King James Version (KJV) With Strong Codes

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KJV_Strong : Exodus 17


1. And all[H3605] the congregation[H5712] of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] journeyed[H5265] from the wilderness[H4480] [H4057] of Sin,[H5512] after their journeys,[H4550] according to[H5921] the commandment[H6310] of the LORD,[H3068] and pitched[H2583] in Rephidim:[H7508] and there was no[H369] water[H4325] for the people[H5971] to drink.[H8354]

2. Wherefore the people[H5971] did chide[H7378] with[H5973] Moses,[H4872] and said,[H559] Give[H5414] us water[H4325] that we may drink.[H8354] And Moses[H4872] said[H559] unto them, Why[H4100] chide[H7378] ye with[H5978] me? wherefore[H4100] do ye tempt[H5254] [H853] the LORD?[H3068]

3. And the people[H5971] thirsted[H6770] there[H8033] for water;[H4325] and the people[H5971] murmured[H3885] against[H5921] Moses,[H4872] and said,[H559] Wherefore[H4100] is this[H2088] that thou hast brought us up[H5927] out of Egypt,[H4480] [H4714] to kill[H4191] us and our children[H1121] and our cattle[H4735] with thirst?[H6772]

4. And Moses[H4872] cried[H6817] unto[H413] the LORD,[H3068] saying,[H559] What[H4100] shall I do[H6213] unto this[H2088] people?[H5971] they be almost[H4592] ready[H5750] to stone[H5619] me.

5. And the LORD[H3068] said[H559] unto[H413] Moses,[H4872] Go on[H5674] before[H6440] the people,[H5971] and take[H3947] with[H854] thee of the elders[H4480] [H2205] of Israel;[H3478] and thy rod,[H4294] wherewith[H834] thou smotest[H5221] [H853] the river,[H2975] take[H3947] in thine hand,[H3027] and go.[H1980]

6. Behold,[H2009] I will stand[H5975] before[H6440] thee there[H8033] upon[H5921] the rock[H6697] in Horeb;[H2722] and thou shalt smite[H5221] the rock,[H6697] and there shall come[H3318] water[H4325] out of[H4480] it, that the people[H5971] may drink.[H8354] And Moses[H4872] did[H6213] so[H3651] in the sight[H5869] of the elders[H2205] of Israel.[H3478]

7. And he called[H7121] the name[H8034] of the place[H4725] Massah,[H4532] and Meribah,[H4809] because of[H5921] the chiding[H7379] of the children[H1121] of Israel,[H3478] and because[H5921] they tempted[H5254] [H853] the LORD,[H3068] saying,[H559] Is[H3426] the LORD[H3068] among[H7130] us, or[H518] not?[H369]

8. Then came[H935] Amalek,[H6002] and fought[H3898] with[H5973] Israel[H3478] in Rephidim.[H7508]

9. And Moses[H4872] said[H559] unto[H413] Joshua,[H3091] Choose us out[H977] men,[H376] and go out,[H3318] fight[H3898] with Amalek:[H6002] tomorrow[H4279] I[H595] will stand[H5324] on[H5921] the top[H7218] of the hill[H1389] with the rod[H4294] of God[H430] in mine hand.[H3027]

10. So Joshua[H3091] did[H6213] as[H834] Moses[H4872] had said[H559] to him, and fought[H3898] with Amalek:[H6002] and Moses,[H4872] Aaron,[H175] and Hur[H2354] went up[H5927] to the top[H7218] of the hill.[H1389]

11. And it came to pass,[H1961] when[H834] Moses[H4872] held up[H7311] his hand,[H3027] that Israel[H3478] prevailed:[H1396] and when[H834] he let down[H5117] his hand,[H3027] Amalek[H6002] prevailed.[H1396]

12. But Moses'[H4872] hands[H3027] were heavy;[H3515] and they took[H3947] a stone,[H68] and put[H7760] it under[H8478] him, and he sat[H3427] thereon;[H5921] and Aaron[H175] and Hur[H2354] stayed up[H8551] his hands,[H3027] the one[H259] on the one side,[H4480] [H2088] and the other[H259] on the other side;[H4480] [H2088] and his hands[H3027] were[H1961] steady[H530] until[H5704] the going down[H935] of the sun.[H8121]

13. And Joshua[H3091] discomfited[H2522] [H853] Amalek[H6002] and his people[H5971] with the edge[H6310] of the sword.[H2719]

14. And the LORD[H3068] said[H559] unto[H413] Moses,[H4872] Write[H3789] this[H2063] for a memorial[H2146] in a book,[H5612] and rehearse[H7760] it in the ears[H241] of Joshua:[H3091] for[H3588] I will utterly put out[H4229] [H4229] [H853] the remembrance[H2143] of Amalek[H6002] from under[H4480] [H8478] heaven.[H8064]

15. And Moses[H4872] built[H1129] an altar,[H4196] and called[H7121] the name[H8034] of it Jehovah-nissi: [H3071]

16. For he said,[H559] Because[H3588] the LORD[H3050] hath sworn[H3027] [H5921] [H3676] that the LORD[H3068] will have war[H4421] with Amalek[H6002] from generation[H4480] [H1755] to generation.[H1755]

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

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