of wine.[H6025]

2. So I bought[H3739] her to me for fifteen[H2568] [H6240] pieces of silver,[H3701] and for a homer[H2563] of barley,[H8184] and a half homer[H3963] of barley: [H8184]

3. And I said[H559] unto[H413] her, Thou shalt abide[H3427] for me many[H7227] days;[H3117] thou shalt not[H3808] play the harlot,[H2181] and thou shalt not[H3808] be[H1961] for another man:[H376] so will I[H589] also[H1571] be for[H413] thee.

4. For[H3588] the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] shall abide[H3427] many[H7227] days[H3117] without[H369] a king,[H4428] and without[H369] a prince,[H8269] and without[H369] a sacrifice,[H2077] and without[H369] an image,[H4676] and without[H369] an ephod,[H646] and without teraphim: [H8655]

5. Afterward[H310] shall the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] return,[H7725] and seek[H1245] [H853] the LORD[H3068] their God,[H430] and David[H1732] their king;[H4428] and shall fear[H6342] [H413] the LORD[H3068] and his goodness[H2898] in the latter[H319] days.[H3117]

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

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