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KJV_Strong : Ecclesiastes 12


1. Remember[H2142] now[H853] thy Creator[H1254] in the days[H3117] of thy youth,[H979] while[H5704] [H834] the evil[H7451] days[H3117] come[H935] not,[H3808] nor the years[H8141] draw nigh,[H5060] when[H834] thou shalt say,[H559] I have no[H369] pleasure[H2656] in them;

2. While[H5704] [H834] the sun,[H8121] or the light,[H216] or the moon,[H3394] or the stars,[H3556] be not[H3808] darkened,[H2821] nor the clouds[H5645] return[H7725] after[H310] the rain: [H1653]

3. In the day[H3117] when the keepers[H8104] of the house[H1004] shall tremble,[H7945] [H2111] and the strong[H2428] men[H376] shall bow themselves,[H5791] and the grinders[H2912] cease[H988] because[H3588] they are few,[H4591] and those that look[H7200] out of the windows[H699] be darkened,[H2821]

4. And the doors[H1817] shall be shut[H5462] in the streets,[H7784] when the sound[H6963] of the grinding[H2913] is low,[H8213] and he shall rise up[H6965] at the voice[H6963] of the bird,[H6833] and all[H3605] the daughters[H1323] of music[H7892] shall be brought low;[H7817]

5. Also[H1571] when they shall be afraid[H3372] of that which is high,[H4480] [H1364] and fears[H2849] shall be in the way,[H1870] and the almond tree[H8247] shall flourish,[H5006] and the grasshopper[H2284] shall be a burden,[H5445] and desire[H35] shall fail:[H6565] because[H3588] man[H120] goeth[H1980] to[H413] his long[H5769] home,[H1004] and the mourners[H5594] go about[H5437] the streets: [H7784]

6. Or[H5704] ever[H834] [H3808] the silver[H3701] cord[H2256] be loosed,[H7368] or the golden[H2091] bowl[H1543] be broken,[H7533] or the pitcher[H3537] be broken[H7665] at[H5921] the fountain,[H4002] or the wheel[H1534] broken[H7533] at[H413] the cistern.[H953]

7. Then shall the dust[H6083] return[H7725] to[H5921] the earth[H776] as it was:[H7945] [H1961] and the spirit[H7307] shall return[H7725] unto[H413] God[H430] who[H834] gave[H5414] it.

8. Vanity[H1892] of vanities,[H1892] saith[H559] the preacher;[H6953] all[H3605] is vanity.[H1892]

9. And moreover,[H3148] because the preacher[H6953] was[H7945] [H1961] wise,[H2450] he still[H5750] taught[H3925] [H853] the people[H5971] knowledge;[H1847] yea, he gave good heed,[H238] and sought out,[H2713] and set in order[H8626] many[H7235] proverbs.[H4912]

10. The preacher[H6953] sought[H1245] to find out[H4672] acceptable[H2656] words:[H1697] and that which was written[H3789] was upright,[H3476] even words[H1697] of truth.[H571]

11. The words[H1697] of the wise[H2450] are as goads,[H1861] and as nails[H4930] fastened[H5193] by the masters[H1167] of assemblies,[H627] which are given[H5414] from one shepherd.[H4480] [H7462] [H259]

12. And further,[H3148] by these,[H4480] [H1992] my son,[H1121] be admonished:[H2094] of making[H6213] many[H7235] books[H5612] there is no[H369] end;[H7093] and much[H7235] study[H3854] is a weariness[H3024] of the flesh.[H1320]

13. Let us hear[H8085] the conclusion[H5490] of the whole[H3605] matter:[H1697] Fear[H3372] [H853] God,[H430] and keep[H8104] his commandments:[H4687] for[H3588] this[H2088] is the whole[H3605] duty of man.[H120]

14. For[H3588] God[H430] shall bring[H935] [H853] every[H3605] work[H4639] into judgment,[H4941] with[H5921] every[H3605] secret thing,[H5956] whether[H518] it be good,[H2896] or whether[H518] it be evil.[H7451]

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

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